# Vindi Hermes ActiveRecord-like way to interact with Vindi API ## Vindi [Vindi](https://vindi.com.br) is a brazilian fintech, that was recently acquired by [Locaweb](https://blog.vindi.com.br/agora-a-vindi-faz-parte-do-grupo-locaweb), that helps other companies to work with **recurring payments**. ### API docs * [Swagger sandbox](https://vindi.github.io/api-docs/dist/?url=https://sandbox-app.vindi.com.br/api/v1/docs#/) * [Swagger prod](https://vindi.github.io/api-docs/dist) * [Vindi - Official Gem](https://github.com/vindi/vindi-ruby) > You may ask: Why create another gem if there is already one that's official? > *And I'll tell you, **little grasshopper**: Because MIT licenses are better than GPLv3.* ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem "vindi-hermes" ``` And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install vindi-hermes ## Usage ### Config ```ruby # config/initializers/vindi.rb Vindi.config do |c| c.sandbox = true # default is false c.api_key = "YOUR API KEY" c.webhook_name = "BASIC AUTH NAME" c.webhook_password = "BASIC AUTH PASSWORD" end ``` ### Examples #### Saruman creates a subscription business to rent his Palantir ```ruby # Let's say that Gandalf wants to borrow Saruman's Palantir # promising he'll give it back before the end of the 3rd era. # # But Saruman is wise and he thinks he could make a good money # charging a rent for the use of the magic ball. # # So, Saruman went on to Vindi and there created a product... # palantir = Vindi::Product.new.tap do |p| p.code = "palantir" p.name = "Palantir" p.description = "The Twitch of Istari folk" p.pricing_schema = { price: 42.42 } p.save end # ...then created a recurring plan. one_plan = Vindi::Plan.new.tap do |p| p.code = "the-one-plan" p.name = "Monthly Plan" p.description = "The One Plan To Rule Them All" p.period = "monthly" p.recurring = true p.plan_items = [ { cycles: nil, # untill the end of time product_id: palantir.id } ] p.save end # Gandalf uses his fellow Bilbo's address to receive the invoices... gandalf = Vindi::Customer.new.tap do |c| c.code = 1 c.name = "Gandalf the Grey" c.email = "mithrandir@middlearth.io" c.address = { street: "Bagshot Row", number: "Bag End", neighborhood: "Hobbiton", city: "Shire" } c.save end # ...uses Elrond's credit card to create a payment profile... pp = Vindi::PaymentProfile.new.tap do |pp| pp.holder_name = "Elrond Half-elven" pp.card_expiration = "12/3021" pp.card_number = "5167454851671773" pp.card_cvv = "123" pp.customer_id = gandalf.id pp.save end # ...subscribes and then get the palantir. subscription = Vindi::Subscription.new.tap do |s| s.plan_id = one_plan.id s.customer_id = gandalf.id s.payment_method_code = "credit_card" s.save end ``` #### After some time he wants to know how the business is going ```ruby # Active customers customers = Vindi::Customer.active # Active subscriptions subscriptions = Vindi::Subscriptions.active # Subscriptions for the-one-plan subscriptions = Vindi::Plan.find_by(code: "the-one-plan").subscriptions # Filter Gandalf gandalf = Vindi::Customer.find_by(email: "mithrandir@middlearth.io") # All Gandalf's subscriptions subscriptions = gandalf.subscriptions.active # Cancel Gandalf's subscription gandalf.subscriptions.active.last.cancel! # Refund the last Gandalf's payment gandalf.charges.last.refund! ``` ## Webhooks You must validate incoming data from Vindi. * [Vindi Blog Post](https://atendimento.vindi.com.br/hc/pt-br/articles/203305800) You can validate webhook calls using baisc auth. Just configure a webhook call with something like this `https://NAME:PASSWORD@www.startupmassa.com/vindi/webhook`. On Vindi admin dashboard ```bash https://vindi:123456@www.startupmassa.com/vindi/webhook ``` On your project ```ruby # config/initializers/vindi.rb Vindi.config do |c| c.api_key = "123456" c.webhook_name = "vindi" c.webhook_password = "123456" end # routes.rb namespace :vindi do post :webhook, to: "webhook#listener" end # vindi/webhook_controller.rb class Vindi::Webhook < ActionController::Base http_basic_authenticate_with name: Vindi.webhook_name, password: Vindi.webhook_password # POST https://usuario:senha@www.startupmassa.com/vindi/webhook def listener case event_params[:type] when "charge_rejected" # defaulting user? when "bill_paid" # do the magic else head :ok end end private def event_params params.require(:event).permit! end end ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/wedsonlima/vindi-ruby. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/wedsonlima/vindi-ruby/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the Vindi project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/wedsonlima/vindi-ruby/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).