#include "sass.hpp" #include "ast.hpp" #include "to_value.hpp" namespace Sass { Value* To_Value::fallback_impl(AST_Node* n) { // throw a runtime error if this happens // we want a well defined set of possible nodes throw std::runtime_error("invalid node for to_value"); // mute warning return 0; } // Custom_Error is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(Custom_Error* e) { return e; } // Custom_Warning is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(Custom_Warning* w) { return w; } // Boolean is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(Boolean* b) { return b; } // Number is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(Number* n) { return n; } // Color is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(Color* c) { return c; } // String_Constant is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(String_Constant* s) { return s; } // String_Quoted is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(String_Quoted* s) { return s; } // List is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(List* l) { List* ll = SASS_MEMORY_NEW(mem, List, l->pstate(), l->length(), l->separator(), l->is_arglist()); for (size_t i = 0, L = l->length(); i < L; ++i) { *ll << (*l)[i]->perform(this); } return ll; } // Map is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(Map* m) { return m; } // Null is a valid value Value* To_Value::operator()(Null* n) { return n; } // Argument returns its value Value* To_Value::operator()(Argument* arg) { if (!arg->name().empty()) return 0; return arg->value()->perform(this); } // CommaSequence_Selector is converted to a string Value* To_Value::operator()(CommaSequence_Selector* s) { return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(mem, String_Quoted, s->pstate(), s->to_string(ctx.c_options)); } // Binary_Expression is converted to a string Value* To_Value::operator()(Binary_Expression* s) { return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(mem, String_Quoted, s->pstate(), s->to_string(ctx.c_options)); } };