Copyright (C) 2011 - Glen E. Ivey (see the end of this file for copyright/licensing information) Mechanism for Per-Instalation WontoMedia Customization ====================================================== WontoMedia is a web application intended to be installed in a large number and in a wide variety of systems. For many of these systems, some of the included text or functionality may not be appropriate. We have tried to separate portions of WontoMedia that may need to be customized (replaced) for different installations into separate files from the core application. To make things easier for those WontoMedia users who are also developers, we have segregated the instances of those files particular to a given WontoMedia installation from the core application files. Unfortunately, the conventions used by Ruby-on-Rails make things significantly easier if all files are located together based on function. If we included customization files in the standard Rails directory hierarchy, then changes to them might inadvertently be included in commit's to the Git repositories for WontoMedia, or other people's changes to the sample version of the customization files might accidentally be applied to the custom versions for a particular installation. We have reconciled these conflicting needs as follows: * customization files are kept in one or more "customization directories" separate from any of the standard Rails directories * within a customization directory is a sub-directory hierarchy that mirrors the standard Rails directory structure * a set of customization files, that can be viewed as examples and be used as-is to get a new WontoMedia installation going, is located in: wontomedia/default-custom * a rake task is provided that will create symbolic links to all files found under all customization directories from the matching point in the WontoMedia root directory hierarchy. This allows files "outside" of the normal directory structure (for version control purposes) to appear "inside" where Rails expects them during execution. * a script is executed by rake (first step in `"rake test:policies"`) that finds all symbolic links in the project directory, and replaces the file `$GIT_DIR/info/exclude` with a list of them. In a different type of project, where keeping symbolic links under version control was important, this would be a problem. However, we have chosen the convention that symbolic links will be used in the WontoMedia directory structure only for installation customization. This step prevents any symbolic links from being committed to Git, and therefore any individual installations configuration of cusomization files from being incorporated into any updates to WontoMedia. The "exclude" file is used, rather than `.gitignore`, so that an individual site's extensions can include files above and beyond the minimal set of entry points that the WontoMedia core expects. If `.gitignore` were used, then people would still have to manually prevent customization files they added to their system from being listed in Git commits they share with others. * a script is executed by `rake` (run as part of `"rake test:policies"`) that recurses through the `default-custom` directory and fails that a symbolic link exists in the application directory hierarchy for each file under `default-custom`. In this way, the content of `default-custom` not only provides a sample of customization files, but serves as the definition for all of the files referenced from portions of the core application. The `customize` rake task is documented in wontomedia/doc/script/rake-customize.markdown and its use in creating a new, *uncustomized* WontoMedia installation is mentioned in the WontoMedia wiki at: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3, published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You should have received a copy of the GNU Free Documentation License along with document in the file COPYING.DOCUMENTATION. If not, see .