module Utils # Converts a 'camelCase' string or symbol to a :under_score symbol. def underscore(str) str = str.to_s str = str[0].downcase + str[1...str.length].gsub(/([A-Z])/) { |m| "_#{m.downcase}" } str.to_sym end module_function :underscore # Creates a copy of a hash where all keys and string values are converted to snake-case symbols. # For example, `{ 'fooBar' => { 'baz' => 'bingBing', :x => 1 } }` converts to # `{ :foo_bar => { :baz => :bing_bing, :x => 1 } }`. def snakeize_hash(value) return underscore(value) if value.is_a?(String) return value unless value.is_a?(Hash) value.reduce({}) do |hash, kv| hash.tap do |h| h[underscore(kv.first)] = snakeize_hash(kv.last) end end end module_function :snakeize_hash # Converts camel case clientOptions, as used in spec tests, # to Ruby driver underscore options. def convert_client_options(spec_test_options) uri ='mongodb://localhost') spec_test_options.reduce({}) do |opts, (name, value)| uri.send(:add_uri_option, name, value.to_s, opts) opts end end module_function :convert_client_options def order_hash(hash) Hash[hash.to_a.sort] end module_function :order_hash # Transforms an array of CommandStarted events to an array of hashes # matching event specification in YAML spec files def yamlify_command_events(events) events = do |e| command = e.command.dup # Convert txnNumber field from a BSON integer to an extended JSON int64 if command['txnNumber'] command['txnNumber'] = { '$numberLong' => command['txnNumber'].instance_variable_get(:@integer).to_s } end # Fake $code for map/reduce commands %w(map reduce).each do |key| if command[key].is_a?(String) command[key] = {'$code' => command[key]} end end # The spec files don't include these fields, so we delete them. command.delete('$readPreference') command.delete('bypassDocumentValidation') command.delete('$clusterTime') if command['readConcern'] # The spec test use an afterClusterTime value of 42 to indicate that we need to assert # that the field exists in the actual read concern rather than comparing the value, so # we replace any afterClusterTime value with 42. if command['readConcern']['afterClusterTime'] command['readConcern']['afterClusterTime'] = 42 end # Convert the readConcern level from a symbol to a string. if command['readConcern']['level'] command['readConcern']['level'] = command['readConcern']['level'].to_s end end # The spec tests use 42 as a placeholder value for any getMore cursorId. command['getMore'] = { '$numberLong' => '42' } if command['getMore'] # Remove fields if empty #command.delete('filter') if command['filter'] && command['filter'].empty? command.delete('query') if command['query'] && command['query'].empty? if filter = command['filter'] # Since the Ruby driver does not implement extended JSON, hack # the types here manually. # Note that this code mutates the command. %w(_id files_id).each do |key| if filter[key] && filter[key].is_a?(BSON::ObjectId) filter[key] = {'$oid' => filter[key].to_s} end end end { 'command_started_event' => order_hash( 'command' => order_hash(command), 'command_name' => e.command_name.to_s, 'database_name' => e.database_name, ) } end # Remove any events from authentication commands. events.reject! { |e| e['command_started_event']['command_name'].start_with?('sasl') } events end module_function :yamlify_command_events end