module Geokit module Geocoders # MapQuest geocoder implementation. Requires the Geokit::Geocoders::MapQuestGeocoder:key # variable to contain a MapQuest API key. Conforms to the interface set by the Geocoder class. class MapQuestGeocoder < Geocoder config :key = true private # Template method which does the reverse-geocode lookup. def self.do_reverse_geocode(latlng) latlng = LatLng.normalize(latlng) url = "#{protocol}://{key}&location=#{},#{latlng.lng}" process :json, url end # Template method which does the geocode lookup. def self.do_geocode(address, _=nil) address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address url = "#{protocol}://{key}&location=#{Geokit::Inflector.url_escape(address_str)}" process :json, url end def self.parse_json(results) return unless results['info']['statuscode'] == 0 loc = nil results['results'].each do |result| result['locations'].each do |location| extracted_geoloc = extract_geoloc(location) if loc.nil? loc = extracted_geoloc else loc.all.push(extracted_geoloc) end end end loc end def self.extract_geoloc(result_json) loc = new_loc = result_json['latLng']['lat'] loc.lng = result_json['latLng']['lng'] set_address_components(result_json, loc) set_precision(result_json, loc) loc.success = true loc end def self.set_address_components(result_json, loc) loc.country_code = result_json['adminArea1'] loc.street_address = result_json['street'].to_s.empty? ? nil : result_json['street'] = result_json['adminArea5'] loc.state = result_json['adminArea3'] = result_json['postalCode'] end def self.set_precision(result_json, loc) loc.precision = result_json['geocodeQuality'] loc.accuracy = %w(unknown country state state city zip zip+4 street address building).index(loc.precision) end end end end