require 'spec_helper' describe SolrDocument, type: :model do subject { 'abcd123') } its(:to_key) { should == ['abcd123'] } its(:persisted?) { should be_truthy } before do allow(subject).to receive_messages(reindex: nil) end let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } let(:exhibit_alt) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } it 'has tags on the exhibit' do expect(subject.tags_from(exhibit)).to be_empty end it 'is able to add tags' do expect do exhibit.tag(subject, with: 'paris, normandy', on: :tags) change { ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.count }.by(2) expect(subject.tags_from(exhibit)).to eq %w(paris normandy) end it 'has find' do expect(::SolrDocument.find('dq287tq6352')).to be_kind_of described_class end it 'has ==' do expect(::SolrDocument.find('dq287tq6352')).to eq ::SolrDocument.find('dq287tq6352') end describe 'GlobalID' do let(:doc_id) { 'dq287tq6352' } it 'responds to #to_global_id' do expect(::SolrDocument.find(doc_id).to_global_id.to_s).to eq "gid://internal/SolrDocument/#{doc_id}" end it 'is able to locate SolrDocuments by their GlobalID' do expect(GlobalID::Locator.locate( ::SolrDocument.find(doc_id).to_global_id )['id']).to eq doc_id end end describe '#sidecar' do it 'returns a sidecar for adding exhibit-specific fields' do expect(subject.sidecar(exhibit)).to be_kind_of Spotlight::SolrDocumentSidecar expect(subject.sidecar(exhibit).exhibit).to eq exhibit end it 'keeps distinct sidecars for each exhibit' do expect(subject.sidecar(exhibit).exhibit).to eq exhibit expect(subject.sidecar(exhibit_alt).exhibit).to eq exhibit_alt end end describe '#update' do it 'stores sidecar data on the sidecar object' do mock_sidecar = double allow(subject).to receive_messages(sidecar: mock_sidecar) expect(mock_sidecar).to receive(:update).with(data: { 'a' => 1 }) subject.update exhibit, sidecar: { data: { 'a' => 1 } } end it 'stores tags' do subject.update exhibit, exhibit_tag_list: 'paris, normandy' expect(subject.tags_from(exhibit)).to eq %w(paris normandy) end end describe '#to_solr' do before do Spotlight::SolrDocumentSidecar.create! document: subject, exhibit: exhibit, data: { 'a_tesim' => 1, 'b_tesim' => 2, 'c_tesim' => 3 } end it 'includes the doc id' do expect(subject.to_solr[:id]).to eq 'abcd123' end it 'includes exhibit-specific tags' do exhibit.tag(subject, with: 'paris', on: :tags) expect(subject.to_solr).to include :exhibit_1_tags_ssim expect(subject.to_solr[:exhibit_1_tags_ssim]).to include 'paris' end it "includes placeholders for all exhibits' tags" do expect(subject.to_solr).to include :exhibit_1_tags_ssim expect(subject.to_solr[:exhibit_1_tags_ssim]).to eq nil end it 'includes sidecar fields' do expect(subject.to_solr).to include('a_tesim' => 1, 'b_tesim' => 2, 'c_tesim' => 3) end end describe '#public?' do it 'defaults to public' do expect(subject).to be_public exhibit end end describe '#private?' do it 'defaults to public' do expect(subject).not_to be_private exhibit end end describe '#make_public!' do it 'sets the object to public' do allow(subject).to receive(:reindex) subject.make_public! exhibit expect(subject).not_to be_private exhibit end it 'augments existing sidecar data' do allow(subject).to receive(:reindex) subject.update exhibit, sidecar: { data: { a: 1 } } subject.make_public! exhibit expect(subject.sidecar(exhibit).data[:a]).to eq 1 end end describe '#make_private!' do it 'sets the object to private' do allow(subject).to receive(:reindex) subject.make_private! exhibit expect(subject).to be_private exhibit end end describe 'uploaded resources' do let(:uploaded_resource) do spotlight_resource_type_ssim: 'spotlight/resources/uploads' ) end it 'does not include Spotlight::SolrDocument::UploadedResource when the correct fields are present' do expect(subject).to_not be_kind_of Spotlight::SolrDocument::UploadedResource end it 'includes Spotlight::SolrDocument::UploadedResource when the correct fields are present' do expect(uploaded_resource).to be_kind_of Spotlight::SolrDocument::UploadedResource end describe '#uploaded_resource?' do it 'returns false if the correct fields are not present' do expect(subject).to_not be_uploaded_resource end it 'returns true when the correct fields are present' do expect(uploaded_resource).to be_uploaded_resource end end end end