require "thor" require "shoryuken/runner" # ensures server configurations are executed # @private module Shoryuken module CLI end end module Maitredee module CLI class Runner < Thor default_task :start desc 'start', 'Starts Maitredee' method_option :concurrency, aliases: '-c', type: :numeric, desc: 'Processor threads to use' method_option :daemon, aliases: '-d', type: :boolean, desc: 'Daemonize process' method_option :subscribers, aliases: '-s', type: :array, desc: 'Subscribers to process with optional weights' method_option :require, aliases: '-r', type: :string, desc: 'Dir or path of the subscribers' method_option :timeout, aliases: '-t', type: :numeric, desc: 'Hard shutdown timeout' method_option :config, aliases: '-C', type: :string, desc: 'Path to config file' method_option :config_file, type: :string, desc: 'Path to config file (backwards compatibility)' method_option :rails, aliases: '-R', type: :boolean, desc: 'Load Rails' method_option :logfile, aliases: '-L', type: :string, desc: 'Path to logfile' method_option :pidfile, aliases: '-P', type: :string, desc: 'Path to pidfile' method_option :verbose, aliases: '-v', type: :boolean, desc: 'Print more verbose output' method_option :delay, aliases: '-D', type: :numeric, desc: 'Number of seconds to pause fetching from an empty queue' def start cli_opts = options.to_h.symbolize_keys say '[DEPRECATED] Please use --config instead of --config-file', :yellow if cli_opts[:config_file] cli_opts[:config_file] = cli_opts.delete(:config) if cli_opts[:config] config_file_opts = {} if cli_opts[:config_file] path = cli_opts.delete(:config_file) fail ArgumentError, "The supplied config file #{path} does not exist" unless File.exist?(path) config_file_opts = YAML.load( config_file_opts.deep_symbolize_keys! end opts = config_file_opts.merge(cli_opts) opts[:subscribers] = [] opts[:subscribers] += cli_opts[:subscribers] if cli_opts[:subscribers] opts[:subscribers] += config_file_opts[:subscribers] if config_file_opts[:subscribers] opts[:subscribers].uniq! if opts[:rails] opts.delete(:rails) load_rails end if opts[:require] require_workers(opts.delete(:require)) end if opts[:subscribers] opts[:queues] = opts.delete(:subscribers).map(&:constantize).map(&:queue_resource_name) end fail_task "You should set a logfile if you're going to daemonize" if opts[:daemon] && opts[:logfile].nil? file =['maitredee-to-shoryuken', '.yml']) file.write(YAML.dump(opts)) file.flush file.path) end desc 'version', 'Prints version' def version say "Maitredee #{Maitredee::VERSION}" say "Shoryuken #{Shoryuken::VERSION}" end no_commands do def load_rails # Adapted from: require 'rails' if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 require File.expand_path('config/environment.rb') ::Rails.application.eager_load! else # Painful contortions, see 1791 for discussion require File.expand_path('config/application.rb') if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 ::Rails::Application.initializer 'maitredee.eager_load' do ::Rails.application.config.eager_load = true end end require 'shoryuken/extensions/active_job_adapter' if Shoryuken.active_job? require File.expand_path('config/environment.rb') end end def require_workers(required) return unless required if Dir[File.join(required, '**', '*.rb')].each(&method(:require)) else require required end end end end end end