class OTRS::ConfigItem < OTRS @@builtin_fields = [:Name,:DeplStateID,:InciStateID,:DefinitionID, :CreateTime,:ChangeBy,:ChangeTime,:Class,:ClassID,:ConfigItemID,:CreateBy,:CreateTime, :CurDeplState,:CurDeplStateID,:CurDeplStateType,:CurInciState,:CurInciStateID,:CurInciStateType, :DeplState,:DeplStateType,:InciState,:InciStateType,:LastVersionID,:Number,:VersionID,:OrderBy,:Limit,:ClassIDs, :InciStateIDs, :DeplStateIDs] @@builtin_fields.each do |f| attr_accessor f end def self.set_accessor(key) attr_accessor key.to_sym end def persisted? false end def initialize(attributes = {}) attributes.each do |name, value| # cannot have numbers at beginning of field name unless name =~ /^\d+/ or name =~ / / or name =~ /-/ self.class.set_accessor(name) send("#{name.to_sym}=", value) end end end def attributes attributes = {} self.instance_variables.each do |v| attributes[v.to_s.gsub('@','').to_sym] = self.instance_variable_get(v) end attributes end def save self.create end def create attributes = self.attributes data = { 'ClassID' => self.ClassID, 'UserID' => 1 } params = { :object => 'ConfigItemObject', :method => 'ConfigItemAdd', :data => data } a = self.class.connect(params) attributes[:ConfigItemID] = a.first attributes[:XMLData] = self.class.to_otrs_xml(attributes) data2 = attributes params2 = { :object => 'ConfigItemObject', :method => 'VersionAdd', :data => data2 } b = self.class.connect(params2) new_version_id = b.first config_item = self.class.find(attributes[:ConfigItemID]) attributes = config_item.attributes attributes.each do |key,value| instance_variable_set "@#{key.to_s}", value end config_item end def self.xml_search(attributes) what = [] attributes.each do |key,value| unless @@builtin_fields.include? key what << {"[%]{'Version'}[%]{'#{key}'}[%]{'Content'}" => value } end end what end def self.object_preprocessor(object) unless object.nil? or object.empty? xml = self.from_otrs_xml(object['XMLData'])'XMLData', 'XMLDefinition').merge(xml)) else nil end end def self.find(id) data = { 'ConfigItemID' => id, 'XMLDataGet' => 1 } params = { :object => 'ConfigItemObjectCustom', :method => 'VersionGet', :data => data } self.object_preprocessor (connect(params).first) end def self.find_version(id) data = { 'VersionID' => id, 'XMLDataGet' => 1 } params = { :object => 'ConfigItemObject', :method => 'VersionGet', :data => data } return self.object_preprocessor (connect(params).first) end def self.where(attributes) tmp = {} tmp['What'] = self.xml_search(attributes) attributes.each do |key,value| if @@builtin_fields.include? key tmp[key.to_s.camelize.to_sym] = value end end data = tmp params = { :object => 'ConfigItemObjectCustom', :method => 'ConfigItemSearchExtended', :data => data } a = connect(params) results = a.each do |b| b.each do |c| results << self.object_preprocessor(c) end end results end def get_history data = { :ConfigItemID =>, 'XMLDataGet' => 1 } params = { :object => 'ConfigItemObjectCustom', :method => 'VersionList', :data => data } a = OTRS.connect(params).flatten b = a.each do |c| b << self.class.object_preprocessor(c) end return b end def self.to_otrs_xml(attributes) xml = attributes.except(:Name,:DeplStateID,:InciStateID,:DefinitionID, :CreateTime,:ChangeBy,:ChangeTime,:Class,:ClassID,:ConfigItemID,:CreateBy,:CreateTime, :CurDeplState,:CurDeplStateID,:CurDeplStateType,:CurInciState,:CurInciStateID,:CurInciStateType, :DeplState,:DeplStateType,:InciState,:InciStateType,:LastVersionID,:Number,:VersionID, :service, :Service) xml_hash = {} xml_data = [nil, { 'Version' => xml_hash }] tmp = [] xml.each do |key,value| key = key.to_s tmp << key end # Order keys properly so they are parsed in the correct order tmp.sort! { |x,y| x <=> y } tmp.each do |key| keys = key.split(/__/) xml_key = keys[0] unless keys[1].nil? then tag_key = keys[1].gsub(/^0/,'').to_i + 1 end xml_subkey = keys[2] case key when /^[aA-zZ]+__0\d+__[aA-zZ]+__0\d+$/ if xml_hash[xml_key][tag_key][xml_subkey].nil? xml_hash[xml_key][tag_key][xml_subkey] = [nil, { "Content" => xml[key.to_sym] }] else xml_hash[xml_key][tag_key][xml_subkey] << { "Content" => xml[key.to_sym] } end when /^[aA-zZ]+__0\d+__[aA-zZ]$/ xml_hash[xml_key][tag_key][xml_subkey] = xml[key.to_sym] when /^[aA-zZ]+__0\d+$/ if xml_hash[xml_key].nil? xml_hash[xml_key] = [nil] end xml_hash[xml_key] << { "Content" => xml[key.to_sym] } when /^[aA-zZ]+__[aA-zZ]$/ xml_hash[xml_key][1][xml_subkey] = xml[key.to_sym] when /^[aA-zZ]+$/ xml_hash[xml_key] = [ nil, { "Content" => xml[key.to_sym] }] end end xml_data end def update_attributes(updated_attributes) self.attributes.each do |key,value| if updated_attributes[key].nil? updated_attributes[key] = value end end updated_attributes[:XMLData] = self.class.to_otrs_xml(updated_attributes) xml_attributes = self.attributes.except(:Name,:DeplStateID,:InciStateID,:DefinitionID, :CreateTime,:ChangeBy,:ChangeTime,:Class,:ClassID,:ConfigItemID,:CreateBy,:CreateTime, :CurDeplState,:CurDeplStateID,:CurDeplStateType,:CurInciState,:CurInciStateID,:CurInciStateType, :DeplState,:DeplStateType,:InciState,:InciStateType,:LastVersionID,:Number,:VersionID) xml_attributes.each do |key,value| updated_attributes = updated_attributes.except(key) end data = updated_attributes params = { :object => 'ConfigItemObject', :method => 'VersionAdd', :data => data } a = self.class.connect(params) new_version_id = a.first data2 = { 'VersionID' => new_version_id } params2 = { :object => 'ConfigItemObject', :method => 'VersionConfigItemIDGet', :data => data2 } b = self.class.connect(params2) config_item = self.class.find(b.first) attributes = config_item.attributes attributes.each do |key,value| instance_variable_set "@#{key.to_s}", value end config_item end def self.from_otrs_xml(xml) xml = xml[1].flatten[1][1].except("TagKey") data = {} xml.each do |key,value| xml[key].delete(xml[key][0]) count = xml[key].count if count == 1 data[key] = value[count - 1]["Content"] count2 = value[count -1].except("Content","TagKey").count if count2 >= 1 value[count - 1].except("Content","TagKey").each do |key2,value2| value2.delete(value2[0]) data["#{key}__#{key2}"] = value2[0]["Content"] end end else while count != 0 data["#{key}__0#{count - 1}"] = value[count - 1]["Content"] count3 = value[count - 1].except("TagKey").count if count3 > 1 value[count - 1].except("Content","TagKey").each do |key3,value3| value3.delete(value3[0]) count4 = value3.count if count4 > 1 while count4 != 0 unless value3[count4 - 1]["Content"].nil? data["#{key}__0#{count - 1}__#{key3}__0#{count4 - 1}"] = value3[count4 - 1]["Content"] end count4 = count4 - 1 end else data["#{key}__0#{count - 1}__#{key3}"] = value3[0]["Content"] end end end count = count - 1 end end end data end #def self.from_otrs_xml(xml) # data = { :XMLHash => xml } # params = { :object => 'XMLObject', :method => 'XMLHash2D', :data => data } # a = Hash[*(self.connect(params))] #end end