# If you translate this other language or have something to fix please send me an email at: d.dagostino@lipsiasoft.com en: backend: tabs: general: "General" titles: welcome: "Welcome" general: list: "List {{model}}" editForm: "Edit {{model}} {{value}}" newForm: "New {{model}}" cantDelete: "You cannot delete this record." sessions: wrong: "Wrong email or password" logout: "Correctly Logged Out" menus: account: "Account" list: "List" new: "New" help: "Help" javascripts: buttons: add: "Add" edit: "Edit" remove: "Delete" back: "Back" save: "Save" close: "Close" select: "Select" help: "Help" send: "Send" help: title: "Support request" description: "Say us what problem do you have and how we can reproduce it" compliments: "Your request was correctly delivered." labels: all: "All " search: "Search" messages: compliments: title: "Congratulations" message: "Your data are correctly saved." wait: title: "Sending Data" message: "Sending data to servers..." confirm: title: "Are you sure ?" message: "Are you sure to destroy {0} element/s ?" alert: title: "Attention" message: "There are some connection issues.
Contact tecnical support." notConfigured: "This fatures is not ready yet.
Contact tecnical support." notSelected: "You must select at least one record" emails: registration: object: "Your account has been activated" body: "Hello {{name}},\nyour account has been activated.\n\nYou can login with the following email/password:\n\n- Email: {{email}}\n- Password: {{password}}\n\nusing the following url: {{url}}" support: object: "Support Request" footer: "\n---------------------------\nCordiali Saluti,\nLipsiaSoft s.r.l." print: footer: page: "Page" page_of: "of" extjs: dateFormat: "m/d/Y" dateTimeFormat: "m/d/Y G:i" ddText: "{0} selected row(s)" closeText: "Close this tab" invalidText: "The value in this field is invalid" msg: "Loading..." emptyText: "" splitRegion: splitTip: "Drag to resize." collapsibleSplitTip: "Drag to resize. Double click to hide." messageBox: ok: "OK" yesse: "Yes" cancel: "Cancel" none: "No" datePicker: todayText: "Today" minText: "This date is before the minimum date" maxText: "This date is after the maximum date" disabledDaysText: "" disabledDatesText: "" nextText: 'Next Month (Control+Right)' prevText: 'Previous Month (Control+Left)' monthYearText: 'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)' todayTip: "{0} (Spacebar)" format: "m/d/y" cancelText: "Cancel" okText: " OK " startDay: 0 grid: gridView: sortAscText: "Sort Ascending" sortDescText: "Sort Descending" lockText: "Lock Column" unlockText: "Unlock Column" columnsText: "Columns" groupingView: emptyGroupText: '(None)' groupByText: 'Group By This Field' showGroupsText: 'Show in Groups' propertyColumnModel: nameText: "Name" valueText: "Value" dateFormat: "m/j/Y" search: searchText: "Search" searchTipText: "Insert a word or press Search" selectAllText: "Select All" minCharsTipText: "Insert at least {0} characters" pagingToolbar: beforePageText: "Page" afterPageText: "of {0}" firstText: "First Page" prevText: "Previous Page" nextText: "Next Page" lastText: "Last Page" refreshText: "Refresh" displayMsg: "Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}" emptyMsg: 'No data to display' form: textField: minLengthText: "The minimum length for this field is {0}" maxLengthText: "The maximum length for this field is {0}" blankText: "This field is required" regexText: "" emptyText: "" numberField: minText: "The minimum value for this field is {0}" maxText: "The maximum value for this field is {0}" nanText: "{0} is not a valid number" dateField: disabledDaysText: "Disabled" disabledDatesText: "Disabled" minText: "The date in this field must be after {0}" maxText: "The date in this field must be before {0}" invalidText: "{0} is not a valid date - it must be in the format {1}" format: "m/d/y" altFormats: "m/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|md|mdy|mdY|d|Y-m-d" comboBox: loadingText: "Loading..." valueNotFoundText: "" vTypes: emailText: 'This field should be an e-mail address in the format "user@domain.com"' urlText: 'This field should be a URL in the format "http://www.domain.com"' alphaText: 'This field should only contain letters and _' alphanumText: 'This field should only contain letters, numbers and _' htmlEditor: createLinkText: 'Please enter the URL for the link:' buttonTips: bold: title: 'Bold (Ctrl+B)' text: 'Make the selected text bold.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' italic: title: 'Italic (Ctrl+I)' text: 'Make the selected text italic.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' underline: title: 'Underline (Ctrl+U)' text: 'Underline the selected text.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' increasefontsize: title: 'Grow Text' text: 'Increase the font size.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' decreasefontsize: title: 'Shrink Text' text: 'Decrease the font size.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' backcolor: title: 'Text Highlight Color' text: 'Change the background color of the selected text.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' forecolor: title: 'Font Color' text: 'Change the color of the selected text.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' justifyleft: title: 'Align Text Left' text: 'Align text to the left.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' justifycenter: title: 'Center Text' text: 'Center text in the editor.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' justifyright: title: 'Align Text Right' text: 'Align text to the right.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' insertunorderedlist: title: 'Bullet List' text: 'Start a bulleted list.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' insertorderedlist: title: 'Numbered List' text: 'Start a numbered list.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' createlink: title: 'Hyperlink' text: 'Make the selected text a hyperlink.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip' sourceedit: title: 'Source Edit' text: 'Switch to source editing mode.' cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'