require 'erb' require 'ostruct' require 'shenzhen' module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH = :S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH = :S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH = :S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH = :S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH = :S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH end S3_ARGS_MAP = { ipa: '-f', dsym: '-d', access_key: '-a', secret_access_key: '-s', bucket: '-b', region: '-r', acl: '--acl', source: '--source-dir', path: '-P', } class S3Action < Action def # Calling fetch on config so that default values will be used params = {} params[:ipa] = config[:ipa] params[:dsym] = config[:dsym] params[:access_key] = config[:access_key] params[:secret_access_key] = config[:secret_access_key] params[:bucket] = config[:bucket] params[:region] = config[:region] params[:acl] = config[:acl] params[:source] = config[:source] params[:path] = config[:path] params[:upload_metadata] = config[:upload_metadata] params[:plist_template_path] = config[:plist_template_path] params[:html_template_path] = config[:html_template_path] params[:html_file_name] = config[:html_file_name] params[:version_template_path] = config[:version_template_path] params[:version_file_name] = config[:version_file_name] # Maps nice developer build parameters to Shenzhen args build_args = params_to_build_args(params) # Pulling parameters for other uses s3_subdomain = params[:region] ? "s3-#{params[:region]}" : "s3" s3_access_key = params[:access_key] s3_secret_access_key = params[:secret_access_key] s3_bucket = params[:bucket] ipa_file = params[:ipa] dsym_file = params[:dsym] s3_path = params[:path] raise "No S3 access key given, pass using `access_key: 'key'`".red unless s3_access_key.to_s.length > 0 raise "No S3 secret access key given, pass using `secret_access_key: 'secret key'`".red unless s3_secret_access_key.to_s.length > 0 raise "No S3 bucket given, pass using `bucket: 'bucket'`".red unless s3_bucket.to_s.length > 0 raise "No IPA file path given, pass using `ipa: 'ipa path'`".red unless ipa_file.to_s.length > 0 plist_template_path = params[:plist_template_path] html_template_path = params[:html_template_path] html_file_name = params[:html_file_name] version_template_path = params[:version_template_path] version_file_name = params[:version_file_name] if Helper.is_test? return build_args end # Joins args into space delimited string build_args = build_args.join(' ') command = "krausefx-ipa distribute:s3 #{build_args}" Helper.log.debug command command # Gets URL for IPA file url_part = expand_path_with_substitutions_from_ipa_plist( ipa_file, s3_path ) ipa_file_name = File.basename(ipa_file) ipa_url = "https://#{s3_subdomain}{s3_bucket}/#{url_part}#{ipa_file_name}" dsym_url = "https://#{s3_subdomain}{s3_bucket}/#{url_part}#{dsym_file}" if dsym_file # Setting action and environment variables Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] = ipa_url ENV[SharedValues::S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = ipa_url if dsym_file Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH] = dsym_url ENV[SharedValues::S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = dsym_url end if params[:upload_metadata] == false return true end ##################################### # # html and plist building # ##################################### # Gets info used for the plist bundle_id, bundle_version, title, full_version = get_ipa_info( ipa_file ) # Creating plist and html names plist_file_name = "#{url_part}#{title}.plist" plist_url = "https://#{s3_subdomain}{s3_bucket}/#{plist_file_name}" html_file_name ||= "index.html" html_url = "https://#{s3_subdomain}{s3_bucket}/#{html_file_name}" version_file_name ||= "version.json" version_url = "https://#{s3_subdomain}{s3_bucket}/#{version_file_name}" # Creates plist from template plist_template_path ||= "#{Helper.gem_path('fastlane')}/lib/assets/s3_plist_template.erb" plist_template = et ={ url: ipa_url, bundle_id: bundle_id, bundle_version: bundle_version, title: title }) plist_render = et.render(plist_template) # Creates html from template html_template_path ||= "#{Helper.gem_path('fastlane')}/lib/assets/s3_html_template.erb" html_template = et ={ url: plist_url, bundle_id: bundle_id, bundle_version: bundle_version, title: title }) html_render = et.render(html_template) # Creates version from template version_template_path ||= "#{Helper.gem_path('fastlane')}/lib/assets/s3_version_template.erb" version_template = et ={ url: plist_url, full_version: full_version, }) version_render = et.render(version_template) ##################################### # # html and plist uploading # ##################################### upload_plist_and_html_to_s3( s3_access_key, s3_secret_access_key, s3_bucket, plist_file_name, plist_render, html_file_name, html_render, version_file_name, version_render ) return true end def self.params_to_build_args(params) # Remove nil value params unless :clean or :archive params = params.delete_if { |k, v| (k != :clean && k != :archive ) && v.nil? } # Maps nice developer param names to Shenzhen's `ipa build` arguments params.collect do |k,v| v ||= '' if args = S3_ARGS_MAP[k] value = (v.to_s.length > 0 ? "\"#{v}\"" : "") "#{S3_ARGS_MAP[k]} #{value}".strip end end.compact end def self.upload_plist_and_html_to_s3(s3_access_key, s3_secret_access_key, s3_bucket, plist_file_name, plist_render, html_file_name, html_render, version_file_name, version_render) require 'aws-sdk' s3_client = access_key_id: s3_access_key, secret_access_key: s3_secret_access_key ) bucket = s3_client.buckets[s3_bucket] plist_obj = bucket.objects.create(plist_file_name, plist_render.to_s, :acl => :public_read) html_obj = bucket.objects.create(html_file_name, html_render.to_s, :acl => :public_read) version_obj = bucket.objects.create(version_file_name, version_render.to_s, :acl => :public_read) # Setting actionand environment variables Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH] = plist_obj.public_url.to_s ENV[SharedValues::S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = plist_obj.public_url.to_s Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH] = html_obj.public_url.to_s ENV[SharedValues::S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = html_obj.public_url.to_s Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH] = version_obj.public_url.to_s ENV[SharedValues::S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = version_obj.public_url.to_s "Successfully uploaded ipa file to '#{html_obj.public_url.to_s}'".green end # # NOT a fan of this as this was taken straight from Shenzhen # # # Need to find a way to not use this copied method # # AGAIN, I am not happy about this right now. # Using this for prototype reasons. # def self.expand_path_with_substitutions_from_ipa_plist(ipa, path) substitutions = path.scan(/\{CFBundle[^}]+\}/) return path if substitutions.empty? Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| system "unzip -q #{ipa} -d #{dir} 2> /dev/null" plist = Dir["#{dir}/**/*.app/Info.plist"].last substitutions.uniq.each do |substitution| key = substitution[1...-1] value = Shenzhen::PlistBuddy.print(plist, key) path.gsub!(, value) if value end end return path end def self.get_ipa_info(ipa_file) bundle_id, bundle_version, title, full_version = nil Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| system "unzip -q #{ipa_file} -d #{dir} 2> /dev/null" plist = Dir["#{dir}/**/*.app/Info.plist"].last bundle_id = Shenzhen::PlistBuddy.print(plist, 'CFBundleIdentifier') bundle_version = Shenzhen::PlistBuddy.print(plist, 'CFBundleShortVersionString') title = Shenzhen::PlistBuddy.print(plist, 'CFBundleName') # This is the string: {CFBundleShortVersionString}.{CFBundleVersion} full_version = bundle_version + '.' + Shenzhen::PlistBuddy.print(plist, 'CFBundleVersion') end return bundle_id, bundle_version, title, full_version end def self.description "Generates a plist file and uploads all to AWS S3" end def self.available_options [ :ipa, env_name: "", description: ".ipa file for the build ", optional: true, default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH]), :dsym, env_name: "", description: "zipped .dsym package for the build ", optional: true, default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH]), :upload_metadata, env_name: "", description: "Upload relevant metadata for this build", optional: true, default_value: true), :plist_template_path, env_name: "", description: "plist template path", optional: true), :html_template_path, env_name: "", description: "html erb template path", optional: true), :html_file_name, env_name: "", description: "uploaded html filename", optional: true), :version_template_path, env_name: "", description: "version erb template path", optional: true), :version_file_name, env_name: "", description: "uploaded version filename", optional: true), :access_key, env_name: "S3_ACCESS_KEY", description: "AWS Access Key ID ", optional: true, default_value: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']), :secret_access_key, env_name: "S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", description: "AWS Secret Access Key ", optional: true, default_value: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']), :bucket, env_name: "S3_BUCKET", description: "AWS bucket name", optional: true, default_value: ENV['AWS_BUCKET_NAME']), :region, env_name: "S3_REGION", description: "AWS region (for bucket creation) ", optional: true, default_value: ENV['AWS_REGION']), :path, env_name: "S3_PATH", description: "S3 'path'. Values from Info.plist will be substituded for keys wrapped in {} ", optional: true, default_value: 'v{CFBundleShortVersionString}_b{CFBundleVersion}/'), :source, env_name: "S3_SOURCE", description: "Optional source directory e.g. ./build ", optional: true), :acl, env_name: "S3_ACL", description: "Uploaded object permissions e.g public_read (default), private, public_read_write, authenticated_read ", optional: true,), ] end def self.output [ ['S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded ipa file'], ['S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded dsym file'], ['S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded plist file'], ['S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded HTML file'], ['S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded Version file'] ] end def "joshdholtz" end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end end end end class ErbalT < OpenStruct def render(template) end end