.cms_form.validated = form_for @form, :url=>"/admin/form/#{@form.id}" do |f| = f.error_messages %ul %li = f.label :title = f.text_field :title, :class=>"required" .field_help The name by which this form will be known. In some uses this will be displayed the user. %li.advanced = f.label :locked_for_delete = f.check_box :locked_for_delete .field_help If this is checked the form cannot be deleted. %li = f.label :url = f.text_field :url .field_help The URL at which this form will be accessed. For example /system/contact-us. This is not relevant when the form is rendered in a block, though it must be provided if the records are to be editable. %li = f.label :notify = f.text_field :notify .field_help Which emails should be sent a notification when an entry is made to the form? Separate with a comma. %li = f.label :redirect_to = f.text_field :redirect_to .field_help The URL to which the user should be sent after the form is submitted. %li = f.label :submit_label = f.text_field :submit_label .field_help The label shown on the form's submit button. %li.advanced = f.label :visible_by_default = f.check_box :visible_by_default .field_help Will records submitted be marked as visible by default? If you require all records to be "moderated" by an administrator before being visible, uncheck this option. %li.advanced = f.label :log_activity = f.check_box :log_activity .field_help Include new and updated entries in system activity log - if @form.respond_to?(:layout) %li.advanced = f.label "Layout" = f.select :layout, options_from_collection_for_select(Layout.sys(_sid).order(:name).all, 'name', 'name') .field_help The layout to use for this form when rendering it as a page. %li.advanced = f.label "Stylesheets" = f.text_field :stylesheets .field_help Optional. A comma separated list of stylesheets to include when showing this form. 'Application' is included by default if none are specified. This is not included if the form is rendered as a block. %li.advanced = f.label "Class" = f.text_field :klass .field_help Optional. The CSS class given to the DIV in which the form will be wrapped. %li = f.label "Before Form Text" = f.text_area :body .field_help Additional text to be shown before the form. %li.advanced = f.label "After Form Text" = f.text_area :body_after .field_help Additional text to be shown after the form. %li.advanced = f.label :html = f.text_area :html .field_help Optionally, provide the HTML that will be used to render this form for data entry = icon_to_function "Generate", "$('#form_html').load('/admin/form/#{@form.id}/generate_html');" %li.advanced = f.label :search_result_format = f.text_area :search_result_format .field_help Optionally, provide an ERB template to render a single submission when found as the result of a search. Typically this will be a link to the full record. For example: <%= link_to submission.name, "/data/entry/\#{submission.id}" %> %li.advanced = f.label :user_creatable = f.check_box :user_creatable .field_help Can any signed-in user make form submissions? %li.advanced = f.label :public_creatable = f.check_box :public_creatable .field_help Can any user make form submissions, even if they're not signed in? %li.advanced = f.label :owner_visible = f.check_box :owner_visible .field_help Can the user who submitted this form see the submission later? %li.advanced = f.label :owner_editable = f.check_box :owner_editable .field_help Can the user who submitted this form edit the submission later? %li.advanced = f.label :user_visible = f.check_box :user_visible .field_help Can any signed-in user see this form submission? %li.advanced = f.label :user_editable = f.check_box :user_editable .field_help Can any signed-in user edit this form submission? %li.advanced = f.label :public_visible = f.check_box :public_visible .field_help Can any visitor (and search engine) see this form submission? %li.advanced = f.label :assignable = f.check_box :assignable .field_help Can this form submission later be assigned to another user? %li.advanced = f.label :use_captcha_above_risk = f.text_field :use_captcha_above_risk .field_help The risk of a user is looked up from the country they're from. If the user has a higher risk value than this risk value a text-based captcha will be used to check they're human. Set this to 100 or more to never use text captcha. %li = f.label "Current Fields" To edit fields, Save this form, then "Edit Fields" %table.loosen - @form.form_fields.each do |field| - next unless field.form_field_type %tr(id="field_#{field.id}" style='margin-bottom: 10px;') %td= "#{field.name} [#{field.form_field_type.name}]" %li = kit_submit "Save"