# description: Run a client. require "optparse" require "json" require "discorb/utils/colored_puts" require "io/console" ARGV.delete_at 0 # @private LOG_LEVELS = %w[none debug info warn error fatal] opt = OptionParser.new <<~BANNER This command will run a client. Usage: discorb run [options] [script] script The script to run. Defaults to 'main.rb'. BANNER options = { title: nil, log_level: nil, log_file: nil, log_color: nil, setup: nil, token: false, bundler: :default, } opt.on("-l", "--log-level LEVEL", "Log level.") do |v| unless LOG_LEVELS.include? v.downcase eputs "Invalid log level: \e[31m#{v}\e[91m" eputs "Valid log levels: \e[31m#{LOG_LEVELS.join("\e[91m, \e[31m")}\e[91m" exit 1 end options[:log_level] = v.downcase end opt.on("-f", "--log-file FILE", "File to write log to.") { |v| options[:log_file] = v } opt.on("-c", "--[no-]log-color", "Whether to colorize log output.") { |v| options[:log_color] = v } opt.on("-s", "--setup", "Whether to setup application commands.") { |v| options[:setup] = v } opt.on("-e", "--env [ENV]", "The name of the environment variable to use for token, or just `-e` or `--env` for intractive prompt.") { |v| options[:token] = v } opt.on("-t", "--title TITLE", "The title of process.") { |v| options[:title] = v } opt.on("-b", "--[no-]bundler", "Whether to use bundler. Default to true if Gemfile exists, otherwise false.") { |v| options[:bundler] = v } opt.parse!(ARGV) script = ARGV[0] script ||= "main.rb" ENV["DISCORB_CLI_FLAG"] = "run" ENV["DISCORB_CLI_OPTIONS"] = JSON.generate(options) if options[:token] ENV["DISCORB_CLI_TOKEN"] = ENV[options[:token]] raise "#{options[:token]} is not set." if ENV["DISCORB_CLI_TOKEN"].nil? elsif options[:token].nil? || options[:token] == "-" print "\e[90mPlease enter your token: \e[m" ENV["DISCORB_CLI_TOKEN"] = $stdin.noecho(&:gets).chomp puts "" end if options[:bundler] == :default dir = Dir.pwd.split("/") options[:bundler] = false dir.length.times.reverse_each do |i| if File.exist? "#{dir[0..i].join("/")}/Gemfile" options[:bundler] = true break end end end ENV["DISCORB_CLI_TITLE"] = options[:title] if File.exist? script if options[:bundler] exec "bundle exec ruby #{script}" else exec "ruby #{script}" end else eputs "Could not load script: \e[31m#{script}\e[91m" end