class CodeRunner class Run def run_heuristic_analysis begin puts Dir.pwd raise"can't find input file") unless @rcp.input_file_extension input_file = Dir.entries.find_all{|file| file =~"^[^.].*"+Regexp.escape(rcp.input_file_extension) + "$")}[0] raise"can't find input file") unless input_file log(input_file) input_file_text = @run_name = File.basename(input_file, rcp.input_file_extension) if rcp.use_file_name_as_run_name analyse_input_file_text(input_file_text) log("Automatic analysis complete") # logiv rescue CRMild => err log(err) input_file = Feedback.get_choice("Unable to find a code runner inputs file. If there is another input file please choose it from this list", Dir.entries(Dir.pwd).find_all{|file| not [".",".."].include? file and File.file? file} + ["not available"]) if input_file == "not available" FileUtils.touch('.CODE_RUNNER_IGNORE_THIS_DIRECTORY') raise"run could be analysed, or folder does not contain a run") end input_file_text = log(input_file_text) analyse_input_file_text(input_file_text) # logiv rcp.input_file_extension = File.extname(input_file) @rcp.use_file_name_as_run_name = Feedback.get_boolean("Do you want to use the input file name (minus the extension) as a run name? (Your answer will apply to all directories with code runner inputs files).") if rcp.use_file_name_as_run_name.class == NilClass @run_name = File.basename(input_file, rcp.input_file_extension) if rcp.use_file_name_as_run_name end end def analyse_input_file_text(input_file_text) logf(:analyse_input_file_text) pars = self.class.analyse_input_file_text(input_file_text, rcp.matching_regex)[0] # log("These pars were found in the input file"); logi(pars) logi(rcp.variables[rcp.variables.keys[0]]) pars.each do |id, hash| # puts hash.inspect # puts @@variables[hash[:name].to_sym].inspect if rcp.variables[hash[:name].to_sym] set(hash[:name].to_sym, hash[:default].send(rcp.variables[hash[:name].to_sym])) # @@variables[hash[:name].to_sym] is the type conversion appropriate for the variable hash[:name] end end end @@successful_trial_system = nil @@successful_trial_class = nil def try_by_system(expected_return=NilClass, &block) # puts "Trying by system" # puts @@system_run_classes[0].new(@runner).inspect @@system_triers ||= rcp.system_run_classes.inject({}){|hash, run_class| # puts log hash.class hash[run_class] = hash} # puts @system_triers.inspect # i=0 answer = nil if @@successful_trial_class begin answer = yield(@@system_triers[@@successful_trial_class].dup, self) raise"trial returned an answer, but answer was not of the right class") unless expected_return == NilClass or answer.is_a? expected_return return answer rescue => err log err end end @@system_triers.values.each do |trier| begin # puts i # i+=1 # puts trier.class.ancestors # puts "asld" answer = yield(trier.dup, self) # puts expected_return # puts answer.is_a? Fixnum # puts "Sd" raise"trial returned an answer, but answer was not of the right class") unless expected_return == NilClass or answer.is_a? expected_return # puts answer, "HASG" # puts "asfd" @@successful_trial_system = trier.class.run_sys_name @@successful_trial_class = trier.class # puts @@successful_trial_system return answer rescue Errno::ENOENT, TypeError, CRMild, CRError => err # puts err next end end # puts answer; gets # answer raise"try by system was not successful") end def try_to_get_job_number begin job_no = try_by_system(Fixnum) do |trier, myself| trier.executable_name = "mx123456zz" trier.job_no = "mx123456yy" trier.version = "" scanner ="mx123456zz", ".+").sub("mx123456yy", "(?\\d+)$")) answer = nil Dir.entries(Dir.pwd).each do |file| return $~[:jobno].to_i if file =~ scanner # end end nil end rescue CRError => err job_no = -1 end job_no # exit end def try_to_get_output_file #very hacky! logf(:try_to_get_output_file) begin out_file = try_by_system(String) do |trier, myself| # trier = trier.dup # puts trier trier.executable_name = "mx123456zz" trier.job_no = "mx123456yy" trier.version = "" scanner ="(?"+Regexp.escape(trier.output_file).sub("mx123456zz", ".+").sub("mx123456yy", "\\d+")+")") # ep scanner ans = nil Dir.entries(Dir.pwd).each do |file| ans = $~[:outputfile] if file =~ scanner end ans end rescue CRError => err log(err) out_file = nil end out_file end def try_to_get_error_file logf(:try_to_get_error_file) begin error_file = try_by_system(String) do |trier, myself| # trier = trier.dup # puts trier trier.executable_name = "mx123456zz" trier.job_no = "mx123456yy" trier.version = "" scanner ="(?"+Regexp.escape(trier.error_file).sub("mx123456zz", ".+").sub("mx123456yy", "\\d+")+")") ans = nil Dir.entries.each do |file| if file =~ scanner # puts $~[:outputfile] ans = $~[:outputfile] end end ans end rescue CRError => err log(err) error_file = nil end log("Error file was: ", error_file) if error_file begin logi(File.readlines(error_file)) logi(File.readlines(error_file).size) logi(File.readlines(error_file).size.class) rescue => err log(err) end end return error_file end def try_to_find_job_output_ends output = try_to_get_output_file return nil unless output # return try_by_system(Fixnum) do |trier, myself| found = =~ /job output ends/i return found ? true : false # end end end end