require 'autotest' require 'tempfile' require 'lucid' require 'lucid/cli/profile' module Autotest::LucidMixin def self.included(receiver) receiver::ALL_HOOKS << [:run_specs, :ran_specs] end attr_accessor :specs_to_run def initialize super reset_specs end def run hook :initialize reset reset_specs add_sigint_handler self.last_mtime = if $f loop do begin get_to_green if self.tainted then rerun_all_tests rerun_all_specs if all_good else hook :all_good end wait_for_changes # Once tests and specs are running green, this should reset specs # every time a file is changed to see if anything breaks. reset_specs rescue Interrupt break if self.wants_to_quit reset reset_specs end end hook :quit end def all_specs_good specs_to_run == "" end def get_to_green begin super run_specs wait_for_changes unless all_specs_good end until all_specs_good end def rerun_all_specs reset_specs run_specs end def reset_specs self.specs_to_run = :all end def run_specs hook :run_specs'autotest-lucid') do |dirty_specs_file| cmd = self.make_lucid_cmd(self.specs_to_run, dirty_specs_file.path) return if cmd.empty? puts cmd unless $q old_sync = $stdout.sync $stdout.sync = true self.results = [] line = [] begin open("| #{cmd}", "r") do |f| until f.eof? do c = f.getc or break if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" then print c else putc c end line << c if c == ?\n then self.results << if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" then line.join else line.pack "c*" end line.clear end end end ensure $stdout.sync = old_sync end self.specs_to_run = self.tainted = true unless self.specs_to_run == '' end hook :ran_specs end def make_lucid_cmd(specs_to_run, dirty_specs_filename) return '' if specs_to_run == '' profile_loader = profile ||= "autotest-all" if profile_loader.has_profile?("autotest-all") && specs_to_run == :all profile ||= "autotest" if profile_loader.has_profile?("autotest") profile ||= nil if profile args = ["--profile", profile] else args = %w{--format} << (specs_to_run == :all ? "progress" : "standard") end # No --color option as some IDEs (Netbeans) don't output them very well (1 failed step) args += %w{--format rerun --out} << dirty_specs_filename args << (specs_to_run == :all ? "" : specs_to_run) unless specs_to_run == :all args << 'steps' << 'common' end args = args.join(' ') return "#{Lucid::RUBY_BINARY} #{Lucid::BINARY} #{args}" end end