Feature: Run `create` command In order to create new models Scenario: Create a new model scaffold Given I run `sculptor create test` interactively Then I wait for output to contain "Creating model: source/test" And I wait for output to contain "Title" Then I hit enter And I wait for output to contain "Description" Then I hit enter And I wait for output to contain "Stylesheet" Then I hit enter And I wait for output to contain "Use iframe?" Then I type "n" And I wait for output to contain "Include data?" Then I type "n" And the exit status should be 0 Then the output should contain "create" Scenario: Create a new model scaffold and set meta data Given I run `sculptor create test` interactively Then I wait for output to contain "Creating model: source/test" And I wait for output to contain "Title" Then I type "Hello World" And I wait for output to contain "Description" Then I type "My model description" And I wait for output to contain "Stylesheet" Then I type "styles" And I wait for output to contain "Use iframe?" Then I type "n" And I wait for output to contain "Include data?" Then I type "y" And the exit status should be 0 Then the output should contain "create" And a directory named "source/test" should exist Then the file "source/test/test.html.slim" should contain "Hello World" And the file "source/test/test.html.slim" should contain "My model description" And the file "source/test/index.html.slim" should contain "'partials/glyptotheque/model-index', locals: { dir: '/test' }" And the file "source/test/test.yaml" should contain "hello: World" And the file "source/test/styles.scss" should contain "@import 'bourbon'"