/* Column Selector/Responsive table widget (beta) for TableSorter 12/17/2013 (v2.15.0) * Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.7+ * by Justin Hallett & Rob Garrison */ /*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */ /*global jQuery: false */ ;(function($){ "use strict"; var ts = $.tablesorter, namespace = '.tscolsel', tsColSel = ts.columnSelector = { queryAll : '@media only all { [columns] { display: none; } }', queryBreak : '@media screen and (min-width: [size]) { [columns] { display: table-cell; } }', init: function(table, c, wo) { var $t, colSel; // abort if no input is contained within the layout $t = $(wo.columnSelector_layout); if (!$t.find('input').add( $t.filter('input') ).length) { if (c.debug) { ts.log('*** ERROR: Column Selector aborting, no input found in the layout! ***'); } return; } // unique table class name c.tableId = 'tablesorter' + new Date().getTime(); c.$table.addClass( c.tableId ); // build column selector/state array colSel = c.selector = { $container : $(wo.columnSelector_container || '
') }; tsColSel.setupSelector(table, c, wo); if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery) { tsColSel.setupBreakpoints(c, wo); } if (colSel.$container.length) { colSel.$style = $('').prop('disabled', true).appendTo('head'); tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo); } }, setupSelector: function(table, c, wo) { var name, colSel = c.selector, $container = colSel.$container, // get stored column states saved = wo.columnSelector_saveColumns && ts.storage ? ts.storage( table, 'tablesorter-columnSelector' ) : []; // initial states colSel.states = []; colSel.$column = []; colSel.$wrapper = []; colSel.$checkbox = []; // populate the selector container c.$table.children('thead').find('tr:first th', table).each(function() { var $this = $(this), // if no data-priority is assigned, default to 1, but don't remove it from the selector list priority = $this.attr(wo.columnSelector_priority) || 1, colId = $this.attr('data-column'), state = ts.getData(this, c.headers[colId], 'columnSelector'); // if this column not hidable at all // include getData check (includes "columnSelector-false" class, data attribute, etc) if ( isNaN(priority) && priority.length > 0 || state === 'disable' || ( wo.columnSelector_columns[colId] && wo.columnSelector_columns[colId] === 'disable') ) { return true; // goto next } // set default state; storage takes priority colSel.states[colId] = saved && typeof(saved[colId]) !== 'undefined' ? saved[colId] : typeof(wo.columnSelector_columns[colId]) !== 'undefined' ? wo.columnSelector_columns[colId] : state === 'true' || !(state === 'false'); colSel.$column[colId] = $(this); // set default col title name = $this.attr(wo.columnSelector_name) || $this.text(); if ($container.length) { colSel.$wrapper[colId] = $(wo.columnSelector_layout.replace(/\{name\}/g, name)).appendTo($container); colSel.$checkbox[colId] = colSel.$wrapper[colId] // input may not be wrapped within the layout template .find('input').add( colSel.$wrapper[colId].filter('input') ) .attr('data-column', colId) .prop('checked', colSel.states[colId]) .bind('change', function(){ colSel.states[colId] = this.checked; tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo); }).change(); } }); }, setupBreakpoints: function(c, wo){ var $auto, colSel = c.selector; // add responsive breakpoints if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery) { // used by window resize function colSel.lastIndex = -1; wo.columnSelector_breakpoints.sort(); colSel.$breakpoints = $('').prop('disabled', true).appendTo('head'); tsColSel.updateBreakpoints(c, wo); c.$table.unbind('updateAll' + namespace).bind('updateAll' + namespace, function(){ tsColSel.updateBreakpoints(c, wo); tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo); }); } if (colSel.$container.length) { // Add media queries toggle if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery && wo.columnSelector_mediaquery) { $auto = $( wo.columnSelector_layout.replace(/\{name\}/g, wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryName) ).prependTo(colSel.$container); $auto // needed in case the input in the layout is not wrapped .find('input').add( $auto.filter('input') ) .attr('data-column', 'auto') .prop('checked', wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryState) .bind('change', function(){ wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryState = this.checked; $.each( colSel.$checkbox, function(i, $cb){ if ($cb) { $cb[0].disabled = wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryState; colSel.$wrapper[i].toggleClass('disabled', wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryState); } }); tsColSel.updateBreakpoints(c, wo); tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo); // copy the column selector to a popup/tooltip if (c.selector.$popup) { c.selector.$popup.find('.tablesorter-column-selector') .html( colSel.$container.html() ) .find('input').each(function(){ var indx = $(this).attr('data-column'); $(this).prop( 'checked', indx === 'auto' ? wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryState : colSel.states[indx] ); }); } }).change(); } // Add a bind on update to re-run col setup c.$table.unbind('update' + namespace).bind('update' + namespace, function() { tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo); }); } }, updateBreakpoints: function(c, wo) { var priority, column, breaks, colSel = c.selector, prefix = '.' + c.tableId, mediaAll = [], breakpts = ''; if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery && !wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryState) { colSel.$breakpoints.prop('disabled', true); colSel.$style.prop('disabled', false); return; } // only 6 breakpoints (same as jQuery Mobile) for (priority = 0; priority < 6; priority++){ /*jshint loopfunc:true */ breaks = []; c.$headers.filter('[' + wo.columnSelector_priority + '=' + (priority + 1) + ']').each(function(){ column = parseInt($(this).attr('data-column'), 10) + 1; breaks.push(prefix + ' tr th:nth-child(' + column + ')'); breaks.push(prefix + ' tr td:nth-child(' + column + ')'); }); if (breaks.length) { mediaAll = mediaAll.concat( breaks ); breakpts += tsColSel.queryBreak .replace(/\[size\]/g, wo.columnSelector_breakpoints[priority]) .replace(/\[columns\]/g, breaks.join(',')); } } if (colSel.$style) { colSel.$style.prop('disabled', true); } colSel.$breakpoints .prop('disabled', false) .html( tsColSel.queryAll.replace(/\[columns\]/g, mediaAll.join(',')) + breakpts ); }, updateCols: function(c, wo) { if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery && wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryState) { return; } var column, styles = [], prefix = '.' + c.tableId; c.selector.$container.find('input[data-column]').filter('[data-column!="auto"]').each(function(){ if (!this.checked) { column = parseInt( $(this).attr('data-column'), 10 ) + 1; styles.push(prefix + ' tr th:nth-child(' + column + ')'); styles.push(prefix + ' tr td:nth-child(' + column + ')'); } }); if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery){ c.selector.$breakpoints.prop('disabled', true); } if (c.selector.$style) { c.selector.$style.prop('disabled', false).html( styles.length ? styles.join(',') + ' { display: none; }' : '' ); } if (wo.columnSelector_saveColumns && ts.storage) { ts.storage( c.$table[0], 'tablesorter-columnSelector', c.selector.states ); } }, attachTo : function(table, elm) { table = $(table)[0]; var colSel, wo, indx, c = table.config, $popup = $(elm); if ($popup.length && c) { if (!$popup.find('.tablesorter-column-selector').length) { // add a wrapper to add the selector into, in case the popup has other content $popup.append(''); } colSel = c.selector; wo = c.widgetOptions; $popup.find('.tablesorter-column-selector') .html( colSel.$container.html() ) .find('input').each(function(){ var indx = $(this).attr('data-column'); $(this).prop( 'checked', indx === 'auto' ? wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryState : colSel.states[indx] ); }); colSel.$popup = $popup.on('change', 'input', function(){ // data input indx = $(this).attr('data-column'); // update original popup colSel.$container.find('input[data-column="' + indx + '"]') .prop('checked', this.checked) .trigger('change'); }); } } }; ts.addWidget({ id: "columnSelector", priority: 10, options: { // target the column selector markup columnSelector_container : null, // column status, true = display, false = hide // disable = do not display on list columnSelector_columns : {}, // remember selected columns columnSelector_saveColumns: true, // container layout columnSelector_layout : '', // data attribute containing column name to use in the selector container columnSelector_name : 'data-selector-name', /* Responsive Media Query settings */ // enable/disable mediaquery breakpoints columnSelector_mediaquery: true, // toggle checkbox name columnSelector_mediaqueryName: 'Auto: ', // breakpoints checkbox initial setting columnSelector_mediaqueryState: true, // responsive table hides columns with priority 1-6 at these breakpoints // see http://view.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/dist/demos/widgets/table-column-toggle/#Applyingapresetbreakpoint // *** set to false to disable *** columnSelector_breakpoints : [ '20em', '30em', '40em', '50em', '60em', '70em' ], // data attribute containing column priority // duplicates how jQuery mobile uses priorities: // http://view.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/dist/demos/widgets/table-column-toggle/ columnSelector_priority : 'data-priority' }, init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo) { tsColSel.init(table, c, wo); }, remove: function(table, c){ var csel = c.selector; csel.$container.empty(); csel.$popup.empty(); csel.$style.remove(); csel.$breakpoints.remove(); c.$table.unbind('updateAll' + namespace + ',update' + namespace); } }); })(jQuery);