#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' describe Puppet::Parser::AST::ResourceReference do ast = Puppet::Parser::AST before :each do @scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new() end def newref(title, type) title = stub 'title', :safeevaluate => title ref = Puppet::Parser::AST::ResourceReference.new(:type => type, :title => title) end it "should evaluate correctly reference to builtin types" do newref("/tmp/yay", "File").evaluate(@scope).to_s.should == "File[/tmp/yay]" end %{ "one::two" "one-two"}.each do |type| it "should evaluate correctly reference to define" do klass = stub 'klass', :title => "three", :classname => type @scope.stubs(:find_definition).returns(klass) newref("three", type).evaluate(@scope).to_ref.should == Puppet::Parser::Resource::Reference.new( :type => type, :title => "three" ).to_ref end end it "should be able to call qualified_class" do klass = stub 'klass', :title => "three", :classname => "one" @scope.expects(:find_hostclass).with("one").returns(klass) newref("three","class").qualified_class(@scope,"one").should == "one" end it "should be able to find qualified classes when evaluating" do klass = stub 'klass', :title => "one", :classname => "one" @scope.stubs(:find_hostclass).returns(klass) evaled = newref("one", "class").evaluate(@scope) evaled.type.should == "Class" evaled.title.should == "one" end it "should return an array of reference if given an array of titles" do titles = mock 'titles', :safeevaluate => ["title1","title2"] ref = ast::ResourceReference.new( :title => titles, :type => "Resource" ) ref.stubs(:qualified_type).with(@scope).returns("Resource") ref.evaluate(@scope).should have(2).elements end it "should qualify class of all titles for Class resource references" do titles = mock 'titles', :safeevaluate => ["title1","title2"] ref = ast::ResourceReference.new( :title => titles, :type => "Class" ) ref.expects(:qualified_class).with(@scope,"title1").returns("class") ref.expects(:qualified_class).with(@scope,"title2").returns("class") ref.evaluate(@scope) end it "should return a correct representation when converting to string" do type = stub 'type', :is_a? => true, :to_s => "file" title = stub 'title', :is_a? => true, :to_s => "[/tmp/a, /tmp/b]" ast::ResourceReference.new( :type => type, :title => title ).to_s.should == "File[/tmp/a, /tmp/b]" end end