Necessary to set max classes since current implementation of ruby cassandra client doesn’t support table scans. Using crufty get_range method at the moment.
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 21 def initialize(host='', port=9160, keyspace = 'ankusa', max_classes = 100) @cassandra = Cassandra.new('system', "#{host}:#{port}") @klass_word_counts, @klass_doc_counts = {} @keyspace = keyspace @max_classes = max_classes init_tables end
Fetch the names of the distinct classes for classification: eg. :spam, :good, etc
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 33 def classnames @cassandra.get_range(:totals, {:start => '', :finish => '', :count => @max_classes}).inject([]) do |cs, key_slice| cs << key_slice.key.to_sym end end
Doesn’t do anything
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 172 def close end
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 165 def doc_count_totals get_summary "doc_count" end
Drop ankusa keyspace, reset internal caches
FIXME: truncate doesn’t work with cassandra-beta2
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 49 def drop_tables @cassandra.truncate!('classes') @cassandra.truncate!('totals') @cassandra.drop_keyspace(@keyspace) @klass_word_counts, @klass_doc_counts = {} end
Fetch total documents for a given class and cache it
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 107 def get_doc_count(klass) @klass_doc_counts[klass] = @cassandra.get(:totals, klass.to_s, "doc_count").values.last.to_f end
Fetch total word count for a given class and cache it
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 100 def get_total_word_count(klass) @klass_word_counts[klass] = @cassandra.get(:totals, klass.to_s, "wordcount").values.last.to_f end
Does a table ‘scan’ of summary table pulling out the ‘vocabsize’ column from each row. Generates a hash of (class, vocab_size) key value pairs
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 93 def get_vocabulary_sizes get_summary "vocabsize" end
Fetch hash of word counts as a single row from cassandra. Here column_name is the class and column value is the count
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 82 def get_word_counts(word) # fetch all (class,count) pairs for a given word row = @cassandra.get(:classes, word.to_s) return row.to_hash if row.empty? row.inject({}){|counts, col| counts[col.first.to_sym] = [col.last.to_f,0].max; counts} end
Increment total document count for a given class by ‘count’
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 157 def incr_doc_count(klass, count) klass = klass.to_s doc_count = @cassandra.get(:totals, klass, "doc_count").values.last.to_i doc_count += count @cassandra.insert(:totals, klass, {"doc_count" => doc_count.to_s}) @klass_doc_counts[klass.to_sym] = doc_count end
Increment total word count for a given class by ‘count’
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 146 def incr_total_word_count(klass, count) klass = klass.to_s wordcount = @cassandra.get(:totals, klass, "wordcount").values.last.to_i wordcount += count @cassandra.insert(:totals, klass, {"wordcount" => wordcount.to_s}) @klass_word_counts[klass.to_sym] = wordcount end
Increment the count for a given (word,class) pair. Evidently, cassandra does not support atomic increment/decrement. Psh. HBase uses ZooKeeper to implement atomic operations, ain’t it special?
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 116 def incr_word_count(klass, word, count) # Only wants strings klass = klass.to_s word = word.to_s prior_count = @cassandra.get(:classes, word, klass).values.last.to_i new_count = prior_count + count @cassandra.insert(:classes, word, {klass => new_count.to_s}) if (prior_count == 0 && count > 0) # # we've never seen this word before and we're not trying to unlearn it # vocab_size = @cassandra.get(:totals, klass, "vocabsize").values.last.to_i vocab_size += 1 @cassandra.insert(:totals, klass, {"vocabsize" => vocab_size.to_s}) elsif new_count == 0 # # we've seen this word before but we're trying to unlearn it # vocab_size = @cassandra.get(:totals, klass, "vocabsize").values.last.to_i vocab_size -= 1 @cassandra.insert(:totals, klass, {"vocabsize" => vocab_size.to_s}) end new_count end
Create required keyspace and column families
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 60 def init_tables # Do nothing if keyspace already exists if @cassandra.keyspaces.include?(@keyspace) @cassandra.keyspace = @keyspace else freq_table = Cassandra::ColumnFamily.new({:keyspace => @keyspace, :name => "classes"}) # word => {classname => count} summary_table = Cassandra::ColumnFamily.new({:keyspace => @keyspace, :name => "totals"}) # class => {wordcount => count} ks_def = Cassandra::Keyspace.new({ :name => @keyspace, :strategy_class => 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy', :replication_factor => 1, :cf_defs => [freq_table, summary_table] }) @cassandra.add_keyspace ks_def @cassandra.keyspace = @keyspace end end
Fetch 100 rows from summary table, yes, increase if necessary
# File lib/ankusa/cassandra_storage.rb, line 180 def get_summary(name) counts = {} @cassandra.get_range(:totals, {:start => '', :finish => '', :count => @max_classes}).each do |key_slice| # keyslice is a clunky thrift object, map into a ruby hash row = key_slice.columns.inject({}){|hsh, c| hsh[c.column.name] = c.column.value; hsh} counts[key_slice.key.to_sym] = row[name].to_f end counts end
Generated with the Darkfish Rdoc Generator 2.