require_relative './benchmarking_support' require_relative './app' time = 10 disable_gc = true # This is to disable any key transform effects that may impact performance ActiveModelSerializers.config.key_transform = :unaltered ########################################### # Setup active record models ########################################## require 'active_record' require 'sqlite3' # For debugging SQL output # ActiveRecord::Base.logger = # Change the following to reflect your database settings ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:' ) # Don't show migration output when constructing fake db ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :authors, force: true do |t| t.string :name end create_table :posts, force: true do |t| t.text :body t.string :title t.references :author end create_table :profiles, force: true do |t| t.text :project_url t.text :bio :birthday t.references :author end end class Author < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :profile has_many :posts end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :author end class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :author end # Build out the data to serialize author = Author.create(name: 'Preston Sego') Profile.create(project_url: '', author: author) 50.times do Post.create( body: 'something about how password restrictions are evil, and less secure, and with the math to prove it.', title: 'Your bank is does not know how to do security', author: author ) end Benchmark.ams('AR: attributes', time: time, disable_gc: disable_gc) do, adapter: :attributes, include: 'profile,posts').serializable_hash end Benchmark.ams('AR: json', time: time, disable_gc: disable_gc) do, adapter: :json, include: 'profile,posts').serializable_hash end Benchmark.ams('AR: JSON API', time: time, disable_gc: disable_gc) do, adapter: :json_api, include: 'profile,posts').serializable_hash end