module Charger class Subscription include Resource STATES = %w{trialing trial_ended assessing active soft_failure past_due suspended canceled unpaid expired} attribute :id, Integer attribute :state, String, default: 'active' attribute :balance_cents, Integer attribute :current_period_started_at, DateTime attribute :current_period_ends_at, DateTime attribute :next_assessment_at, DateTime attribute :trial_started_at, DateTime attribute :trial_ended_at, DateTime attribute :activated_at, DateTime attribute :expires_at, DateTime attribute :created_at, DateTime attribute :updated_at, DateTime attribute :customer, Customer attribute :product, Product attribute :credit_card, CreditCard attribute :cancellation_message, String attribute :canceled_at, DateTime attribute :signup_revenue, Float attribute :signup_payment_id, Integer attribute :cancel_at_end_of_peroid, Boolean attribute :delayed_cancel_at, DateTime attribute :previous_state, String attribute :coupon_code, String validates :state, inclusion: {in: STATES, allow_blank: true, allow_nil: true} validates :product, presence: true validates :customer, presence: true # Finds a [Subscription] in chargify. This can raise an exception. # # @raise [RestClient::Exception] if the id is invalid and the resource is # not found. # @return [Subscription] def self.find id new(client.get("subscriptions/#{id}")['subscription']) end # This is a **VERY** long running task. It will scrape all of the # subscriptions in the chargify account/ # # @return [Array] def self.all subscriptions = [] num = 1 loop do subs = page(num, 200) break if subs.empty? num += 1 subscriptions += subs end subscriptions end # Get all of the subscriptions for a specific page # # @param [Integer] num default is 1 # @param [Integer] limit max is 200 and default is 20 # @return [Array] def num=1, limit=20 subscriptions = [] client.get("subscriptions", params: {page: num, per_page: limit}).each do |data| subscriptions << new(data['subscription']) end subscriptions end def live? %w{trialing assessing active}.include?(state) end def trialing? state == 'trialing' end def assessing? state == 'assessing' end def active? state == 'active' end def problem? %w{soft_failure past_due unpaid}.include?(state) end def soft_failure? state == 'soft_failure' end def past_due? state == 'past_due' end def unpaid? state == 'unpaid' end def end_of_life? %w{canceled expired suspended trial_ended}.include?(state) end def canceled? state == 'canceled' end def expired? state == 'expired' end def suspended? state == 'suspended' end def trial_ended? state == 'trial_ended' end # @return [Boolean] def persisted? !!id end def activated_on? date return false unless activated? activated_between?(date.beginning_of_day, date.end_of_day) end def activated_between? a, b return false unless activated? activated_at > a && activated_at < b end def canceled_on? date return false unless canceled? canceled_between?(date.beginning_of_day, date.end_of_day) end def canceled_between? a, b return false unless canceled? canceled_at > a && canceled_at < b end def total sum = product.price_in_cents.to_f / 100.0 line_items.each do |item| sum += if item.allocated? end sum end def mrr if product.interval_unit == 'day' total / (product.interval / 30) else total / product.interval end end def events force=false @events = nil if force @events ||= Event.find_by_subscription_id(id) @events.each do |event| event.subscription = self end @events end # @param [Boolean] force will cause this to un-cache the results def line_items force=false @line_items = nil if force @line_items ||= LineItem.find_by_subscription_id(id) @line_items.each do |item| item.subscription = self end @line_items end def transactions force=false @transactions = nil if force @transactions ||= Transaction.find_by_subscription_id(id) @transactions.each do |transaction| transaction.subscription = self end @transactions end def statements force=false @statements = nil if force @statements ||= Statement.find_by_subscription_id(id) @statements.each do |statement| statement.subscription = self end @statements end end end