## 2.0.0 - Lists now respond to range. Example: ```ruby class Comment < Ohm::Model end class Post < Ohm::Model list :comments, :Comment end c1 = Comment.create c2 = Comment.create c3 = Comment.create post = Post.create post.comments.push(c1) post.comments.push(c2) post.comments.push(c3) post.comments.range(0, 1) == [c1, c2] # => true ``` - When a record is created, `#id` returns a string instead of an integer. This ensures IDs are strings everywhere: Example: ```ruby # Before Meetup.create(name: "Ruby").id # => 1 Meetup.with(:name, "Ruby").id # => "1" # Now Meetup.create(name: "Ruby").id # => "1" Meetup.with(:name, "Ruby").id # => "1" ``` - If an attribute is set to an empty string, Ohm won't delete it. Example: ```ruby # Before event = Meetup.create(location: "") Meetup[event.id].location # => nil # Now event = Meetup.create(location: "") Meetup[event.id].location # => "" ``` - Include `Ohm::List#ids` in the public API. It returns an array with all the ID's in the list. Example: ```ruby class Comment < Ohm::Model end class Post < Ohm::Model list :comments, :Comment end post = Post.create post.comments.push(Comment.create) post.comments.push(Comment.create) post.comments.push(Comment.create) post.comments.ids # => ["1", "2", "3"] ``` - Include `Ohm::BasicSet#exists?` in the public API. This makes possible to check if an id is included in a set. Check `Ohm::BasicSet#exists?` documentation for more details. Example: ```ruby class Post < Ohm::Model end class User < Ohm::Model set :posts, :Post end user = User.create user.posts.add(post = Post.create) user.posts.exists?(post.id) # => true user.posts.exists?("nonexistent") # => false ``` - Change `Ohm::MultiSet#except` to union keys instead of intersect them when passing an array. Example: ```ruby class User < Ohm::Model attribute :name end john = User.create(name: "John") jane = User.create(name: "Jane") res = User.all.except(name: [john.name, jane.name]) # Before res.size # => 2 # Now res.size # => 0 ``` - Move ID generation to Lua. With this change, it's no longer possible to generate custom ids. All ids are autoincremented. - Add `Ohm::Model.track` method to allow track of custom keys. This key is removed when the model is deleted. Example: ```ruby class Foo < Ohm::Model track :notes end foo = Foo.create Foo.redis.call("SET", foo.key[:notes], "something") Foo.redis.call("GET", "Foo:1:notes") # => "something" foo.delete Foo.redis.call("GET", "Foo:1:notes") # => nil ``` - `Ohm::Model#reference` accepts strings as model references. Example: ```ruby class Bar < Ohm::Model reference :foo, "SomeNamespace::Foo" end Bar.create.foo.class # => SomeNamespace::Foo ``` - `Ohm::Model#save` sanitizes attributes before sending them to Lua. This complies with the original spec in Ohm v1 where a `to_s` is done on each value. Example: ```ruby class Post < Ohm::Model attribute :published end post = Post.create(published: true) post = Post[post.id] # Before post.published # => "1" # Now post.published # => "true" ``` - `Ohm::Model#save` don't save values for attributes set to false. Example: ```ruby class Post < Ohm::Model attribute :published end post = Post.create(published: false) post = Post[post.id] # Before post.published # => "0" # Now post.published # => nil ``` - `nest` dependency has been removed. Now, Ohm uses [nido][nido] to generate the keys that hold the data. - `scrivener` dependency has been removed. Ohm no longer supports model validations and favors filter validation on the boundary layer. Check [scrivener][scrivener] project for more information. - `redis` dependency has been removed. Ohm 2 uses [redic][redic], a lightweight Redis client. Redic uses the `hiredis` gem for the connection and for parsing the replies. Now, it defaults to a Redic connection to "redis://". To change it, you will need to provide an instance of `Redic` through the `Ohm.redis=` helper. Example: ```ruby Ohm.redis = Redic.new("redis://:<passwd>@<host>:<port>/<db>") ``` Check the Redic README for more details. - `Ohm::Model#transaction` and `Ohm::Transaction` have been removed. - Move `save` and `delete` operations to Lua scripts. - Support for Ruby 1.8 has been removed. [nido]: https://github.com/soveran/nido [scrivener]: https://github.com/soveran/scrivener [redic]: https://github.com/amakawa/redic ## 1.3.2 - Fetching a batch of objects is now done in batches of 1000 objects at a time. If you are iterating over large collections, this change should provide a significant performance boost both in used memory and total execution time. - `MutableSet#<<` is now an alias for `#add`. ## 1.3.1 - Improve memory consumption when indexing persisted attributes. No migration is needed and old indices will be cleaned up as you save instances. ## 1.3.0 - Add Model.attributes. ## 1.2.0 - Enumerable fix. - Merge Ohm::PipelinedFetch into Ohm::Collection. - Fix Set, MultiSet, and List enumerable behavior. - Change dependencies to use latest cutest. ## 1.1.0 - Compatible with redis-rb 3. ## 1.0.0 - Fetching a batch of objects is now done through one pipeline, effectively reducing the IO to just 2 operations (one for SMEMBERS / LRANGE, one for the actual HGET of all the individual HASHes.) - write_remote / read_remote have been replaced with set / get respectively. - Ohm::Model.unique has been added. - Ohm::Model::Set has been renamed to Ohm::Set - Ohm::Model::List has been renamed to Ohm::List - Ohm::Model::Collection is gone. - Ohm::Validations is gone. Ohm now uses Scrivener::Validations. - Ohm::Key is gone. Ohm now uses Nest directly. - No more concept of volatile keys. - Ohm::Model::Wrapper is gone. - Use Symbols for constants instead of relying on Ohm::Model.const_missing. - `#sort` / `#sort_by` now uses `limit` as it's used in redis-rb, e.g. you have to pass in an array like so: sort(limit: [0, 1]). - Set / List have been trimmed to contain only the minimum number of necessary methods. - You can no longer mutate a collection / set as before, e.g. doing User.find(...).add(User[1]) will throw an error. - The #union operation has been added. You can now chain it with your filters. - Temporary keys when doing finds are now automatically cleaned up. - Counters are now stored in their own key instead, i.e. in User:<id>:counters. - JSON support has to be explicitly required by doing `require "ohm/json"`. - All save / delete / update operations are now done using transactions (see http://redis.io/topics/transactions). - All indices are now stored without converting the values to base64.