Welcome to Thimblr!

Hello! Thimblr is a program that will help you design templates for tumblr. Drawing strong influence from Mark Wunch's Thimble, Thimblr is a complete rewrite in Ruby providing an in-built server and some extra helpers that will hopefully make editing your themes as easy as planning for internet explorer can be…

If this page looks weird to you, you're probably using Internet Explorer. I'm sorry, this project is a bit of fun for me and I'm just not up for the hours of work required for IE compatibility. Feel free to install another browser or submit a patch!

You can find the latest version of thimblr on github but you can upgrade your copy with gem update Thimblr, as with any other gem.


Don't Panic! Thimblr is very easy to use. Just choose a theme from the drop down box at the top of the page and you're away. <%=(settings.allowediting) ? "Y" : "If you enable editing, y" %>ou can use the notepad icon to it's right to edit the current template in your text editor.

If you're feeling adventurous you can <%=(settings.data.nil?) ? "specify a data directory and " : "" %> create a new data file with your own tumblr test data in it, or import post data from Tumblr. If there is more than one data file to choose from, you will be able to choose it next to the theme drop-down.

Thimblr Settings

Have a play around with the internals of Thimblr! If you roll over the arrows to the right of each option you'll see some presets for that setting.

Only needs to be off if you're paranoid/>
<% Thimblr::Application::Editors.each do |ref,editor| %> <% end %>
<% Thimblr::Application::Locations.each do |loc| %> <% end %>
<% Thimblr::Application::Locations.each do |loc| %> <% end %>

Changes are saved automatically

Tumblr Settings

At some point I'll allow you to edit the (few) options that the tumblr emulator requires in this box. At the moment that includes the Posts per Page, which is set to 10.

Go and have a poke around the settings.yaml if you really want to change this value

<% =begin =end %>

Import Data

Once I've gone outside for a while I'll write a script here that will download a tumblr user's posts here. Not ready yet tho, sorry :(

Hackity Hack

All Thimblr's settings can be edited on this page, or in the settings.yaml file in the gem source.

Thimblr runs on Ruby, so it should be fairly easy to see how it works if you look at the source code. Feel free to fork the project on github and play around. If you make any modifications you're proud off, send me a message! I'll fold useful things into my repo.