require 'set' require 'autobuild/exceptions' require 'autobuild/reporting' require 'fcntl' module Autobuild @logfiles = def self.clear_logfiles @logfiles.clear end def self.logfiles @logfiles end def self.register_logfile(path) @logfiles << path end def self.registered_logfile?(logfile) @logfiles.include?(logfile) end def self.statistics @statistics end def self.reset_statistics @statistics = end def self.add_stat(package, phase, duration) if !@statistics[package] @statistics[package] = { phase => duration } elsif !@statistics[package][phase] @statistics[package][phase] = duration else @statistics[package][phase] += duration end end reset_statistics @parallel_build_level = nil class << self # Sets the level of parallelism during the build # # See #parallel_build_level for detailed information attr_writer :parallel_build_level # Returns the number of processes that can run in parallel during the # build. This is a system-wide value that can be overriden in a # per-package fashion by using Package#parallel_build_level. # # If not set, defaults to the number of CPUs on the system # # See also #parallel_build_level= def parallel_build_level if @parallel_build_level.nil? # No user-set value, return the count of processors on this # machine autodetect_processor_count elsif !@parallel_build_level || @parallel_build_level <= 0 1 else @parallel_build_level end end end # Returns the number of CPUs present on this system def self.autodetect_processor_count if @processor_count return @processor_count end if File.file?('/proc/cpuinfo') cpuinfo = File.readlines('/proc/cpuinfo') physical_ids, core_count, processor_ids = [], [], [] cpuinfo.each do |line| case line when /^processor\s+:\s+(\d+)$/ processor_ids << Integer($1) when /^physical id\s+:\s+(\d+)$/ physical_ids << Integer($1) when /^cpu cores\s+:\s+(\d+)$/ core_count << Integer($1) end end # Try to count the number of physical cores, not the number of # logical ones. If the info is not available, fallback to the # logical count if (physical_ids.size == core_count.size) && (physical_ids.size == processor_ids.size) info = while (id = physical_ids.shift) info[id] = core_count.shift end @processor_count = info.inject(&:+) else @processor_count = processor_ids.size end else result = Open3.popen3("sysctl", "-n", "hw.ncpu") do |_, io, _| end if !result.empty? @processor_count = Integer(result.chomp.strip) end end # The format of the cpuinfo file is ... let's say not very standardized. # If the cpuinfo detection fails, inform the user and set it to 1 if !@processor_count # Hug... What kind of system is it ? STDERR.puts "INFO: cannot autodetect the number of CPUs on this sytem" @processor_count = 1 end @processor_count end end module Autobuild::Subprocess class Failed < Exception attr_reader :status def initialize(status = nil) @status = status end end CONTROL_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND = 1 CONTROL_UNEXPECTED = 2 def, phase, *command) STDOUT.sync = true input_streams = [] options = if command.last.kind_of?(Hash) options = command.pop options = Kernel.validate_options options, :input => nil, :working_directory => nil if options[:input] input_streams = [options[:input]] end end start_time = # Filter nil and empty? in command command.reject! { |o| o.nil? || (o.respond_to?(:empty?) && o.empty?) } command.collect! { |o| o.to_s } target_name = if target.respond_to?(:name) else target.to_str end logdir = if target.respond_to?(:logdir) target.logdir else Autobuild.logdir end if target.respond_to?(:working_directory) options[:working_directory] ||= target.working_directory end logname = File.join(logdir, "#{target_name}-#{phase}.log") if ! FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(logname) end if Autobuild.verbose puts "#{target_name}: running #{command.join(" ")}\n (output goes to #{logname})" end open_flag = if Autobuild.keep_oldlogs then 'a' elsif Autobuild.registered_logfile?(logname) then 'a' else 'w' end Autobuild.register_logfile(logname) status =, open_flag) do |logfile| if Autobuild.keep_oldlogs logfile.puts end logfile.puts logfile.puts "#{}: running" logfile.puts " #{command.join(" ")}" logfile.puts "with environment:" ENV.keys.sort.each do |key| logfile.puts " '#{key}'='#{ENV[key]}'" end logfile.puts logfile.puts "#{}: running" logfile.puts " #{command.join(" ")}" logfile.flush logfile.sync = true if !input_streams.empty? pread, pwrite = IO.pipe # to feed subprocess stdin end if Autobuild.verbose || block_given? # the caller wants the stdout/stderr stream of the process, git it to him outread, outwrite = IO.pipe outread.sync = true outwrite.sync = true end cread, cwrite = IO.pipe # to control that exec goes well cwrite.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) pid = fork do if options[:working_directory] Dir.chdir(options[:working_directory]) end logfile.puts "in directory #{Dir.pwd}" begin cwrite.sync = true if Autobuild.nice Process.setpriority(Process::PRIO_PROCESS, 0, Autobuild.nice) end if outwrite outread.close $stderr.reopen(outwrite.dup) $stdout.reopen(outwrite.dup) else $stderr.reopen(logfile.dup) $stdout.reopen(logfile.dup) end if !input_streams.empty? pwrite.close $stdin.reopen(pread) end exec(*command) rescue Errno::ENOENT cwrite.write([CONTROL_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND].pack('I')) raise rescue ::Exception cwrite.write([CONTROL_UNEXPECTED].pack('I')) raise end end # Feed the input if !input_streams.empty? pread.close begin input_streams.each do |infile| do |instream| instream.each_line { |line| pwrite.write(line) } end end rescue Errno::ENOENT => e raise, "cannot open input files: #{e.message}" end pwrite.close end # Get control status cwrite.close value = if value # An error occured value = value.unpack('I').first if value == CONTROL_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND raise, "command '#{command.first}' not found" else raise, "something unexpected happened" end end # If the caller asked for process output, provide it to him # line-by-line. if outread outwrite.close outread.each_line do |line| if Autobuild.verbose STDOUT.print line end logfile.puts line # Do not yield the line if Autobuild.verbose is true, as it # would mix the progress output with the actual command # output. Assume that if the user wants the command output, # the autobuild progress output is unnecessary if !Autobuild.verbose && block_given? yield(line) end end outread.close end childpid, childstatus = Process.wait2(pid) childstatus end if !status.exitstatus || status.exitstatus > 0 raise, "'#{command.join(' ')}' returned status #{status.exitstatus}" end duration = - start_time Autobuild.add_stat(target, phase, duration) FileUtils.mkdir_p(Autobuild.logdir), "stats.log"), 'a') do |io| formatted_time = "#{start_time.strftime('%F %H:%M:%S')}.#{'%.03i' % [start_time.tv_usec / 1000]}" io.puts "#{formatted_time} #{target_name} #{phase} #{duration}" end if target.respond_to?(:add_stat) target.add_stat(phase, duration) end rescue Failed => e error =, command.join(" "), logname, e.status) error.phase = phase raise error, e.message end end