en: a_or_b: '%{a} or %{b}' flash: create: notice: '%{resource_name} successfully created.' alert: '%{resource_name} could not be created.' update: notice: '%{resource_name} successfully updated.' alert: '%{resource_name} could not be updated.' destroy: notice: '%{resource_name} successfully deleted.' alert: '%{resource_name} could not be deleted.' installation: protected: "Installation for %{host} is already complete. Please log in with your admin account." confirmations: destroy: 'Do you really want to delete this %{model_name}?' menu: sections: Sections page: Page view: View new: New edit: Edit edit_section: Settings destroy: Delete reorder: Reorder confirm_destroy: "Do you really want to delete this %{model_name}?" columns: published: Published author: Author status: published: Published actions: view: View edit: Edit destroy: Delete section: types: page: Page default_name: Home installations: new: title: adva-cms installation welcome: | Welcome to the adva-cms less-than-one-minute installation process: Just fill in a name for your site below and you're done. Don't worry. You can always change everything later. section_name: Section Name show: title: Success! confirm: You have successfully created your site. Enjoy! link_to_admin: "Manage your new site »" admin: sites: index: title: Sites new: title: Create a New Site section_name: Section Name edit: title: Site Settings show: section: new: New Section site: new: New Site sections: index: title: Sections published: Published new: title: Create a New Section pages: show: title: Edit Page new: title: Create a New Section tabs: options: Options assets: Assets layouts: default: made_with: "Made with adva cms 2" admin: top: sites: Sites new_site: New Site site: Overview sections: Sections new_section: New Section settings: Settings assets: Assets header: sign_in: "Sign in" sign_out: "Sign out %{user}" change_language: "Change language:" website: "Website ยป" simple_form: "yes": 'Yes' "no": 'No' required: text: required mark: '*' # You can uncomment the line below if you need to overwrite the whole required html. # When using html, text and mark won't be used. # html: '*' error_notification: default_message: "Some errors were found, please take a look:" # Labels and hints examples # labels: # password: 'Password' # user: # new: # email: 'E-mail para efetuar o sign in.' # edit: # email: 'E-mail.' # hints: # username: 'User name to sign in.' # password: 'No special characters, please.'