require_relative '../input' require_relative 'text_input/fix' module CCS module Components module GovUK class Field < Base class Input < Field # = GOV.UK Input # # This is used for generating the input component from the # { GDS - Components - Text Input} # # @!attribute [r] field_type # @return [Symbol,String] The input field type # @!attribute [r] value # @return [String] The value of the text input # @!attribute [r] prefix # @return [Fix] The initialised prefix # @!attribute [r] suffix # @return [Fix] The initialised suffix # @!attribute [r] input_wrapper_html_options # @return [Fix] HTML options for the input wrapper class TextInput < Input private attr_reader :field_type, :value, :prefix, :suffix, :input_wrapper_html_options public # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists # @param (see CCS::Components::GovUK::Field::Input#initialize) # @param field_type [Symbol,String] (:text) the input field type # @param value [String] the value if the input # @param prefix [Hash] optional prefix for the input field, # see {CCS::Components::GovUK::Field::Input::TextInput::Fix#initialize Fix#initialize} for more details. # @param suffix [Hash] optional suffix for the input field, # see {CCS::Components::GovUK::Field::Input::TextInput::Fix#initialize Fix#initialize} for more details. # @param input_wrapper [Hash] HTML options for the input wrapper # # @option (see CCS::Components::GovUK::Field::Input#initialize) def initialize(attribute:, field_type: :text, value: nil, prefix: nil, suffix: nil, input_wrapper: {}, **options) super(attribute: attribute, **options) @field_type = :"#{field_type}_field" @value = @options[:model] ? @options[:model].send(attribute) : value @prefix = 'pre', context: @context, **prefix) if prefix @suffix = 'suf', context: @context, **suffix) if suffix @input_wrapper_html_options = { class: "govuk-input__wrapper #{input_wrapper[:classes]}".rstrip }.merge(input_wrapper[:attributes] || {}) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # Generates the HTML for the GOV.UK Text Input component # # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] def render form_group.render do |display_error_message| concat(label.render) concat(hint.render) if hint concat(display_error_message) concat(text_input_wrapper do if options[:form] options[:form].send(field_type, attribute, **options[:attributes]) else context.send("#{field_type}_tag", attribute, value, **options[:attributes]) end end) end end # The default attributes for the text input DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = { class: 'govuk-input' }.freeze private # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # Wrapper method used by {render} to wrap the text input with a prefix or suffix if they exist # # @yield the text input HTML # # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] def text_input_wrapper if prefix || suffix || before_input || after_input tag.div(**input_wrapper_html_options) do concat(before_input) if before_input concat(prefix.render) if prefix concat(yield) concat(suffix.render) if suffix concat(after_input) if after_input end else yield end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity end end end end end end