# These should be in Graphiti itself, but can't do it quite yet b/c GQL coupling. # Ideally we eventually rip out the parts of Graphiti we need and roll this into # that effort. module GraphitiGql module ResourceExtras extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class << self attr_accessor :graphql_name end end class_methods do def attribute(*args) super(*args).tap do opts = args.extract_options! att = config[:attributes][args[0]] att[:deprecation_reason] = opts[:deprecation_reason] att[:null] = opts.key?(:null) ? opts[:null] : args[0] != :id att[:name] = args.first # for easier lookup end end end end Graphiti::Resource.send(:include, ResourceExtras) module FilterExtras def filter_param default_filter = resource.default_filter if resource.respond_to?(:default_filter) default_filter ||= {} default_filter.merge(super) end def each_filter super do |filter, operator, value| unless filter.values[0][:allow_nil] has_nil = value.nil? || value.is_a?(Array) && value.any?(&:nil?) raise Errors::NullFilter.new(filter.keys.first) if has_nil end yield filter, operator, value end end # Only for alias, tiny diff def filter_via_adapter(filter, operator, value) type_name = ::Graphiti::Types.name_for(filter.values.first[:type]) method = :"filter_#{type_name}_#{operator}" name = filter.keys.first name = resource.all_attributes[name][:alias] || name if resource.adapter.respond_to?(method) resource.adapter.send(method, @scope, name, value) else raise ::Graphiti::Errors::AdapterNotImplemented.new \ resource.adapter, name, method end end end Graphiti::Scoping::Filter.send(:prepend, FilterExtras) module SortAliasExtras def each_sort sort_param.each do |sort_hash| name = sort_hash.keys.first name = resource.all_attributes[name][:alias] || name direction = sort_hash.values.first yield name, direction end end end Graphiti::Scoping::Sort.send(:prepend, SortAliasExtras) module PaginateExtras def apply if query_hash[:reverse] && (before_cursor || after_cursor) raise ::GraphitiGql::Errors::UnsupportedLast end super end def offset offset = 0 if (value = page_param[:offset]) offset = value.to_i end if before_cursor&.key?(:offset) if page_param.key?(:number) raise Errors::UnsupportedBeforeCursor end offset = before_cursor[:offset] - (size * number) - 1 offset = 0 if offset.negative? end if after_cursor&.key?(:offset) offset = after_cursor[:offset] end offset end # TODO memoize def size size = super if before_cursor && after_cursor diff = before_cursor[:offset] - after_cursor[:offset] - 1 size = [size, diff].min elsif before_cursor comparator = query_hash[:reverse] ? :>= : :<= if before_cursor[:offset].send(comparator, size) diff = before_cursor[:offset] - size size = [size, diff].min size = 1 if size.zero? end end size end end Graphiti::Scoping::Paginate.send(:prepend, PaginateExtras) module StatsExtras def calculate_stat(name, function) config = @resource.all_attributes[name] || {} name = config[:alias] || name super(name, function) end end Graphiti::Stats::Payload.send(:prepend, StatsExtras) Graphiti::Types[:big_integer] = Graphiti::Types[:integer].dup Graphiti::Types[:big_integer][:graphql_type] = ::GraphQL::Types::BigInt ######## support precise_datetime ########### ############################################# definition = Dry::Types::Nominal.new(String) _out = definition.constructor do |input| input.utc.round(10).iso8601(6) end _in = definition.constructor do |input| Time.zone.parse(input) end # Register it with Graphiti Graphiti::Types[:precise_datetime] = { params: _in, read: _out, write: _in, kind: 'scalar', canonical_name: :precise_datetime, description: 'Datetime with milliseconds' } module ActiveRecordAdapterExtras extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do alias_method :filter_precise_datetime_lt, :filter_lt alias_method :filter_precise_datetime_lte, :filter_lte alias_method :filter_precise_datetime_gt, :filter_gt alias_method :filter_precise_datetime_gte, :filter_gte alias_method :filter_precise_datetime_eq, :filter_eq alias_method :filter_precise_datetime_not_eq, :filter_not_eq end end Graphiti::Adapters::ActiveRecord.send(:include, ActiveRecordAdapterExtras) Graphiti::Adapters::Abstract.class_eval do class << self alias :old_default_operators :default_operators def default_operators old_default_operators.merge(precise_datetime: numerical_operators) end end end ########## end support precise_datetime ############ # ================================================== # Below is all to support pagination argument 'last' # ================================================== module SortExtras def sort_param param = super if query_hash[:reverse] param = [{ id: :asc }] if param == [] param = param.map do |p| {}.tap do |hash| dir = p[p.keys.first] dir = dir == :asc ? :desc : :asc hash[p.keys.first] = dir end end end param end end Graphiti::Scoping::Sort.send(:prepend, SortExtras) module QueryExtras def hash hash = super hash[:reverse] = true if @params[:reverse] hash end end Graphiti::Query.send(:prepend, QueryExtras) module ScopeExtras def resolve(*args) results = super results.reverse! if @query.hash[:reverse] results end end Graphiti::Scope.send(:prepend, ScopeExtras) end