require 'erb' require "yaml" require 'dev-lxc' require 'thor' module DevLXC::CLI class DevLXC < Thor no_commands{ def get_cluster(config_file=nil) config_file ||= "dev-lxc.yml" if ! File.exists?(config_file) puts "ERROR: Cluster config file '#{config_file}' does not exist." puts " Create a `./dev-lxc.yml` file or specify the path using `--config`." exit 1 end begin cluster_config = YAML.load( rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e puts "ERROR: A YAML syntax error was found at line #{e.line} column #{e.column}" exit 1 end end def print_elapsed_time(elapsed_time) printf "dev-lxc is finished. (%im %.2fs)\n", elapsed_time / 60, elapsed_time % 60 end } desc "show-config", "Show calculated configuration" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" option :include_products, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Calculate required products" def show_config get_cluster(options[:config]).show_config(options[:include_products]) end desc "create-base-container [BASE_CONTAINER_NAME]", "Create a base container" option :options, :aliases => "-o", :desc => "Specify additional options for the lxc create" def create_base_container(base_container_name=nil) start_time = base_container_names = %w(b-ubuntu-1204 b-ubuntu-1404 b-ubuntu-1604 b-centos-5 b-centos-6 b-centos-7) if base_container_name.nil? || ! base_container_names.include?(base_container_name) base_container_names_with_index ={ |a, i| [i+1, *a]} print_table base_container_names_with_index selection = ask("Which base container do you want to create?", :limited_to =>{|c| c[0].to_s}) base_container_name = base_container_names[selection.to_i - 1] end ::DevLXC.create_base_container(base_container_name, options[:options]) puts print_elapsed_time( - start_time) end desc "init", "Provide a cluster config file" option :chef, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Standalone Chef Server" option :chef_tier, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Chef Server using Tier topology with one backend" option :chef_backend, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Chef Server using Chef Backend HA topology with three backends" option :nodes, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Node Servers" option :analytics, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Analytics Server" option :compliance, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Compliance Server" option :supermarket, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Supermarket Server" option :automate, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Automate Server" option :build_nodes, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Build Nodes" option :runners, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Runners" option :adhoc, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Adhoc Servers" option :base_container, :default => 'b-ubuntu-1404', :desc => "Specify the base container name" option :product_versions, :type => :hash, :default => {}, :desc => "Specify channel and version (default 'latest') for products [product:channel,version ...]; [product:none] removes the product from the config" option :append, :aliases => "-a", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Do not generate the global config header" option :filename, :aliases => "-f", :desc => "Write generated content to FILE rather than standard output." def init product_versions = { |hash, key| hash[key] = { channel: 'stable', version: 'latest' } } options[:product_versions].keys.each do |product| product_versions[product][:channel], product_versions[product][:version] = options[:product_versions][product].to_s.split(',', 2) product_versions[product][:version] ||= 'latest' end dev_lxc_template = %Q(<% unless options[:append] -%> # enable_build_snapshots automatically makes container snapshots at key times during the build process # default value is `true` #enable_build_snapshots: true # base_container must be the name of an existing container base_container: <%= options[:base_container] %> # memory_per_server sets the maximum amount of user memory (including file cache) for each server. # dev-lxc will set the `memory.limit_in_bytes` cgroup for each server to apply this limit. # If no units are specified, the value is interpreted as bytes. # You can use suffixes to represent larger units - k or K for kilobytes, m or M for megabytes, and g or G for gigabytes. # The default behavior is that no limit is set. #memory_per_server: 4G # list any host directories you want mounted into the servers #mounts: # - /root/clusters root/clusters # list any SSH public keys you want added to /home/dev-lxc/.ssh/authorized_keys #ssh-keys: # - /root/clusters/ # DHCP reserved (static) IPs must be selected from the IP range - 254 <% end -%> <% if options[:chef] -%> chef-server: users: # a user's password will be the same as its username - mary-admin - joe-user orgs: demo: admins: - mary-admin non-admins: - joe-user servers: chef.lxc: ipaddress: products: <%- unless product_versions['chef-server'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chef-server: channel: <%= product_versions['chef-server'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chef-server'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <%- unless product_versions['manage'][:channel] == 'none' -%> manage: channel: <%= product_versions['manage'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['manage'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <%- unless product_versions['push-jobs-server'][:channel] == 'none' -%> push-jobs-server: channel: <%= product_versions['push-jobs-server'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['push-jobs-server'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <%- unless product_versions['reporting'][:channel] == 'none' -%> reporting: channel: <%= product_versions['reporting'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['reporting'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if options[:chef_backend] -%> chef-backend: api_fqdn: chef-ha.lxc users: # a user's password will be the same as its username - mary-admin - joe-user orgs: demo: admins: - mary-admin non-admins: - joe-user servers: chef-backend1.lxc: ipaddress: role: backend leader: true products: <%- unless product_versions['chef-backend'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chef-backend: channel: <%= product_versions['chef-backend'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chef-backend'][:version] %> <%- end -%> chef-backend2.lxc: ipaddress: role: backend products: <%- unless product_versions['chef-backend'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chef-backend: channel: <%= product_versions['chef-backend'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chef-backend'][:version] %> <%- end -%> chef-backend3.lxc: ipaddress: role: backend products: <%- unless product_versions['chef-backend'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chef-backend: channel: <%= product_versions['chef-backend'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chef-backend'][:version] %> <%- end -%> chef-frontend1.lxc: ipaddress: role: frontend bootstrap: true products: <%- unless product_versions['chef-server'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chef-server: channel: <%= product_versions['chef-server'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chef-server'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <%- unless product_versions['manage'][:channel] == 'none' -%> manage: channel: <%= product_versions['manage'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['manage'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if options[:chef_tier] -%> chef-server: topology: tier api_fqdn: chef-tier.lxc users: # a user's password will be the same as its username - mary-admin - joe-user orgs: demo: admins: - mary-admin non-admins: - joe-user servers: chef-be.lxc: ipaddress: role: backend bootstrap: true products: <%- unless product_versions['chef-server'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chef-server: channel: <%= product_versions['chef-server'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chef-server'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <%- unless product_versions['push-jobs-server'][:channel] == 'none' -%> push-jobs-server: channel: <%= product_versions['push-jobs-server'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['push-jobs-server'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <%- unless product_versions['reporting'][:channel] == 'none' -%> reporting: channel: <%= product_versions['reporting'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['reporting'][:version] %> <%- end -%> chef-fe1.lxc: ipaddress: role: frontend products: <%- unless product_versions['chef-server'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chef-server: channel: <%= product_versions['chef-server'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chef-server'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <%- unless product_versions['manage'][:channel] == 'none' -%> manage: channel: <%= product_versions['manage'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['manage'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <%- unless product_versions['push-jobs-server'][:channel] == 'none' -%> push-jobs-server: channel: <%= product_versions['push-jobs-server'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['push-jobs-server'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <%- unless product_versions['reporting'][:channel] == 'none' -%> reporting: channel: <%= product_versions['reporting'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['reporting'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if options[:compliance] -%> compliance: admin_user: admin # the password will be the same as the username servers: compliance.lxc: ipaddress: products: <%- unless product_versions['compliance'][:channel] == 'none' -%> compliance: channel: <%= product_versions['compliance'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['compliance'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if options[:supermarket] -%> supermarket: servers: supermarket.lxc: ipaddress: products: <%- unless product_versions['supermarket'][:channel] == 'none' -%> supermarket: channel: <%= product_versions['supermarket'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['supermarket'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if options[:automate] -%> automate: servers: automate.lxc: ipaddress: products: <%- unless product_versions['automate'][:channel] == 'none' -%> automate: channel: <%= product_versions['automate'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['automate'][:version] %> <%- end -%> license_path: ../delivery.license chef_org: automate enterprise_name: default <% end -%> <% if options[:build_nodes] -%> build-nodes: servers: build-node-1.lxc: products: <%- unless product_versions['chefdk'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chefdk: # downloaded only channel: <%= product_versions['chefdk'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chefdk'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if options[:runners] -%> runners: servers: runner-1.lxc: products: <%- unless product_versions['chefdk'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chefdk: # downloaded only channel: <%= product_versions['chefdk'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chefdk'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if options[:nodes] -%> nodes: chef_server_url: https://chef.lxc/organizations/demo validation_client_name: demo-validator # comment out or remove the validation_key path to use chef-server keys generated by dev-lxc validation_key: # /path/for/ORG-validator.pem servers: node-1.lxc: products: <%- unless product_versions['chef'][:channel] == 'none' -%> chef: channel: <%= product_versions['chef'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['chef'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if options[:analytics] -%> analytics: servers: analytics.lxc: ipaddress: products: <%- unless product_versions['analytics'][:channel] == 'none' -%> analytics: channel: <%= product_versions['analytics'][:channel] %> version: <%= product_versions['analytics'][:version] %> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if options[:adhoc] -%> adhoc: servers: adhoc.lxc: ipaddress: <% end -%> ) dev_lxc_config =, nil, '-').result(binding) if options[:filename] mode = options[:append] ? 'a' : 'w' IO.write(options[:filename], dev_lxc_config, mode: mode) else puts dev_lxc_config end end desc "status [SERVER_NAME_REGEX]", "Show status of servers" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" def status(server_name_regex=nil) cluster = get_cluster(options[:config]) if cluster.config['chef-server'][:topology] == "tier" && cluster.config['chef-server'][:fqdn] printf "Chef Server FQDN: %s\n\n", cluster.config['chef-server'][:fqdn] end if cluster.config['chef-backend'][:fqdn] printf "Chef Server FQDN: %s\n\n", cluster.config['chef-backend'][:fqdn] end if cluster.config['analytics'][:topology] == "tier" && cluster.config['analytics'][:fqdn] printf "Analytics FQDN: %s\n\n", cluster.config['analytics'][:fqdn] end servers = cluster.get_sorted_servers(server_name_regex).map { |s| servers << s.status } max_server_name_length = servers.max_by { |s| s['name'].length }['name'].length unless servers.empty? servers.each_with_index do |s, server_index| printf "%-#{max_server_name_length}s %-15s %s\n", s['name'], s['state'].upcase, s['ip_addresses'] server = cluster.get_server(s['name']) server.snapshot_list.each do |snapname, snaptime, snap_comment| printf " |_ %s %s %s\n", snapname, snaptime, snap_comment end puts if server_index + 1 < servers.length end end desc "attach [SERVER_NAME_REGEX]", "Attach the terminal to a single server" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" def attach(server_name_regex) servers = get_cluster(options[:config]).get_sorted_servers(server_name_regex) if servers.length > 1 puts "ERROR: The following servers matched '#{server_name_regex}'" { |s| puts " #{}" } puts " Please specify a single server to attach to" exit 1 elsif servers.empty? puts "ERROR: No servers matched '#{server_name_regex}'" puts " Please specify a single server to attach to" exit 1 end container = servers.first.container if !container.defined? || !container.running? puts "ERROR: Server '#{}' is not running" exit 1 end attach_opts = { wait: true, env_policy: LXC::LXC_ATTACH_CLEAR_ENV, extra_env_vars: ["LANG=en_US.UTF-8", "TERM=linux", "HOME=#{ENV['HOME']}"] } shell = ENV['SHELL'] container.attach(attach_opts) { system(shell) } end desc "chef-repo", "Creates a '.chef' directory in the current directory using files from the cluster's backend /root/chef-repo/.chef" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" option :force, :aliases => "-f", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Overwrite any existing knife.rb or pivotal.rb files" option :pivotal, :aliases => "-p", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Also copy pivotal.rb and pivotal.pem" def chef_repo get_cluster(options[:config]).chef_repo(options[:force], options[:pivotal]) end desc "print-automate-credentials", "Print Automate credentials" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" def print_automate_credentials get_cluster(options[:config]).print_automate_credentials end desc "run-command [SERVER_NAME_REGEX] [COMMAND]", "Runs a command in each server" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" def run_command(server_name_regex=nil, command) start_time = get_cluster(options[:config]).get_sorted_servers(server_name_regex).each { |s| s.run_command(command); puts } print_elapsed_time( - start_time) end desc "prepare-product-cache [SERVER_NAME_REGEX]", "Download required product packages to cache" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" def prepare_product_cache(server_name_regex=nil) start_time = cluster = get_cluster(options[:config]) servers = cluster.get_sorted_servers(server_name_regex) cluster.prep_product_cache(servers, true) print_elapsed_time( - start_time) end desc "up [SERVER_NAME_REGEX]", "Start servers - This is the default if no subcommand is given" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" def up(server_name_regex=nil) start_time = get_cluster(options[:config]).up(server_name_regex) print_elapsed_time( - start_time) end desc "halt [SERVER_NAME_REGEX]", "Shutdown servers" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" def halt(server_name_regex=nil) start_time = get_cluster(options[:config]).halt(server_name_regex) print_elapsed_time( - start_time) end desc "snapshot [SERVER_NAME_REGEX]", "Manage a cluster's snapshots" option :comment, :aliases => "-c", :desc => "Add snapshot comment" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" option :destroy, :aliases => "-d", :desc => "Destroy snapshot - use ALL to destroy all snapshots" option :list, :aliases => "-l", :type => :boolean, :desc => "List snapshots" option :restore, :aliases => "-r", :desc => "Restore snapshots" def snapshot(server_name_regex=nil) start_time = servers = get_cluster(options[:config]).get_sorted_servers(server_name_regex) if options[:list] servers.each_with_index do |s, server_index| puts s.snapshot_list.each do |snapname, snaptime, snap_comment| printf " |_ %s %s %s\n", snapname, snaptime, snap_comment end puts if server_index + 1 < servers.length end return elsif options[:destroy] snapname = options[:destroy] == 'destroy' ? "LAST" : options[:destroy] servers.each { |s| s.snapshot_destroy(snapname); puts } elsif options[:restore] running_servers = servers.each do |s| running_servers << if s.container.running? end unless running_servers.empty? puts "ERROR: Aborting snapshot restore because the following servers are running" puts running_servers exit 1 end snapname = options[:restore] == 'restore' ? "LAST" : options[:restore] servers.each { |s| s.snapshot_restore(snapname); puts } else running_servers = servers.each do |s| running_servers << if s.container.running? end unless running_servers.empty? puts "ERROR: Aborting snapshot because the following servers are running" puts running_servers exit 1 end servers.each { |s| s.snapshot(options[:comment]); puts } end print_elapsed_time( - start_time) end desc "destroy [SERVER_NAME_REGEX]", "Destroy servers" option :config, :desc => "Specify a cluster's YAML config file. `./dev-lxc.yml` will be used by default" option :force, :aliases => "-f", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Destroy servers without confirmation" def destroy(server_name_regex=nil) servers = get_cluster(options[:config]).get_sorted_servers(server_name_regex) if servers.empty? puts "No matching server names were found" exit end unless options[:force] confirmation_string = servers.reverse_each { |s| confirmation_string += "#{}\n" } confirmation_string += "Are you sure you want to destroy these servers? (y/N)\n" return unless yes?(confirmation_string) end start_time = get_cluster(options[:config]).destroy(server_name_regex) print_elapsed_time( - start_time) end end end