require 'service_providers/pact_helper' require 'pact_broker/client/deployments/record_undeployment' RSpec.describe "recording an undeployment", pact: true do include_context "pact broker" include PactBrokerPactHelperMethods let(:pacticipant_name) { "Foo" } let(:environment_name) { "test" } let(:output) { "text" } let(:application_instance) { "customer-1" } let(:params) do { pacticipant_name: pacticipant_name, environment_name: environment_name, application_instance: application_instance } end let(:options) do { output: output, verbose: true } end let(:webmock_base_url) { "http://broker" } let(:pact_broker_client_options) { { pact_broker_base_url: webmock_base_url } } let(:test_environment_placeholder_path) { "/HAL-REL-PLACEHOLDER-PB-ENVIRONMENT-16926ef3-590f-4e3f-838e-719717aa88c9" } let(:currently_deployed_versions_placeholder_path) { "/PLACEHOLDER-ENVIRONMENT-CURRENTLY-DEPLOYED-16926ef3-590f-4e3f-838e-719717aa88c9" } let(:deployed_version_placeholder_path) { "/PLACEHOLDER-DEPLOYED-VERSION-ff3adecf-cfc5-4653-a4e3-f1861092f8e0"} subject {, options, pact_broker_client_options) } let(:index_body_hash) do { _links: { :'pb:environments' => { href: "#{webmock_base_url}/environments" } } } end let(:environments_hash) do { _links: { :'pb:environments' => [ { name: "test", href: pact_broker.mock_service_base_url + test_environment_placeholder_path } ] } } end let!(:index_request) do stub_request(:get, "http://broker").to_return(status: 200, body: index_body_hash.to_json, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/hal+json" } ) end let!(:environments_request) do stub_request(:get, "http://broker/environments").to_return(status: 200, body: environments_hash.to_json, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/hal+json" } ) end def mock_test_environment pact_broker .given("an environment with name test and UUID 16926ef3-590f-4e3f-838e-719717aa88c9 exists") .upon_receiving("a request for an environment") .with( method: "GET", path: test_environment_placeholder_path, headers: get_request_headers ) .will_respond_with( status: 200, headers: pact_broker_response_headers, body: { _links: { :'pb:currently-deployed-deployed-versions' => { href: Pact.term( pact_broker.mock_service_base_url + currently_deployed_versions_placeholder_path, /^http.*/) } } } ) end def mock_deployed_versions_search_results pact_broker .given("an version is deployed to environment with UUID 16926ef3-590f-4e3f-838e-719717aa88c9 with target customer-1") .upon_receiving("a request to list the versions deployed to an environment for a pacticipant name and target") .with( method: "GET", path: currently_deployed_versions_placeholder_path, query: { pacticipant: pacticipant_name }, headers: get_request_headers ) .will_respond_with( status: 200, headers: pact_broker_response_headers, body: { _embedded: { deployedVersions: [ { target: application_instance, _links: { self: { href: Pact.term(pact_broker.mock_service_base_url + deployed_version_placeholder_path, /^http/) } } } ] } } ) end def mock_mark_deployed_version_as_undeployed pact_broker .given("a currently deployed version exists") .upon_receiving("a request to mark a deployed version as not currently deploye") .with( method: "PATCH", path: deployed_version_placeholder_path, body: { currentlyDeployed: false }, headers: patch_request_headers ) .will_respond_with( status: 200, headers: pact_broker_response_headers, body: deployed_version_hash ) end let(:deployed_version_hash) do { "currentlyDeployed" => false, "_embedded" => { "version" => { "number" =>"2") } } } end context "when the deployment is recorded successfully" do before do mock_test_environment mock_deployed_versions_search_results mock_mark_deployed_version_as_undeployed end it "returns a success message" do expect(subject.success).to be true expect(subject.message).to include "Recorded undeployment of Foo version 2 from test environment (application instance customer-1) in the Pact Broker" end context "when the output is json" do let(:output) { "json" } it "returns the JSON payload" do expect(JSON.parse(subject.message)).to eq [Pact::Reification.from_term(deployed_version_hash)] end end end end