$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'lib') require 'logger' require 'benchmark' require 'message_bus' require_relative "../helpers" backends = ENV['MESSAGE_BUS_BACKENDS'].split(",").map(&:to_sym) channel = "/foo" iterations = 10_000 results = [] puts "Running publication benchmark with #{iterations} iterations on backends: #{backends.inspect}" benchmark_publication_only = lambda do |bm, backend| bus = MessageBus::Instance.new bus.configure(test_config_for_backend(backend)) bm.report("#{backend} - publication only") do iterations.times { bus.publish(channel, "Hello world") } end bus.reset! bus.destroy end benchmark_subscription_no_trimming = lambda do |bm, backend| test_title = "#{backend} - subscription no trimming" bus = MessageBus::Instance.new bus.configure(test_config_for_backend(backend)) bus.reliable_pub_sub.max_backlog_size = iterations bus.reliable_pub_sub.max_global_backlog_size = iterations messages_received = 0 bus.after_fork bus.subscribe(channel) do |_message| messages_received += 1 end bm.report(test_title) do iterations.times { bus.publish(channel, "Hello world") } wait_for(60000) { messages_received == iterations } end results << "[#{test_title}]: #{iterations} messages sent, #{messages_received} received, rate of #{(messages_received.to_f / iterations.to_f) * 100}%" bus.reset! bus.destroy end benchmark_subscription_with_trimming = lambda do |bm, backend| test_title = "#{backend} - subscription with trimming" bus = MessageBus::Instance.new bus.configure(test_config_for_backend(backend)) bus.reliable_pub_sub.max_backlog_size = (iterations / 10) bus.reliable_pub_sub.max_global_backlog_size = (iterations / 10) messages_received = 0 bus.after_fork bus.subscribe(channel) do |_message| messages_received += 1 end bm.report(test_title) do iterations.times { bus.publish(channel, "Hello world") } wait_for(60000) { messages_received == iterations } end results << "[#{test_title}]: #{iterations} messages sent, #{messages_received} received, rate of #{(messages_received.to_f / iterations.to_f) * 100}%" bus.reset! bus.destroy end puts Benchmark.bm(60) do |bm| backends.each do |backend| benchmark_publication_only.call(bm, backend) end puts backends.each do |backend| benchmark_subscription_no_trimming.call(bm, backend) end results << nil puts backends.each do |backend| benchmark_subscription_with_trimming.call(bm, backend) end end puts results.each do |result| puts result end