require "examples/example_helper" module RR describe Space, "#verify_doubles" do it_should_behave_like "RR::Space" before do @space = @object1 = @object2 = @method_name = :foobar end it "verifies and deletes the doubles" do double1 = @space.double(@object1, @method_name) double1_verify_calls = 0 double1_reset_calls = 0 (class << double1; self; end).class_eval do define_method(:verify) do || double1_verify_calls += 1 end define_method(:reset) do || double1_reset_calls += 1 end end double2 = @space.double(@object2, @method_name) double2_verify_calls = 0 double2_reset_calls = 0 (class << double2; self; end).class_eval do define_method(:verify) do || double2_verify_calls += 1 end define_method(:reset) do || double2_reset_calls += 1 end end @space.verify_doubles double1_verify_calls.should == 1 double2_verify_calls.should == 1 double1_reset_calls.should == 1 double1_reset_calls.should == 1 end end describe Space, "#verify_double" do it_should_behave_like "RR::Space" before do @space = @object = @method_name = :foobar end it "verifies and deletes the double" do double = @space.double(@object, @method_name) @space.doubles[@object][@method_name].should === double @object.methods.should include("__rr__#{@method_name}") verify_calls = 0 (class << double; self; end).class_eval do define_method(:verify) do || verify_calls += 1 end end @space.verify_double(@object, @method_name) verify_calls.should == 1 @space.doubles[@object][@method_name].should be_nil @object.methods.should_not include("__rr__#{@method_name}") end it "deletes the double when verifying the double raises an error" do double = @space.double(@object, @method_name) @space.doubles[@object][@method_name].should === double @object.methods.should include("__rr__#{@method_name}") verify_called = true (class << double; self; end).class_eval do define_method(:verify) do || verify_called = true raise "An Error" end end proc {@space.verify_double(@object, @method_name)}.should raise_error verify_called.should be_true @space.doubles[@object][@method_name].should be_nil @object.methods.should_not include("__rr__#{@method_name}") end end describe Space, "#verify_ordered_scenario", :shared => true do it_should_behave_like "RR::Space" before do @space = @object = @method_name = :foobar @double = @space.double(@object, @method_name) end it "raises an error when Scenario is NonTerminal" do scenario = @space.scenario(@double) @space.register_ordered_scenario(scenario) scenario.any_number_of_times scenario.should_not be_terminal proc do @space.verify_ordered_scenario(scenario) end.should raise_error( Errors::ScenarioOrderError, "Ordered Scenarios cannot have a NonTerminal TimesCalledExpectation" ) end end describe Space, "#verify_ordered_scenario where the passed in scenario is at the front of the queue" do it_should_behave_like "RR::Space#verify_ordered_scenario" it "keeps the scenario when times called is not verified" do scenario = @space.scenario(@double) @space.register_ordered_scenario(scenario) scenario.twice scenario.should be_attempt @space.verify_ordered_scenario(scenario) @space.ordered_scenarios.should include(scenario) end it "removes the scenario when times called expectation should no longer be attempted" do scenario = @space.scenario(@double) @space.register_ordered_scenario(scenario) scenario.with(1).once @object.foobar(1) scenario.should_not be_attempt @space.verify_ordered_scenario(scenario) @space.ordered_scenarios.should_not include(scenario) end end describe Space, "#verify_ordered_scenario where the passed in scenario is not at the front of the queue" do it_should_behave_like "RR::Space#verify_ordered_scenario" it "raises error" do first_scenario = scenario second_scenario = scenario proc do @space.verify_ordered_scenario(second_scenario) end.should raise_error( Errors::ScenarioOrderError, "foobar() called out of order in list\n" << "- foobar()\n" << "- foobar()" ) end def scenario scenario_definition = @space.scenario(@double).once @space.register_ordered_scenario(scenario_definition.scenario) scenario_definition.scenario end end end