namespace :tog do namespace :plugins do desc "Update the tog plugins on this app. This will pull the changes on the HEAD of every tog plugins on your app. Use PLUGIN=plugin_name to update a specific plugin." task :update do plugin_roots(ENV["PLUGIN"]).each do |directory| puts "Pulling changes of #{File.basename(directory)}" chdir directory do output = %x{git pull} end end end desc "Install a new tog plugin. Use PLUGIN parameter to specify the plugin to install e.g. PLUGIN=tog_vault. Use FORCE=true to overwrite the plugin if it's currently installed." task :install do plugin = ENV["PLUGIN"] force = ENV["FORCE"] || false puts "Installing #{plugin} on vendor/plugins/#{plugin}" cmd = "script/plugin install{plugin}.git" cmd << " --force" if force output = %x{#{cmd}} puts "Generating migration to integrate #{plugin} in the app" to_version=Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/#{plugin}/db/migrate/*.rb").inject(0) do |max, file_path| n = File.basename(file_path).split('_', 2).first.to_i if n > max then n else max end end from_version=0 cmd = "script/generate tog_migration Integrate#{plugin.classify}Version#{to_version}From#{from_version}" output = %x{#{cmd}} end desc "Copy the public resources stored on the /public folder of every tog plugin on the app's public folder with the plugin name used as prefix. Pass PLUGIN=plugin_name to copy the resources of a single plugin." task :copy_resources do plugin_roots(ENV["PLUGIN"]).each do |directory| plugin_name = File.basename(directory) dest_public_dir = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "public", plugin_name) orig_public_dir = File.join(directory, "public") if File.exists?(orig_public_dir) puts "Copying the public resources of #{plugin_name} to #{dest_public_dir}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_public_dir) is_svn_dir = proc {|path| path =~ /\.svn/} Dir[orig_public_dir].reject(&is_svn_dir).each do |file| FileUtils.cp_r(Dir["#{orig_public_dir}/*"], dest_public_dir ) end end end end desc "Runs tests on all available Tog Plugins. Pass PLUGIN=plugin_name to test a single plugin." task :test do plugin_roots(ENV["PLUGIN"]).each do |directory| if, 'test')) chdir directory do if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ system "rake.cmd test" else system "rake test" end end end end end desc "List the names of tog plugins test methods in a specification like format. Pass PLUGIN=plugin_name to list a single plugin." task :list_specs do require File.expand_path(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "config","environment")) require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'active_support' # bug in test unit. Set to true to stop from running. = true plugin_roots(ENV["PLUGIN"]).each do |directory| if, 'test')) chdir directory do test_files = Dir.glob(File.join('test', '**', '*_test.rb')) test_files.each do |file| load file klass =[/class\s(.*Test)\s