require 'calabash-cucumber' module Briar module UIA def uia_available? # proxy for testing if run_loop exists not uia_not_available? end def uia_not_available? default_device.nil? end def uia_handle_target_command(cmd, *query_args) args = do |part| if part.is_a?(String) "#{escape_uia_string(part)}" else "#{escape_uia_string(part.to_edn)}" end end command = %Q[target.#{cmd}(#{args.join(', ')})] if ENV['DEBUG'] == '1' puts 'Sending UIA command' puts command end s=send_uia_command :command => command if ENV['DEBUG'] == '1' puts 'Result' p s end if s['status'] == 'success' s['value'] else raise s end end def uia_touch_with_options(point, opts={}) defaults = {:tap_count => 1, :touch_count => 1, :duration => 1.0} opts = defaults.merge(opts) pt = "{x: #{point[:x]}, y: #{point[:y]}}" args = "{tapCount: #{opts[:tap_count]}, touchCount: #{opts[:touch_count]}, duration: #{opts[:duration]}}" uia_handle_target_command(:tapWithOptions, pt, args) end def dismiss_ipad_keyboard screenshot_and_raise 'cannot dismiss keyboard on iphone' if iphone? screenshot_and_raise 'cannot dismiss keyboard without launching with instruments' unless uia_available? send_uia_command command:"uia.keyboard().buttons()['Hide keyboard'].tap()" step_pause end def make_ipad_emulation_1x device = device() unless device.ipad? pending 'this trick only works on the iPad' end unless device.ios7? pending 'this trick only works on iOS 7' end unless uia_available? pending 'this trick requires the app be launched with instruments' end # this only works because iPhone apps emulated on iPads in iOS 7 _always_ # launch at 2x uia_touch_with_options({x:738, y:24}) step_pause end def ensure_ipad_emulation_1x device = device() if device.ipad? and device.ios7? and uia_available? uia_touch_with_options({x:738, y:24}) end end end end