layout: post
title: "The Academy"
category: Plato
color: c8
tags: philosopy bio
image: https://i.imgur.com/p3F1hWt.png
source: "Columbia University Press"
source_url: http://www.columbia.edu/itc/lithum/wong/plato.html
Plato, a Greek philosopher who lived for a time at the Syracuse court. Founded the Academy (c.387B.C.) in Athens, the most influential and important learning instituion where he taught until his death in 347B.C.. A pupil and friend of Socrates, and taught one of the greatest philosopher, Aristotle.
Plato produced 35 dialogues and 13 letters including:
- Early (Socratic dialogues):
- The Apology
- Meno
- Gorgias
- Middle dialogues:
- The Republic
- Phaedo
- Symposium
- Timaeus
- Later dialogues:
- The Laws
- Parmenides
In his magnum opus, The Republic Plato argues for the philosopher-king as best kind of ruler;
only a philosopher "understands the harmony of all parts of the universe with the Idea of the Good,"
and therefore, "is capable of ruling the just state."
> Virtue consists in the harmony of the human soul with the universe of Ideas, which assure order, intelligence, and pattern to a world in constant flux. Supreme among them is the Idea of the Good, analogous to the sun in the physical world.