--- en: activemodel: attributes: collaborative_draft: address: Address body: Body category_id: Category decidim_scope_id: Scope has_address: Has address scope_id: Scope state: State title: Title user_group_id: Create collaborative draft as proposal: address: Address answer: Answer answered_at: Answered at automatic_hashtags: Hashtags automatically added body: Body category_id: Category decidim_scope_id: Scope has_address: Has address scope_id: Scope state: State suggested_hashtags: Suggested hashtags title: Title user_group_id: Create proposal as proposal_answer: answer: Answer cost: Cost cost_report: Cost report execution_period: Execution period proposals_copy: copy_proposals: I understand that this will import all proposals from the selected component to the current one and that this action cannot be reversed. origin_component_id: Component to copy the proposals from proposals_import: import_proposals: Import proposals keep_answers: Keep state and answers keep_authors: Keep original authors valuation_assignment: admin_log: valuator_role_id: Valuator name errors: models: participatory_text: attributes: document: allowed_file_content_types: 'Invalid document type. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: %{types}' proposal: attributes: add_documents: needs_to_be_reattached: Needs to be reattached add_photos: needs_to_be_reattached: Needs to be reattached body: cant_be_equal_to_template: cannot be equal to the template identical: AND title cannot be identical title: identical: AND body cannot be identical proposals_merge: attributes: base: not_official: Are not official supported: Have received support or endorsements proposals_split: attributes: base: not_official: Are not official supported: Have received support or endorsements models: decidim/proposals/accepted_proposal_event: Proposal accepted decidim/proposals/admin/update_proposal_category_event: Proposal category changed decidim/proposals/admin/update_proposal_scope_event: Proposal scope changed decidim/proposals/creation_enabled_event: Proposal creation enabled decidim/proposals/endorsing_enabled_event: Proposal endorsing enabled decidim/proposals/evaluating_proposal_event: Proposal is being evaluated decidim/proposals/proposal_mentioned_event: Proposal mentioned decidim/proposals/publish_proposal_event: Proposal published decidim/proposals/rejected_proposal_event: Proposal rejected decidim/proposals/voting_enabled_event: Proposal voting enabled activerecord: models: decidim/proposals/collaborative_draft: one: Collaborative draft other: Collaborative drafts decidim/proposals/proposal: one: Proposal other: Proposals decidim/proposals/proposal_note: one: Note other: Notes decidim/proposals/proposal_vote: one: Support other: Supports decidim: admin: filters: proposals: category_id_eq: label: Category is_emendation_true: label: Type values: 'false': Proposals 'true': Amendments scope_id_eq: label: Scope state_eq: label: State values: accepted: Accepted evaluating: Evaluating not_answered: Not answered published: Published rejected: Rejected validating: Technical validation withdrawn: Withdrawn valuator_role_ids_has: label: Assigned to valuator with_any_state: label: Answered values: state_not_published: Not answered state_published: Answered search_placeholder: id_string_or_title_cont: Search %{collection} by ID or title. components: proposals: actions: amend: Amend comment: Comment create: Create endorse: Endorse vote: Support vote_comment: Vote comment withdraw: Withdraw name: Proposals settings: global: amendments_enabled: Amendments enabled amendments_enabled_help: If active, configure Amendment features for each step. amendments_wizard_help_text: Amendments Wizard help text announcement: Announcement attachments_allowed: Allow attachments can_accumulate_supports_beyond_threshold: Can accumulate supports beyond threshold collaborative_drafts_enabled: Collaborative drafts enabled comments_enabled: Comments enabled comments_max_length: Comments max length (Leave 0 for default value) default_sort_order: Default proposal sorting default_sort_order_help: Default means that if the supports are enabled, the proposals will be shown sorted by random, and if the supports are blocked, then they will be sorted by the most supported. default_sort_order_options: default: Default most_commented: Most commented most_endorsed: Most endorsed most_followed: Most followed most_voted: Most supported random: Random recent: Recent with_more_authors: With more authors geocoding_enabled: Geocoding enabled minimum_votes_per_user: Minimum supports per user new_proposal_body_template: New proposal body template new_proposal_body_template_help: You can define prefilled text that the new Proposals will have new_proposal_help_text: New proposal help text official_proposals_enabled: Official proposals enabled participatory_texts_enabled: Participatory texts enabled participatory_texts_enabled_readonly: Cannot interact with this setting if there are existing proposals. Please, create a new `Proposals component` if you want to enable this feature or discard all imported proposals in the `Participatory Texts` menu if you want to disable it. proposal_answering_enabled: Proposal answering enabled proposal_edit_before_minutes: Proposals can be edited by authors before this many minutes passes proposal_edit_time: Proposal editing proposal_edit_time_choices: infinite: Allow editing proposals for an infinite amount of time limited: Allow editing of proposals within a specific timeframe proposal_length: Maximum proposal body length proposal_limit: Proposal limit per participant proposal_wizard_step_1_help_text: Proposal wizard "Create" step help text proposal_wizard_step_2_help_text: Proposal wizard "Compare" step help text proposal_wizard_step_3_help_text: Proposal wizard "Complete" step help text proposal_wizard_step_4_help_text: Proposal wizard "Publish" step help text resources_permissions_enabled: Actions permissions can be set for each proposal scope_id: Scope scopes_enabled: Scopes enabled threshold_per_proposal: Threshold per proposal vote_limit: Support limit per participant step: amendment_creation_enabled: Amendment creation enabled amendment_creation_enabled_help: Participant can amend proposals. amendment_promotion_enabled: Amendment promotion enabled amendment_promotion_enabled_help: Emandation authors will be able to promote to Proposal the rejected emendation. amendment_reaction_enabled: Amendment reaction enabled amendment_reaction_enabled_help: Proposal's authors will be able to accept or reject Participant's emendations. amendments_visibility: Amendments visibility amendments_visibility_choices: all: Amendments are visible to all participants: Amendments are visible only to their authors amendments_visibility_help: If the option "Amendments are visible only to their authors" is selected, participant must be logged in to see the amendments made. announcement: Announcement answers_with_costs: Enable costs on proposal answers automatic_hashtags: Hashtags added to all proposals comments_blocked: Comments blocked creation_enabled: Participants can create proposals creation_enabled_readonly: This setting is disabled when you activate the Participatory Texts functionality. To upload proposals as participatory text click on the Participatory Texts button and follow the instructions. default_sort_order: Default proposal sorting default_sort_order_help: Default it means that if the supports are enabled, the proposals will be shown sorted by random, and if the supports are blocked, then they will be sorted by the most supported. default_sort_order_options: default: Default most_commented: Most commented most_endorsed: Most endorsed most_followed: Most followed most_voted: Most supported random: Random recent: Recent with_more_authors: With more authors endorsements_blocked: Endorsements blocked endorsements_enabled: Endorsements enabled proposal_answering_enabled: Proposal answering enabled publish_answers_immediately: Publish proposal answers immediately publish_answers_immediately_help_html: Mind that if you answer any proposal without this enabled, you will need to publish them manually by selecting them and using the action for publication. For more info on how this works, see proposals' answers documentation page. suggested_hashtags: Hashtags suggested to participants for new proposals votes_blocked: Supports blocked votes_enabled: Supports enabled votes_hidden: Supports hidden (if supports are enabled, checking this will hide the number of supports) events: proposals: admin: proposal_note_created: email_intro: Someone has left a note on the proposal "%{resource_title}". Check it out at the admin panel. email_outro: You have received this notification because you can valuate the proposal. email_subject: Someone left a note on proposal %{resource_title}. notification_title: Someone has left a note on the proposal %{resource_title}. Check it out at the admin panel. collaborative_draft_access_accepted: email_intro: '%{requester_name} has been accepted to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title} collaborative draft.' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are a collaborator of %{resource_title}. email_subject: "%{requester_name} has been accepted to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title}." notification_title: %{requester_name} %{requester_nickname} has been accepted to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title} collaborative draft. collaborative_draft_access_rejected: email_intro: '%{requester_name} has been rejected to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title} collaborative draft.' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are a collaborator of %{resource_title}. email_subject: "%{requester_name} has been rejected to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title} collaborative draft." notification_title: %{requester_name} %{requester_nickname} has been rejected to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title} collaborative draft. collaborative_draft_access_requested: email_intro: '%{requester_name} requested access as a contributor. You can accept or reject the request from the %{resource_title} collaborative draft page.' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are a collaborator of %{resource_title}. email_subject: "%{requester_name} requested access to contribute to %{resource_title}." notification_title: %{requester_name} %{requester_nickname} requested access to contribute to the %{resource_title} collaborative draft. Please accept or reject the request. collaborative_draft_access_requester_accepted: email_intro: You have been accepted to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title} collaborative draft. email_outro: You have received this notification because you requested to become a collaborator of %{resource_title}. email_subject: You have been accepted as a contributor of %{resource_title}. notification_title: You have been accepted to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title} collaborative draft. collaborative_draft_access_requester_rejected: email_intro: You have been rejected to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title} collaborative draft. email_outro: You have received this notification because you requested to become a collaborator of %{resource_title}. email_subject: You have been rejected as a contributor of %{resource_title}. notification_title: You have been rejected to access as a contributor of the %{resource_title} collaborative draft. collaborative_draft_withdrawn: email_intro: %{author_name} %{author_nickname} withdrawn the %{resource_title} collaborative draft. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are a collaborator of %{resource_title}. email_subject: "%{author_name} %{author_nickname} withdrawn the %{resource_title} collaborative draft." notification_title: %{author_name} %{author_nickname} withdrawn the %{resource_title} collaborative draft. creation_enabled: email_intro: 'You can now create new proposals in %{participatory_space_title}! Start participating in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: Proposals now available in %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: You can now put forward new proposals in %{participatory_space_title}. endorsing_enabled: email_intro: 'You can endorse proposals in %{participatory_space_title}! Start participating in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: Proposals endorsing has started for %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: You can now start endorsing proposals in %{participatory_space_title}. proposal_accepted: affected_user: email_intro: 'Your proposal "%{resource_title}" has been accepted. You can read the answer in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are an author of "%{resource_title}". email_subject: Your proposal has been accepted notification_title: Your proposal %{resource_title} has been accepted. follower: email_intro: 'The proposal "%{resource_title}" has been accepted. You can read the answer in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{resource_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: A proposal you are following has been accepted notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal has been accepted. proposal_evaluating: affected_user: email_intro: 'Your proposal "%{resource_title}" is currently being evaluated. You can check for an answer in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are an author of "%{resource_title}". email_subject: Your proposal is being evaluated notification_title: Your proposal %{resource_title} is being evaluated. follower: email_intro: 'The proposal "%{resource_title}" is currently being evaluated. You can check for an answer in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{resource_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: A proposal you are following is being evaluated notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal is being evaluated. proposal_mentioned: email_intro: Your proposal "%{mentioned_proposal_title}" has been mentioned in this space in the comments. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are an author of "%{resource_title}". email_subject: Your proposal "%{mentioned_proposal_title}" has been mentioned notification_title: Your proposal "%{mentioned_proposal_title}" has been mentioned in this space in the comments. proposal_published: email_intro: '%{author_name} %{author_nickname}, who you are following, has published a new proposal called "%{resource_title}". Check it out and contribute:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{author_nickname}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: New proposal "%{resource_title}" by %{author_nickname} notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal was published by %{author_name} %{author_nickname}. proposal_published_for_space: email_intro: The proposal "%{resource_title}" has been added to "%{participatory_space_title}" that you are following. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{participatory_space_title}". You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: New proposal "%{resource_title}" added to %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: The proposal %{resource_title} has been added to %{participatory_space_title} by %{author}. notification_title_official: The official proposal %{resource_title} has been added to %{participatory_space_title}. proposal_rejected: affected_user: email_intro: 'Your proposal "%{resource_title}" has been rejected. You can read the answer in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are an author of "%{resource_title}". email_subject: Your proposal has been rejected notification_title: Your proposal %{resource_title} has been rejected. follower: email_intro: 'The proposal "%{resource_title}" has been rejected. You can read the answer in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{resource_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: A proposal you are following has been rejected notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal has been rejected. proposal_update_category: email_intro: 'An admin has updated the category of your proposal "%{resource_title}", check it out in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are the author of the proposal. email_subject: The %{resource_title} proposal category has been updated notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal category has been updated by an admin. proposal_update_scope: email_intro: 'An admin has updated the scope of your proposal "%{resource_title}", check it out in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are the author of the proposal. email_subject: The %{resource_title} proposal scope has been updated notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal scope has been updated by an admin. voting_enabled: email_intro: 'You can support proposals in %{participatory_space_title}! Start participating in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: Proposal support has started for %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: You can now start supporting proposals in %{participatory_space_title} gamification: badges: accepted_proposals: conditions: - Choose the participation space of your interest with submission for proposals enabled - Try to make proposals that can be carried out. This way they are more likely to be accepted. description: This badge is granted when you actively participate with new proposals and these are accepted. description_another: This participant had %{score} accepted proposals. description_own: You got %{score} proposals accepted. name: Accepted proposals next_level_in: Get %{score} more proposals accepted to reach the next level! unearned_another: This participant has not yet had any accepted proposals. unearned_own: You got no proposals accepted yet. proposal_votes: conditions: - Browse and spend some time reading other people's proposals - Give support to the proposals you like or find interesting description: This badge is granted when you support other people's proposals. description_another: This participant has given support to %{score} proposals. description_own: You have given support to %{score} proposals. name: Proposal supports next_level_in: Give support to %{score} more proposals to reach the next level! unearned_another: This participant has not given support to any proposals yet. unearned_own: You have given support to no proposals yet. proposals: conditions: - Choose the participation space of your interest with submission for proposals enabled - Create a new proposal description: This badge is granted when you actively participate with new proposals. description_another: This participant has created %{score} proposals. description_own: You have created %{score} proposals. name: Proposals next_level_in: Create %{score} more proposals to reach the next level! unearned_another: This participant has not created any proposals yet. unearned_own: You have created no proposals yet. metrics: accepted_proposals: description: Number of proposals accepted object: proposals title: Accepted proposals endorsements: description: Number of endorsements to proposals object: endorsements title: Endorsements proposals: description: Number of proposals object: proposals title: Proposals votes: description: Number of supports to proposals object: supports title: Supports participatory_spaces: highlighted_proposals: last: Last proposals see_all: See all proposals proposals: actions: answer_proposal: Answer proposal edit_proposal: Edit proposal import: Import proposals from another component new: New proposal participatory_texts: Participatory texts show: Show proposal title: Actions admin: actions: preview: Preview exports: proposal_comments: Comments proposals: Proposals imports: help: answers: | The import document should contain the following column names in case of CSV or Excel files, or key names in case of JSON files: proposals: | The file must have the following column names in case of CSV or Excel files, or key names in case of JSON files: label: answers: Import answers from a file proposals: Import proposals from a file resources: answers: one: proposal answer other: proposal answers proposals: one: proposal other: proposals title: answers: Import proposal answers from a file proposals: Import proposals from a file models: proposal: name: Proposal participatory_texts: bulk-actions: are_you_sure: Are you sure to discard the whole participatory text draft? discard_all: Discard all import_doc: Import document discard: success: All participatory text drafts have been discarded. import: invalid: The form is invalid! invalid_file: The file contains some error, please try to edit the content of the file and re-upload it again. success: Congratulations, the following sections have been converted to proposals. Now you can review and adjust them before publishing. index: info_1: The following sections have been converted to proposals. Now you can review and adjust them before publishing. publish_document: Publish document save_draft: Save draft title: Preview participatory text new_import: accepted_mime_types: md: Markdown odt: ODT bottom_hint: "(You will be able to preview and sort document sections)" document_legend: 'Add a document lesser than 2MB, each section until 3 levels deep will be parsed into proposals. Supported formats are: %{valid_mime_types}' title: Add document upload_document: Upload document publish: invalid: There was a problem publishing proposals. success: All proposals have been published. sections: article: "Article" section: "Section: %{title}" sub-section: "Subsection: %{title}" update: success: Participatory text successfully updated. proposal_answers: form: accepted: Accepted answer_proposal: Answer evaluating: Evaluating not_answered: Not answered rejected: Rejected title: Answer for proposal %{title} proposal_notes: create: error: There was a problem creating this proposal note. success: Proposal note successfully created. form: note: Note submit: Submit leave_your_note: Leave your note title: Private notes proposals: answer: invalid: There has been a problem answering this proposal. success: Proposal successfully answered. create: invalid: There has been a problem creating this proposal. success: Proposal successfully created. edit: title: Update proposal update: Update form: attachment_legend: "(Optional) Add an attachment" created_in_meeting: This proposal comes from a meeting delete_attachment: Delete attachment select_a_category: Select a category select_a_meeting: Select a meeting index: actions: Actions assign_to_valuator: Assign to valuator assign_to_valuator_button: Assign cancel: Cancel change_category: Change category change_scope: Change scope merge: Merge into a new one merge_button: Merge publish: Publish publish_answers: Publish answers select_component: Select a component selected: selected split: Split proposals split_button: Split title: Proposals unassign_from_valuator: Unassign from valuator unassign_from_valuator_button: Unassign update: Update update_scope_button: Update Scope new: create: Create title: Create proposal publish_answers: number_of_proposals: Answers for %{number} proposal's will be published? select_a_proposal: Please select a proposal. show: amendments_count: Amendments count assigned_valuators: Assigned valuators body: Body comments_count: Comments count documents: Documents endorsements_count: Endorsements count endorsers: Endorsers link: See proposal n_more_endorsers: one: and 1 more other: and %{count} more photos: Photos ranking: "%{ranking} of %{total}" related_meetings: Related meetings remove_assignment: Remove assignment remove_assignment_confirmation: Are you sure you want to remove the valuator from this proposal? valuators: Valuators votes_count: Supports count update_category: invalid: 'These proposals already had the %{subject_name} category: %{proposals}.' select_a_category: Please select a category. select_a_proposal: Please select a proposal. success: 'Proposals successfully updated to the %{subject_name} category: %{proposals}.' update_scope: invalid: 'These proposals already had the %{subject_name} scope: %{proposals}.' select_a_proposal: Please select a proposal. select_a_scope: Please select a scope. success: 'Proposals successfully updated to the %{subject_name} scope: %{proposals}.' proposals_imports: create: invalid: There was a problem importing the proposals. success: "%{number} proposals successfully imported." new: create: Import proposals no_components: There are no other proposal components in this participatory space to import the proposals from. select_component: Please select a component select_states: Check the status of the proposals to import title: Import proposals from another component proposals_merges: create: invalid: 'There has been a problem merging the selected proposals because some of them:' success: Successfully merged the proposals into a new one. proposals_splits: create: invalid: 'There has been a problem splitting the selected proposals because some of them:' success: Successfully splitted the proposals into new ones. valuation_assignments: create: invalid: There was an error assigning proposals to a valuator. success: Proposals assigned to a valuator successfully. delete: invalid: There was an error unassigning proposals from a valuator. success: Valuator unassigned from proposals successfully. admin_log: proposal: answer: "%{user_name} answered the %{resource_name} proposal on the %{space_name} space" create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} proposal on the %{space_name} space as an official proposal" publish_answer: "%{user_name} published the answer to %{resource_name} proposal on the %{space_name} space" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} official proposal on the %{space_name} space" proposal_note: create: "%{user_name} left a private note on the %{resource_name} proposal on the %{space_name} space" valuation_assignment: create: "%{user_name} assigned the %{resource_name} proposal to a valuator" delete: "%{user_name} unassigned a valuator from the %{proposal_title} proposal" answers: accepted: Accepted evaluating: Evaluating not_answered: Not answered rejected: Rejected withdrawn: Withdrawn application_helper: filter_origin_values: all: All meetings: Meetings official: Official participants: Participants user_groups: Groups filter_state_values: accepted: Accepted all: All evaluating: Evaluating not_answered: Not answered rejected: Rejected filter_type_values: all: All amendments: Amendments proposals: Proposals collaborative_drafts: collaborative_draft: publish: error: There was a problem publishing the collaborative draft. irreversible_action_modal: body: After publishing the draft as a proposal, it will not be editable anymore. The proposal will not accept new authors or contributions. cancel: Cancel ok: Publish as a Proposal title: The following action is irreversible success: Collaborative draft published successfully as a proposal. withdraw: error: There was a problem closing the collaborative draft. irreversible_action_modal: body: After closing the draft, it will not be editable anymore. The draft will not accept new authors or contributions. cancel: Cancel ok: Withdraw the collaborative draft title: The following action is irreversible success: Collaborative draft withdrawn successfully. create: error: There was a problem creating this collaborative draft. success: Collaborative draft successfully created. edit: attachment_legend: "(Optional) Add an attachment" back: Back select_a_category: Please select a category send: Send title: Edit collaborative draft empty: There are no collaborative drafts yet empty_filters: There is no collaborative draft with this criteria filters: all: All amendment: Amendments category: Category open: Open published: Published related_to: Related to scope: Scope search: Search state: Status withdrawn: Withdrawn filters_small_view: close_modal: Close modal filter: Filter filter_by: Filter by unfold: Unfold index: count: one: "%{count} collaborative draft" other: "%{count} collaborative drafts" name: Collaborative drafts new: add_file: Add file edit_file: Edit file send: Continue new_collaborative_draft_button: new_collaborative_draft: New collaborative draft orders: label: 'Order drafts by:' most_contributed: Most contributed random: Random recent: Recent requests: accepted_request: error: Could not be accepted as a collaborator, please try again later. success: "@%{user} has been accepted as a collaborator successfully." access_requested: error: Your request could not be completed, please try again later. success: Your request to collaborate has been successfully sent. collaboration_requests: accept_request: Accept reject_request: Reject title: Collaboration requests rejected_request: error: Could not be rejected as a collaborator, please try again later. success: "@%{user} has been successfully rejected as a collaborator." show: edit: Edit collaborative draft final_proposal: Final proposal final_proposal_help_text: This draft is finished. Check out the final proposal hidden_authors_count: one: and %{count} more person other: and %{count} more people info-message: This is a collaborative draft for a proposal. This means that you can help their authors to shape the proposal using the comment section below or improve it directly by requesting access to edit it. Once the authors grant you access, you will be able to make changes to this draft. publish: Publish publish_info: Publish this version of the draft or published_proposal: Published proposal request_access: Request access requested_access: Access requested withdraw: withdraw the draft states: open: Open published: Published withdrawn: Withdrawn update: error: There was a problem saving the collaborative draft. success: Collaborative draft successfully updated. wizard_aside: back_from_collaborative_draft: Back to collaborative drafts wizard_header: title: Create your collaborative draft content_blocks: highlighted_proposals: name: Proposals create: error: There was a problem saving the proposal. success: Proposal successfully created. Saved as a Draft. destroy_draft: error: There was a problem deleting the collaborative draft. success: Proposal draft was successfully deleted. last_activity: new_proposal: 'New proposal:' proposal_updated: 'Proposal updated:' models: proposal: fields: category: Category comments: Comments id: ID notes: Notes official_proposal: Official proposal published_answer: Published answer published_at: Published at scope: Scope state: Status title: Title valuator: Valuator valuators: Valuators votes: Votes new: limit_reached: You cannot create new proposals since you have exceeded the limit. participatory_text_proposal: alternative_title: There are no participatory texts at the moment buttons: amend: Amend comment: Comment proposal_votes: create: error: There was a problem supporting the proposal. proposals: compare: continue: Continue no_similars_found: Well done! No similar proposals found title: Similar Proposals complete: send: Send title: Complete your proposal dynamic_map_instructions: description: The coordinates will be updated when clicking on 'preview' button. However, the address does not change. instructions: You can move the point on the map. edit: add_documents: Add documents attachment_legend: "(Optional) Add an attachment" back: Back edit_documents: Edit documents select_a_category: Please select a category send: Send title: Edit proposal edit_draft: discard: Discard this draft discard_confirmation: Are you sure you want to discard this proposal draft? send: Preview title: Edit Proposal Draft filters: activity: My activity all: All amendment_type: Type category: Category my_proposals: My proposals origin: Origin related_to: Related to scope: Scope search: Search state: Status type: Type voted: Supported index: click_here: See all proposals collaborative_drafts_list: Access collaborative drafts count: one: "%{count} proposal" other: "%{count} proposals" new_proposal: New proposal see_all: See all proposals see_all_withdrawn: See all withdrawn proposals text_banner: You are viewing the list of proposals withdrawn by their authors. %{go_back_link}. new: send: Continue title: Create your proposal orders: label: 'Order proposals by:' most_commented: Most commented most_endorsed: Most endorsed most_followed: Most followed most_voted: Most supported random: Random recent: Recent with_more_authors: With more authors participatory_texts: view_index: document_index: Document index placeholder: address: 37 Homewood Drive Brownsburg, IN 46112 preview: announcement_body: Your proposal has been saved as a draft. It needs to be published for it to appear on the site. announcement_title: Your proposal has not yet been published modify: Modify the proposal proposal_edit_before_minutes: one: You will be able to edit this proposal during the first minute after the proposal is published. Once this time window passes, you will not be able to edit the proposal. other: You will be able to edit this proposal during the first %{count} minutes after the proposal is published. Once this time window passes, you will not be able to edit the proposal. publish: Publish title: Publish your proposal proposals: empty: There are no proposals yet. empty_filters: There are no proposals with this criteria. show: answer: Answer changes_at_title: Amendment to "%{title}" edit_proposal: Edit proposal estimated_cost: Estimated cost hidden_endorsers_count: one: and %{count} more person other: and %{count} more people link_to_collaborative_draft_help_text: This proposal is the result of a collaborative draft. Review the history link_to_collaborative_draft_text: See the collaborative draft link_to_promoted_emendation_help_text: This proposal is a promoted emendation link_to_promoted_emendation_text: See the rejected emendation. link_to_proposal_from_emendation_help_text: This is a rejected emendation link_to_proposal_from_emendation_text: See the Proposal proposal_accepted_reason: 'This proposal has been accepted because:' proposal_in_evaluation_reason: This proposal is being evaluated proposal_rejected_reason: 'This proposal has been rejected because:' withdraw_btn_hint: You can withdraw your proposal if you change your mind, as long as you have not received any support. The proposal is not deleted, it will appear in the list of withdrawn proposals. withdraw_confirmation_html: Are you sure you want to withdraw this proposal?

This action cannot be cancelled! withdraw_proposal: Withdraw proposal update: title: Update proposal vote_button: already_voted: Already supported already_voted_hover: Withdraw support maximum_votes_reached: Support limit reached no_votes_remaining: No supports remaining vote: Support votes_blocked: Supports disabled votes_count: count: one: Support other: Supports voting_rules: can_accumulate_supports_beyond_threshold: description: Each proposal can accumulate more than %{limit} supports minimum_votes_per_user: description: You must distribute a minimum of %{votes} supports among different proposals. given_enough_votes: You have given enough supports. supports_remaining: You have to support %{remaining_votes} more proposals for your supports to be taken into account. proposal_limit: description: You can create up to %{limit} proposals. threshold_per_proposal: description: In order to be validated proposals need to reach %{limit} supports. title: 'Supports are subject to the following rules:' vote_limit: description: You can support up to %{limit} proposals. votes: Remaining %{number} supports wizard_aside: back: Back back_from_step_1: Back to proposals back_from_step_2: Back to proposals back_from_step_3: Back to compare proposals back_from_step_4: Back to edit draft wizard_steps: current_step: Current step step_1: Create your proposal step_2: Compare step_3: Complete step_4: Publish your proposal title: Proposal creation steps proposals_picker: choose_proposals: Choose proposals no_proposals: No proposals match your search criteria or there is not any proposals. publish: error: There was a problem publishing the proposal. success: Proposal successfully published. publish_answers: success: Proposals answers successfully published. update: error: There was a problem saving the proposal. success: Proposal successfully updated. update_draft: error: There was a problem saving the collaborative draft. success: Proposal draft successfully updated. versions: index: title: Versions withdraw: errors: has_supports: This proposal cannot be withdrawn because it already has supports. resource_links: copied_from_component: proposal_proposal: Related proposals included_projects: project_result: 'Results appearing in this project:' included_proposals: proposal_project: 'Proposal appearing in these projects:' proposal_result: 'Proposal appearing in these results:' statistics: proposals_accepted: Accepted Proposals proposals_count: Proposals supports_count: Supports