require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe StorageRoom::Base do context "Class" do context "Configuration" do describe "Headers" do it "should have User-Agent" do StorageRoom::Base.headers['User-Agent'].should be_present end it "should set Content Type" do StorageRoom::Base.headers['Content-Type'].should == 'application/json' end it "should set Accept" do StorageRoom::Base.headers['Accept'].should == 'application/json' end end it "should not have base_uri" do StorageRoom::Base.base_uri.should be_present end it "should have format" do StorageRoom::Base.default_options[:format].should == :json end end context "Methods" do describe "#load" do it "should load" do stub_request(:get, stub_url('/collections')).to_return(:body => fixture_file('collections.json'), :status => 200) array = StorageRoom::Array.load('/collections') array[:@type].should == 'Array' end it "should raise on error" do stub_request(:get, stub_url('/collections')).to_return(:status => 500) lambda { StorageRoom::Array.load('/collections') }.should raise_error(StorageRoom::RequestFailed) end end describe "#handle_critical_response_errors" do it "should handle no error" do httparty = mock_httparty(200) StorageRoom::Base.handle_critical_response_errors(httparty).should be_true end it "should raise error" do lambda { StorageRoom::Base.handle_critical_response_errors(mock_httparty(500)) }.should raise_error(StorageRoom::RequestFailed) end end describe "#create_from_api" do it "should create array" do hash = {'@type' => 'Array', 'items' => []} result = StorageRoom::Base.create_from_api(hash) result.should be_an_instance_of(StorageRoom::Array) result[:@type].should == 'Array' end it "should create collection" do hash = {'@type' => 'Collection', 'name' => 'Guidebook'} result = StorageRoom::Base.create_from_api(hash) result.should be_an_instance_of(StorageRoom::Collection) result[:name].should == 'Guidebook' end it "should create resource" do hash = {'@type' => 'Guidebook', 'title' => 'Something'} result = StorageRoom::Base.create_from_api(hash) result.should be_an_instance_of(Guidebook) result[:title].should == 'Something' end end describe "#meta_data?" do it "should detect" do StorageRoom::Base.meta_data?('@test').should be_true StorageRoom::Base.meta_data?('test').should be_false end end end end context "Instance" do before(:each) do @base = => 1, :@attr => 2) end describe "#url" do it "should return url" do @base.url.should be_nil @base[:@url] = 'url' @base.url.should == 'url' end end end end