# The part of Vitrine responsible for SASS and CoffeeScript # compilation and caching. By default it will assume your # public directory is set on the inner app in the Rack stack, # and can be retreived using the standard Sinatra settings # protocol, like so: # # @app.settings.public_folder # # However, you can also set this setting on the app object using the # AssetCompiler#public_dir accessor. # # use Vitrine::AssetCompiler do | compiler | # compiler.public_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/public' # end # # This allows you to use the asset compiler when the inner app # is not a Sinatra application. # # Obviously, the usual limitation apply for this kind of workflow - # you pretty much have to have an ExecJS env on yourserver, or else... class Vitrine::AssetCompiler < Sinatra::Base set :show_exceptions, false set :raise_errors, true # An explicit override for +public_folder+ setting, # if set will take precedence over the setting attr_accessor :public_dir # Try to find SCSS replacement for missing CSS get /(.+)\.css$/ do | basename | # Return vanilla CSS if File.exist?(File.join(get_public, basename + '.css')) return send_file(File.join(get_public, basename + '.css')) end begin # TODO: handle .sass ext as well scss_source_path = File.join(get_public, "#{basename}.scss") mtime_cache(scss_source_path) content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8' Vitrine.compile_sass(scss_source_path, get_public) rescue Errno::ENOENT # Missing SCSS forward_or_halt "No such CSS or SCSS file found" rescue Exception => e # CSS syntax error or something alike cache_bust! # Add a generated DOM element before to inject # a visible error message error_tpl = 'body:before { background: white; padding: 3px; font-family: monospaced; color: red; font-size: 14px; content: %s }' css_message = error_tpl % [e.class, "\n", "--> ", e.message].join.inspect # If we halt with 500 this will not be shown as CSS halt 200, css_message end end # Try to find SCSS replacement for missing CSS get /(.+)\.css\.map$/ do | basename | # TODO: handle .sass ext as well scss_source_path = File.join(get_public, "#{basename}.scss") mtime_cache(scss_source_path) content_type 'application/json', :charset => 'utf-8' Vitrine.compile_sass_source_map(scss_source_path, get_public) end # Generate a sourcemap for CoffeeScript files get /(.+)\.js\.map$/ do | basename | begin coffee_source = File.join(get_public, "#{basename}.coffee") mtime_cache(coffee_source) content_type 'application/json', :charset => 'utf-8' Vitrine.build_coffeescript_source_map_body(coffee_source, get_public) rescue Errno::ENOENT # Missing CoffeeScript forward_or_halt "No coffeescript file found to generate the map for" rescue Exception => e # CS syntax error or something alike halt 400, 'Compliation of the related CoffeeScript file failed' end end # Try to find CoffeeScript replacement for missing JS get /(.+)\.js$/ do | basename | # If this file is not found resort back to a coffeescript begin coffee_source = File.join(get_public, "#{basename}.coffee") mtime_cache coffee_source # Avoid CS recompilation if it isn't needed content_type 'text/javascript' source_body = File.read(coffee_source) # We could have sent a header, but it's a nice idea to have the # sourcemap header saved if we write out the compiled JS, # whereas otherwise it would have been discarded [ Vitrine.compile_coffeescript(source_body), "//# sourceMappingURL=#{basename}.js.map", ].join("\n") rescue Errno::ENOENT # Missing CoffeeScript forward_or_halt "No such JS file and could not find a .coffee replacement" rescue Exception => e # CS syntax error or something alike # Ensure the response with the exception gets reloaded on next request cache_bust! # Inject the syntax error into the browser console console_message = 'console.error(%s)' % [e.class, "\n", "--> ", e.message].join.inspect # Avoid 500 because it plays bad with LiveReload halt 200, console_message end end def cache_bust! response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private' response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' response.headers.delete('ETag') end def mtime_cache(path) # Mix in the request URL into the cache key so that we can hash # .map sourcemaps and .js compiles based off of the same file path # and mtime key = [File.expand_path(path), File.mtime(path), request.path_info, get_public] cache_sha = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(Marshal.dump(key)) cache_control :public etag cache_sha log "---> Vitrine AC: Recompiling #{path} -> #{request.path_info}" end # Get path to the public directory, trying (in order:) # self.public_dir reader # the inner app's public_folder setting # my own public_folder setting def get_public inner_public = if @app && @app.respond_to?(:settings) @app.settings.public_folder else nil end choices = [@public_dir, inner_public, settings.public_dir] choices.compact.shift end def forward_or_halt(msg) if @app log "Forwarding, #{msg} -> pub #{get_public.inspect}" forward else halt 404, msg end end def log(msg) env['captivity.logger'].debug(msg) if env['captivity.logger'] end end