# leaderboard 2.0.1 (2011-11-07) * Allow for only single options to be passed to `leaders`, `around_me` and `ranked_in_list` methods - https://github.com/agoragames/leaderboard/issues/4 * Added `percentile_for(member)` and `percentile_for_in(leaderboard_name, member)` methods to calculate percentile for a given member # leaderboard 2.0.0 (2011-08-05) * Change `add_member` to `rank_member` - https://github.com/agoragames/leaderboard/issues/3 * Added `delete_leaderboard` and `delete_leaderboard_named` - https://github.com/agoragames/leaderboard/issues/2 * Ability to pass in an existing Redis connection in initializer - https://github.com/agoragames/leaderboard/issues/1 * Added transaction support for `score_and_rank_for`, `leaders`, `around_me` and `ranked_in_list` * Updated initializer to take a leaderboard name, `options` hash and `redis_options` hash * Simplified `leaders`, `around_me` and `ranked_in_list` to use an `options` hash with defaults for the previously individual parameters # leaderboard 1.0.6 (unreleased) * Added `disconnect` method * Check for invalid page size when changing # leaderboard 1.0.5 (2011-05-04) * Updated Rakefile to run tests under ruby 1.8.7 and ruby 1.9.2 * Added `page_size` parameter to `total_pages_in` to allow for checking what if values in that scenario * Added `page_size` parameter to `leaders` and `around_me` calls # leaderboard 1.0.4 (2011-04-26) * Minor bug fix # leaderboard 1.0.3 (2011-04-26) * Fixing issue using total_pages in leaderboard_in call * Internal `massage_leader_data` method will now respect `with_scores` # leaderboard 1.0.2 (2011-02-25) * Adding `XXX_to`, `XXX_for`, `XXX_in` and `XXX_from` methods that will allow you to set the leaderboard name to interact with outside of creating a new object * Added `merge_leaderboards(destination, keys, options = {:aggregate => :min})` method to merge leaderboards given by keys with this leaderboard into destination * Added `intersect_leaderboards(destination, keys, options = {:aggregate => :min})` method to intersect leaderboards given by keys with this leaderboard into destination # leaderboard 1.0.1 (2011-02-16) * `redis_options` can be passed in the initializer to pass options for the connection to Redis * `page_size` is now settable outside of the initializer * `check_member?(member)`: Check to see whether member is in the leaderboard * `score_and_rank_for(member, use_zero_index_for_rank = false)`: Retrieve the score and rank for a member in a single call * `remove_members_in_score_range(min_score, max_score)`: Remove members from the leaderboard within a score range # leaderboard 1.0.0 * Initial release