class TmdbCast def self.find(options) options = { :expand_results => true, :language => Tmdb.default_language }.merge(options) raise ArgumentError, "At least one of: id, name, should be supplied" if(options[:id].nil? && options[:name].nil?) results = [] unless(options[:id].nil? || options[:id].to_s.empty?) results << Tmdb.api_call("person", {id: options[:id].to_s}, options[:language]) end unless(options[:name].nil? || options[:name].to_s.empty?) api_return = Tmdb.api_call('search/person', {query: options[:name].to_s}, options[:language]) results << api_return["results"] if api_return end results.flatten!(1) results.uniq! results.delete_if &:nil? unless(options[:limit].nil?) raise ArgumentError, ":limit must be an integer greater than 0" unless(options[:limit].is_a?(Fixnum) && options[:limit] > 0) results = results.slice(0, options[:limit]) end!{|c|, options[:expand_results], options[:language])} if(results.length == 1) return results.first else return results end end def, expand_results = false, language = nil) # expand the result by calling Person.getInfo unless :expand_results is set to false or the data is already complete # (as determined by checking for the 'birthday' property) if(expand_results && !raw_data.has_key?("birthday")) begin expanded_data = Tmdb.api_call("person", {id: raw_data["id"].to_s}, language) rescue RuntimeError => e raise ArgumentError, "Unable to fetch expanded info for Cast ID: '#{raw_data["id"]}'" if expanded_data.nil? end raw_data = expanded_data end return Tmdb.data_to_object(raw_data) end def ==(other) return false unless(other.is_a?(TmdbCast)) @raw_data == other.raw_data end end