module Semvergen class Bump extend Forwardable PATCH = "Patch: Bug fixes, recommended for all (default)" MINOR = "Minor: New features, but backwards compatible" MAJOR = "Major: Breaking changes" RELEASE_TYPES = [ PATCH, MINOR, MAJOR ] def_delegators :@interface, :say, :ask, :color, :choose, :newline, :agree def initialize(interface, version_file, change_log_file, shell, gem_name, gem_server, notifier) @interface = interface @version_file = version_file @change_log_file = change_log_file @shell = shell @gem_name = gem_name @gem_server = gem_server @notifier = notifier end def run!(options) unless @shell.current_branch == "master" say color("You are not on master. It is not recommended to create releases from a branch", :red) newline return unless agree("Proceed anyway? ") newline end unless @shell.git_branch_is_tracking? @interface.fail_exit color("This branch is not tracking a remote branch. Aborting...", :red) end say "Checking for upstream changes..." @shell.git_fetch newline unless @shell.git_up_to_date? @interface.fail_exit color("This branch is not up to date with upstream", :red) end say "Git status: #{color("Up to date", :green)}" newline if @shell.git_index_dirty? && !options[:ignore_dirty] say color("Git index dirty. Commit changes before continuing", :red, :bold) else say color("Cut new #{@gem_name} Release", :white, :underline, :bold) newline release_type = choose do |menu| menu.header = "Select release type" menu.default = "1" menu.select_by = :index menu.choices *RELEASE_TYPES end new_version = next_version(@version_file.version, release_type) newline say "Current version: #{color(@version_file.version, :bold)}" say "Bumped version : #{color(new_version, :bold, :green)}" newline say "Enter change log features (or a blank line to finish):" features = [] while true response = ask "* " do |q| q.validate = lambda { |answer| features.size > 0 || answer.length > 0 } q.responses[:not_valid] = color("Enter at least one feature", :red) q.responses[:invalid_type] = color("Enter at least one feature", :red) q.responses[:ask_on_error] = "* " end if response.length == 0 features << "\n" break else features << "* #{response}" end end change_log_lines = ["# #{new_version}"] + features change_log_message = change_log_lines.join("\n") diff_change_log = { |l| color("+++ ", :white) + color(l, :green) }.join("\n") newline say color("Will add the following to", :underline) say color(diff_change_log) commit_message = ask("Git commit subject line: ") do |q| q.validate = /.{10,}/ q.responses[:not_valid] = color("Message must be more than 10 chars", :red) q.responses[:invalid_type] = color("Message must be more than 10 chars", :red) end newline say color("Summary of actions:", :underline, :green, :red) newline say "Bumping version: #{color(@version_file.version, :yellow)} -> #{color(new_version, :green)}" newline say "Adding features to" say color(diff_change_log, :green) say "Staging files for commit:" say color("* lib/quattro/version.rb", :green) say color("*", :green) newline say "Committing with message: #{color(commit_message, :green)}" newline if agree("Proceed? ") @version_file.version = new_version @change_log_file << change_log_message @shell.commit(@version_file.path, new_version, commit_message, features) @shell.push(new_version) newline end if agree("Release? ") say "Found gemspec: #{color(@gem_name, :green)}" newline say color("Building gem: ") @shell.build_gem(@gem_name) say color("OK", :green, :bold) say color("Publishing: ") @shell.publish(@gem_name, @version_file.version, @gem_server) say color("OK", :green, :bold) @notifier.gem_published(@gem_name, new_version, change_log_message) end end end def next_version(current_version, release_type) version_tuples = current_version.split(".") release_index = 2 - RELEASE_TYPES.index(release_type) bumping = version_tuples[release_index] unchanged = version_tuples[0...release_index] zeroing = version_tuples[(release_index + 1)..-1] new_version_tuples = unchanged + [bumping.to_i + 1] + (["0"] * zeroing.size) new_version_tuples.join(".") end end end