#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require "yaml" class Array def human_sort sort_by { |item| item.to_s.split(/(\d+)/).map { |e| [e.to_i, e] } } end end root_dir = File.expand_path "~/.rubies" versions = Dir.chdir(root_dir) { Dir["*"] }.human_sort def setenv dir ENV["PATH"] = "#{dir}/bin:#{ENV["PATH"]}" end def unsetenv key if ENV[key] then warn "WARNING: %s is set to %p. Removing..." % [key, ENV[key]] ENV.delete key end end unsetenv "GEM_HOME" unsetenv "GEM_PATH" ## # multiruby -1 2.0 ruby_args... if ARGV.first == "-1" then ARGV.shift vers = Dir["#{root_dir}/#{ARGV.shift}*"] abort "ambiguous version: #{vers.map { |p| File.basename p }.inspect}" if vers.size != 1 dir = vers.first setenv dir exec "#{dir}/bin/ruby", *ARGV end def maybe_load_yaml_file config if config then if YAML.respond_to? :safe_load_file then YAML.safe_load_file config, permitted_classes: [Regexp, Symbol] else YAML.load_file config end end end rcpath = File.expand_path "~/.hoerc" skip = if File.exist? rcpath then conf = maybe_load_yaml_file rcpath conf["multiruby_skip"] || [] end excl = (ENV["EXCLUDED_VERSIONS"] || "").split(/:/) + skip unless excl.empty? then excludes = Regexp.union(*excl) versions = versions.delete_if { |v| v =~ excludes } end # safekeep original PATH original_path = ENV['PATH'] results = {} versions.each do |version| dir = "#{root_dir}/#{version}" ruby = "#{dir}/bin/ruby" ver = version.delete_prefix "ruby-" puts puts "VERSION = #{ver}" cmd = [ruby, ARGV].flatten.map { |s| s =~ /\"/ ? "'#{s}'" : s }.join(' ') cmd.sub!(/#{ENV['HOME']}/, '~') puts "CMD = #{cmd}" puts setenv dir system ruby, *ARGV puts puts "RESULT = #{$?}" results[ver] = $? # restore the path to original state ENV['PATH'] = original_path end passed, failed = results.keys.partition { |v| results[v] == 0 } puts puts "TOTAL RESULT = #{failed.size} failures out of #{results.size}" puts puts "Passed: #{passed.join(", ")}" puts "Failed: #{failed.join(", ")}" exit failed.size