Configliere::Commandline with long-format argvs accepts --param=val pairs accepts pairs as deep keys NO LONGER accepts --dashed-param-name=val pairs as deep keys adopts only the last-seen of duplicate commandline flags does NOT set a bare parameter (no "=") followed by a non-param to that value sets a bare parameter (no "=") to true sets an explicit blank to nil captures non --param args into stops processing args on "--" places undefined argvs into #unknown_argvs with single-letter flags accepts them separately accepts them as a group ("-abc") accepts a value with -d=new_val accepts a space-separated value (-d new_val) accepts a space-separated value only if the next arg is not a flag stores unknown single-letter flags in unknown_argvs the help message displays help displays the single-letter flags displays command line options lets me die recycling a commandline exports dashed flags #resolve! calls super and returns self #validate! calls super and returns self Configliere::Commands when no commands are defined should know that no commands are defined should not shift the ARGV when resolving should still recognize a git-style-binary command a simple command should continue to parse flags when the command is given should continue to set args when the command is given should recognize the command when given should recognize when the command is not given a complex command should still recognize the outer param and the args should recognize the inner param the help message displays a modified usage displays the commands and their descriptions #resolve! calls super and returns self #validate! calls super and returns self Configliere::ConfigBlock resolving runs blocks resolves blocks last calls super and returns self #validate! calls super and returns self Configliere::ConfigFile is used by default loading a config file no longer provides a default config file warns but does not fail if the file is missing successfully with an absolute pathname uses it directly with a simple filename, references it to the default config dir returns the config object for chaining #read_yaml loads yaml with an environment scope slices out a subhash given by :env slices out a different subhash with a different :env does no slicing without the :env option has no effect if the key given by :env option is absent lets you use a string if the loading hash has a string saves to a config file with an absolute pathname, as given with a simple pathname, in the default config dir and ensures the directory exists #resolve! calls super and returns self #validate! calls super and returns self Crypter encrypts decrypts DeepHash responds to #symbolize_keys, #symbolize_keys! and #stringify_keys but not #stringify_keys! #initialize adopts a Hash when given converts all pure Hash values into DeepHashes if param is a Hash does not convert Hash subclass values into DeepHashes converts all value items if value is an Array delegates to superclass constructor if param is not a Hash #update converts all keys into symbols when param is a Hash converts all Hash values into DeepHashes if param is a Hash #[]= symbolizes keys deep-sets dotted vals, replacing values deep-sets dotted vals, creating new values deep-sets dotted vals, auto-vivifying intermediate hashes converts all Hash value into DeepHash #[] deep-gets dotted vals #to_hash returns instance of Hash preserves keys preserves value #compact removes nils but not empties or falsehoods leaves original alone #compact! removes nils but not empties or falsehoods modifies in-place #slice returns a new hash with only the given keys with bang replaces the hash with only the given keys ignores an array key with bang ignores an array key uses splatted keys individually with bank uses splatted keys individually #extract replaces the hash with only the given keys leaves the hash empty if all keys are gone gets values for all given keys even if missing is OK when empty returns an instance of the same class #delete converts Symbol key into String before deleting works with String keys as well #fetch converts key before fetching returns alternative value if key lookup fails #values_at is indifferent to whether keys are strings or symbols #symbolize_keys returns a dup of itself #symbolize_keys! with bang returns the deep_hash itself #stringify_keys converts keys that are all symbols returns a Hash, not a DeepHash only stringifies and hashifies the top level #assert_valid_keys is true and does not raise when valid fails when invalid #merge merges given Hash returns a new instance returns instance of DeepHash converts all Hash values into DeepHashes converts string keys to symbol keys even if they occur deep in the given hash DOES merge values where given hash has nil value replaces child hashes, and does not merge them #merge! merges given Hash returns a new instance returns instance of DeepHash converts all Hash values into DeepHashes converts string keys to symbol keys even if they occur deep in the given hash DOES merge values where given hash has nil value replaces child hashes, and does not merge them #reverse_merge merges given Hash returns a new instance returns instance of DeepHash converts all Hash values into DeepHashes converts string keys to symbol keys even if they occur deep in the given hash DOES merge values where given hash has nil value replaces child hashes, and does not merge them #deep_merge! merges two subhashes when they share a key merges two subhashes when they share a symbolized key preserves values in the original converts all Hash values into DeepHashes converts string keys to symbol keys even if they occur deep in the given hash replaces values from the given hash replaces arrays and does not append to them does not replaces values where given hash has nil value #deep_set should set a new value (single arg) should set a new value (multiple args) should replace an existing value (single arg) should replace an existing value (multiple args) should auto-vivify intermediate hashes #deep_delete should remove the key from the array (multiple args) should remove the key from the array (multiple args) should return the value if present (single args) should return the value if present (multiple args) should return nil if the key is absent (single arg) should return nil if the key is absent (multiple args) Configliere::Define takes a description defining any aspect of a param adopts values returns self merges new definitions lists params defined as the given aspect definition_of with a param, gives me the description hash with a param and attr, gives me the description hash symbolizes the param has_definition? is true if defined (one arg) is false if not defined (one arg) is true if defined and attribute is defined is false if defined and attribute is defined is false if not defined and attribute is given type coercion for boolean converts "0" to false for boolean converts 0 to false for boolean converts "" to false for boolean converts [] to true for boolean converts nil to nil for boolean converts "1" to true for boolean converts 1 to true for boolean converts "5" to true for boolean converts "true" to true for Integer converts "5" to 5 for Integer converts 5 to 5 for Integer converts nil to nil for Integer converts "" to nil for Integer converts "5" to 5 for Integer converts 5 to 5 for Integer converts nil to nil for Integer converts "" to nil for Float converts "5.2" to 5.2 for Float converts 5.2 to 5.2 for Float converts nil to nil for Float converts "" to nil for Symbol converts "foo" to :foo for Symbol converts :foo to :foo for Symbol converts nil to nil for Symbol converts "" to nil for Date converts "1985-11-05" to # for Date converts nil to nil for Date converts "" to nil for Date converts "blah" to nil for DateTime converts "1985-11-05 11:00:00" to # for DateTime converts nil to nil for DateTime converts "" to nil for DateTime converts "blah" to nil for Array converts ["this", "that", "thother"] to ["this", "that", "thother"] for Array converts "this,that,thother" to ["this", "that", "thother"] for Array converts "alone" to ["alone"] for Array converts "" to [] for Array converts nil to nil for other converts "5" to "5" for other converts 5 to 5 for other converts nil to nil for other converts "" to nil converts :now to the current moment creates magical methods answers to a getter if the param is defined answers to a setter if the param is defined does not answer to a getter if the param is not defined does not answer to a setter if the param is not defined defining requireds lists required params counts false values as present counts nil-but-set values as missing counts never-set values as missing lists all missing values when it raises defining deep keys allows required params allows flags type converts #resolve! calls super and returns self #validate! calls super and returns self Configliere::Encrypted defines encrypted params with :encrypted => true but not if :encrypted => false only if :encrypted is given the encrypt_pass will take an environment variable if any exists will take an internal value if given, and remove it encrypts all params with :encrypted fails unless encrypt_pass is set decrypts all params marked encrypted loading a file encrypts decrypts #resolve! calls super and returns self removes the encrypt_pass from sight #validate! calls super and returns self Configliere::EnvVar environment variables can be defined with #env_vars, a simple value like "HOME" uses the corresponding key :home with #env_vars, a hash pairs environment variables into the individual params with #define #resolve! calls super and returns self #validate! calls super and returns self Configliere::Param calling #defaults deep_merges new params returns self, to allow chaining adding plugins with #use requires the corresponding library returns self, to allow chaining invokes the on_use handler #resolve! calls super and returns self Configliere::Prompt when the value is already set, #prompt_for returns the value returns the value even if nil returns the value even if nil when prompting, #prompt_for prompts for a value if missing uses an explicit hint uses the description as hint if none given #resolve! calls super and returns self Configliere creates a global variable Settings, for universality creates a global method Settings, so you can say Settings(:foo => :bar) requires corresponding plugins when you call use Finished in 0.61948 seconds 247 examples, 0 failures