require 'genevalidator/validation_report' require 'genevalidator/validation_test' require 'genevalidator/exceptions' require 'genevalidator/ext/array' module GeneValidator ## # Class that stores the validation output information class LengthRankValidationOutput < ValidationReport attr_reader :msg attr_reader :query_length attr_reader :no_of_hits attr_reader :median attr_reader :mean attr_reader :smallest_hit attr_reader :largest_hit attr_reader :extreme_hits attr_reader :percentage attr_reader :result def initialize(short_header, header, description, msg, query_length, no_of_hits, median, mean, smallest_hit, largest_hit, extreme_hits, percentage) @short_header, @header, @description = short_header, header, description @msg = msg @query_length = query_length @no_of_hits = no_of_hits @median = median @mean = mean @smallest_hit = smallest_hit @largest_hit = largest_hit @extreme_hits = extreme_hits @percentage = percentage @result = validation @expected = :yes @approach = 'If the query sequence is well conserved and similar' \ ' sequences (BLAST hits) are correct, we can expect' \ ' query and hit sequences to have similar lengths.' @explanation = explain @conclusion = conclude end def explain diff = (@query_length < @median) ? 'longer' : 'shorter' exp1 = "The query sequence is #{@query_length} amino-acids long. BLAST" \ " identified #{@no_of_hits} hit sequences with lengths from" \ " #{@smallest_hit} to #{@largest_hit} amino-acids (median:" \ " #{@median}; mean: #{@mean})." if @extreme_hits != 0 exp2 = " #{@extreme_hits} of these hit sequences (i.e." \ " #{@percentage}%) are #{diff} than the query sequence." else exp2 = " All hit sequences are #{diff} than the query sequence." end exp1 + exp2 end def conclude if @result == :yes 'There is no reason to believe there is any problem with the length' \ ' of the query sequence.' else "The sequence may be #{@msg.gsub(' ', ' ')}." end end def print (@msg.empty?) ? "#{@percentage}%" : "#{@percentage}% (#{@msg})" end def validation (@msg.empty?) ? :yes : :no end end ## # This class contains the methods necessary for # length validation by ranking the hit lengths class LengthRankValidation < ValidationTest THRESHOLD = 20 ## # Initializes the object # Params: # +hits+: a vector of +Sequence+ objects (representing blast hits) # +prediction+: a +Sequence+ object representing the blast query # +threshold+: threshold below which the prediction length rank is # considered to be inadequate def initialize(type, prediction, hits) super @short_header = 'LengthRank' @header = 'Length Rank' @description = 'Check whether the rank of the prediction length lies' \ ' among 80% of all the BLAST hit lengths.' @cli_name = 'lenr' end ## # Calculates a percentage based on the rank of the prediction among the # hit lengths # Params: # +hits+ (optional): a vector of +Sequence+ objects # +prediction+ (optional): a +Sequence+ object # Output: # +LengthRankValidationOutput+ object def run(hits = @hits, prediction = @prediction) fail NotEnoughHitsError unless hits.length >= 5 fail Exception unless prediction.is_a?(Sequence) && hits[0].is_a?(Sequence) start = hits_lengths = { |x| x.length_protein.to_i }.sort { |a, b| a <=> b } no_of_hits = hits_lengths.length median = hits_lengths.median.round query_length = prediction.length_protein mean = hits_lengths.mean.round smallest_hit = hits_lengths[0] largest_hit = hits_lengths[-1] if hits_lengths.standard_deviation <= 5 msg = '' percentage = 100 else if query_length < median extreme_hits = hits_lengths.find_all { |x| x < query_length }.length percentage = ((extreme_hits.to_f / no_of_hits) * 100).round msg = 'too short' else extreme_hits = hits_lengths.find_all { |x| x > query_length }.length percentage = ((extreme_hits.to_f / no_of_hits) * 100).round msg = 'too long' end end msg = '' if percentage >= THRESHOLD @validation_report =, @header, @description, msg, query_length, no_of_hits, median, mean, smallest_hit, largest_hit, extreme_hits, percentage) @validation_report.running_time = - start @validation_report rescue NotEnoughHitsError @validation_report ='Not enough evidence', :warning, @short_header, @header, @description, @approach, @explanation, @conclusion) rescue Exception @validation_report ='Unexpected error', :error, @short_header, @header, @description, @approach, @explanation, @conclusion) @validation_report.errors.push 'Unexpected Error' end end end