# encoding: utf-8 # To run the test suite against all 3 rubies: 1.9.3, 1.9.2, and 1.8.7, simply run the following command: # # $ guard start # # Be use you are using RVM and have Ruby 1.9.3, 1.9.2, 1.8.7 installed as well as all of Backup's gem # dependencies for each of these Ruby versions. # # Be sure to run `bundle install` against every Ruby version, as well as `gem install thor POpen4` guard "rspec", :rvm => ["1.9.3", "1.9.2", "1.8.7"], :cli => "--color --format Fuubar", :notification => false, :all_after_pass => false, :all_on_start => false do watch("lib/backup.rb") { "spec" } watch("spec/spec_helper.rb") { "spec" } watch(%r{^lib/backup/(.+)\.rb}) {|m| "spec/#{ m[1] }_spec.rb" } watch(%r{^spec/.+_spec\.rb}) end