require 'gamefic/engine' require 'rexml/document' require 'gamefic/ansi' require 'gamefic/html' require 'json' begin require 'io/console' rescue LoadError puts "This version of Ruby does not support io/console. Text may not wrap correctly." if RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0].to_i < 2 puts "It is recommended that you upgrade to Ruby 2.0.0 or higher." end end module Gamefic module Tty class Engine < Gamefic::Engine def post_initialize @user = @plot end end class User < Gamefic::User def post_initialize @stream = @state = self end def ansi=(val) @stream.ansi = val end def ansi @stream.ansi end def save filename, snapshot data = { :metadata => @character.plot.metadata, :entities => snapshot } json = JSON.generate data if json.nil? @character.tell "Nothing to save." end if filename.nil? "Enter the filename to save:" filename = stream.queue.pop end if filename != '', 'w') do |f| f.write json end @character.tell "Game saved." end end def restore filename if filename.nil? "Enter the filename to restore:" filename = stream.queue.pop end if filename != '' if File.exists?(filename) data = JSON.parse, symbolize_names: true if (data[:metadata] != @character.plot.metadata) @character.tell "The save file is not compatible with this version of the game." else return data[:entities] end else @character.tell "File \"#{filename}\" not found." end end nil end end class UserStream < Gamefic::UserStream include Ansi include Ansi::Code def initialize super end def size begin return STDOUT.winsize.reverse rescue return [nil,nil] end end def flush data = @buffer.clone @buffer.clear return if data.strip == '' output = '' begin doc = Html.parse("#{data}") format_recursively doc texts = REXML::XPath.match(doc, './/text()') output = texts.join('').gsub(/'/, "'").gsub(/"/, '"').gsub(/</, '<').gsub(/>/, '>') output += Ansi.graphics_mode(Attribute::NORMAL) output = Html::decode(output) rescue REXML::ParseException => e puts e.inspect output = Html.encode(data) + "\n\n" end output.gsub!(/(\n\n)+/, "\n\n") width = size[0] if width.nil? output else "#{terminalize(output, width - 1)}" end end def select(prompt) super print "\n" end def has_code?(fmt, code) if fmt.kind_of?(Array) return fmt.flatten.include?(code) end return fmt == code end private def format_recursively(top, stack = nil) ol_index = 1 stack ||= [Attribute::NORMAL] top.elements.each { |element| formats = [Attribute::NORMAL] classes = element.attribute('class').to_s.split(' ') if classes.include?('hint') formats.push Foreground::YELLOW end case when 'strong', 'b' formats.push Attribute::BOLD when 'em', 'i', 'u' formats.push Attribute::UNDERSCORE when 'a' if element.attributes['rel'].to_s == 'gamefic' element.attributes['href'] = element.attributes['href'][5..-1] formats.push [Attribute::UNDERSCORE, Extra::COMMAND] else formats.push [Attribute::UNDERSCORE, Extra::HREF] end when 'li' if == 'ol' element.text = "#{ol_index}. #{element.text}" ol_index += 1 else element.text = "* #{element.text}" end formats.push [Extra::LINE] when 'img' formats.push [Extra::IGNORED] when 'p', 'ol', 'ul' formats.push Extra::BLOCK when 'nav' formats.push Extra::BLOCK when 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5' formats.push [Attribute::BOLD, Extra::BLOCK, Extra::UPPERCASE] when 'kbd' formats.push [Foreground::GREEN] end if has_code?(stack, Extra::IGNORED) element.parent.delete_element(element) end stack.push formats if has_code?(stack, Extra::UPPERCASE) element.texts.each { |text| text.value.upcase! } end element.texts.each { |text| text.value = "#{Ansi.graphics_mode(*stack)}#{text.value}" } if has_code?(stack.last, Extra::IMAGE) element.text = "#{element.attribute('alt') ? element.attribute('alt') : '[Image]'}" end format_recursively element, stack if has_code?(stack.last, Extra::COMMAND) if element.attribute('data-command').to_s != '' tmp = stack.pop element.add_text "#{Ansi.graphics_mode(*stack)}" element.add_text " [#{element.attribute('data-command')}]" stack.push tmp element.add_text "#{Ansi.graphics_mode(*stack)}" end end if has_code?(stack.last, Extra::BLOCK) element.add_text("\n\n") elsif has_code?(stack.last, Extra::LINE) if !has_code?(stack[-2], Extra::BLOCK) || element != top.elements.to_a.last element.add_text("\n") end end if has_code?(stack.last, Extra::HREF) if element.attribute('href').to_s != "#" tmp = stack.pop element.add_text "#{Ansi.graphics_mode(*stack)}" element.add_text(" [#{element.attribute('href')}]") stack.push tmp element.add_text "#{Ansi.graphics_mode(*stack)}" end end if has_code?(stack.last, Extra::IMAGE) element.add_text(" [#{element.attribute('src')}]") if !has_code?(stack, Extra::BLOCK) element.add_text("\n\n") end end stack.pop } end def terminalize string, max_length i = 0 output = '' line_length = 0 while i < string.length line_length += 1 char = string[i,1] if char == "\e" # Right now, graphics modes are the only supported ANSI sequences. end_of_seq = string.index("m", i) output += string[i..end_of_seq] i = end_of_seq + 1 elsif char == " " next_space = string.index(/[\s]/, i + 1) if !next_space.nil? and line_length + (next_space - i) > max_length output += "\n" line_length = 0 else output += char end i += 1 else if char == "\n" line_length = 0 end output += char i += 1 end end output #output.strip end end end end