# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Seth Chisamore () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/knife/ec2_base" require "chef/knife/s3_source" require "chef/knife/bootstrap" class Chef class Knife class Ec2ServerCreate < Chef::Knife::Bootstrap include Knife::Ec2Base deps do require "tempfile" require "uri" require "net/ssh" Chef::Knife::Bootstrap.load_deps end banner "knife ec2 server create (options)" attr_accessor :initial_sleep_delay attr_reader :server option :flavor, short: "-f FLAVOR", long: "--flavor FLAVOR", description: "The flavor of server (m1.small, m1.medium, etc)", proc: Proc.new { |f| Chef::Config[:knife][:flavor] = f } option :image, short: "-I IMAGE", long: "--image IMAGE", description: "The AMI for the server", proc: Proc.new { |i| Chef::Config[:knife][:image] = i } option :iam_instance_profile, long: "--iam-profile NAME", description: "The IAM instance profile to apply to this instance." option :security_groups, short: "-G X,Y,Z", long: "--groups X,Y,Z", description: "The security groups for this server; not allowed when using VPC", proc: Proc.new { |groups| groups.split(",") } option :security_group_id, short: "-g SECURITY_GROUP_ID", long: "--security-group-id ID", description: "The security group id for this server; required when using VPC. Use the --security-group-id option multiple times when specifying multiple groups for e.g. -g sg-e985168d -g sg-e7f06383 -g sg-ec1b7e88.", proc: Proc.new { |security_group_id| Chef::Config[:knife][:security_group_ids] ||= [] Chef::Config[:knife][:security_group_ids].push(security_group_id) Chef::Config[:knife][:security_group_ids] } option :associate_eip, long: "--associate-eip IP_ADDRESS", description: "Associate existing elastic IP address with instance after launch" option :dedicated_instance, long: "--dedicated_instance", description: "Launch as a Dedicated instance (VPC ONLY)" option :placement_group, long: "--placement-group PLACEMENT_GROUP", description: "The placement group to place a cluster compute instance", proc: Proc.new { |pg| Chef::Config[:knife][:placement_group] = pg } option :primary_eni, long: "--primary-eni ENI_ID", description: "Specify a pre-existing eni to use when building the instance." option :availability_zone, short: "-Z ZONE", long: "--availability-zone ZONE", description: "The Availability Zone", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:availability_zone] = key } option :ssh_key_name, short: "-S KEY", long: "--ssh-key KEY", description: "The AWS SSH key id", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_key_name] = key } option :ebs_size, long: "--ebs-size SIZE", description: "The size of the EBS volume in GB, for EBS-backed instances" option :ebs_optimized, long: "--ebs-optimized", description: "Enabled optimized EBS I/O" option :ebs_no_delete_on_term, long: "--ebs-no-delete-on-term", description: "Do not delete EBS volume on instance termination" option :secret, long: "--secret ", description: "The secret key to use to encrypt data bag item values", proc: lambda { |s| Chef::Config[:knife][:secret] = s } option :secret_file, long: "--secret-file SECRET_FILE", description: "A file containing the secret key to use to encrypt data bag item values", proc: lambda { |sf| Chef::Config[:knife][:secret_file] = sf } option :s3_secret, long: "--s3-secret S3_SECRET_URL", description: "S3 URL (e.g. s3://bucket/file) for the encrypted_data_bag_secret_file", proc: lambda { |url| Chef::Config[:knife][:s3_secret] = url } option :subnet_id, long: "--subnet SUBNET-ID", description: "create node in this Virtual Private Cloud Subnet ID (implies VPC mode)", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:subnet_id] = key } option :private_ip_address, long: "--private-ip-address IP-ADDRESS", description: "allows to specify the private IP address of the instance in VPC mode", proc: Proc.new { |ip| Chef::Config[:knife][:private_ip_address] = ip } option :fqdn, long: "--fqdn FQDN", description: "Pre-defined FQDN. This is used for Kerberos Authentication purpose only", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:fqdn] = key }, default: nil option :aws_user_data, long: "--user-data USER_DATA_FILE", short: "-u USER_DATA_FILE", description: "The EC2 User Data file to provision the instance with", proc: Proc.new { |m| Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_user_data] = m }, default: nil option :ephemeral, long: "--ephemeral EPHEMERAL_DEVICES", description: "Comma separated list of device locations (eg - /dev/sdb) to map ephemeral devices", proc: lambda { |o| o.split(/[\s,]+/) }, default: [] option :server_connect_attribute, long: "--server-connect-attribute ATTRIBUTE", short: "-a ATTRIBUTE", description: "The EC2 server attribute to use for the SSH connection if necessary, e.g. public_ip_address or private_ip_address.", default: nil option :associate_public_ip, long: "--associate-public-ip", description: "Associate public ip to VPC instance.", boolean: true, default: false option :ebs_volume_type, long: "--ebs-volume-type TYPE", description: "Possible values are standard (magnetic) | io1 | gp2 | sc1 | st1. Default is gp2", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:ebs_volume_type] = key }, default: "gp2" option :ebs_provisioned_iops, long: "--provisioned-iops IOPS", description: "IOPS rate, only used when ebs volume type is 'io1'", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:provisioned_iops] = key }, default: nil option :validation_key_url, long: "--validation-key-url URL", description: "Path to the validation key", proc: proc { |m| Chef::Config[:validation_key_url] = m } option :ebs_encrypted, long: "--ebs-encrypted", description: "Enables EBS volume encryption", boolean: true, default: false option :spot_price, long: "--spot-price PRICE", description: "The maximum hourly USD price for the instance", default: nil option :spot_request_type, long: "--spot-request-type TYPE", description: "The Spot Instance request type. Possible values are 'one-time' and 'persistent', default value is 'one-time'", default: "one-time" option :spot_wait_mode, long: "--spot-wait-mode MODE", description: "Whether we should wait for spot request fulfillment. Could be 'wait', 'exit', or " \ "'prompt' (default). For any of the above mentioned choices, ('wait') - if the " \ "instance does not get allocated before the command itself times-out or ('exit') the " \ "user needs to manually bootstrap the instance in the future after it gets allocated.", default: "prompt" option :aws_connection_timeout, long: "--aws-connection-timeout MINUTES", description: "The maximum time in minutes to wait to for aws connection. Default is 10 min", proc: proc { |t| t = t.to_i * 60; Chef::Config[:aws_connection_timeout] = t }, default: 600 option :create_ssl_listener, long: "--[no-]create-ssl-listener", description: "Create ssl listener, enabled by default.", boolean: true, default: true option :network_interfaces, short: "-n", long: "--attach-network-interface ENI_ID1,ENI_ID2", description: "Attach additional network interfaces during bootstrap", proc: proc { |nics| nics.split(",") } option :classic_link_vpc_id, long: "--classic-link-vpc-id VPC_ID", description: "Enable ClassicLink connection with a VPC" option :classic_link_vpc_security_group_ids, long: "--classic-link-vpc-security-groups-ids X,Y,Z", description: "Comma-separated list of security group ids for ClassicLink", proc: Proc.new { |groups| groups.split(",") } option :disable_api_termination, long: "--disable-api-termination", description: "Disable termination of the instance using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI and API.", boolean: true, default: false option :disable_source_dest_check, long: "--disable-source-dest-check", description: "Disables the source destination check if this option is passed. This value must be passed for a NAT instance to perform NAT.", boolean: true, default: false option :volume_tags, long: "--volume-tags Tag=Value[,Tag=Value...]", description: "Tag the Root volume", proc: Proc.new { |volume_tags| volume_tags.split(",") } option :instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, long: "--instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior SHUTDOWN_BEHAVIOR", description: "Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance. Possible values are 'stop' and 'terminate', default is 'stop'." option :chef_tag, long: "--chef-tag CHEF_TAG", description: "Use to tag the node in chef server; Provide --chef-tag option multiple times when specifying multiple tags e.g. --chef-tag tag1 --chef-tag tag2.", proc: Proc.new { |chef_tag| Chef::Config[:knife][:chef_tag] ||= [] Chef::Config[:knife][:chef_tag].push(chef_tag) Chef::Config[:knife][:chef_tag] } option :aws_tag, long: "--aws-tag AWS_TAG", description: "AWS tag for this server; Use the --aws-tag option multiple times when specifying multiple tags e.g. --aws-tag key1=value1 --aws-tag key2=value2.", proc: Proc.new { |aws_tag| Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_tag] ||= [] Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_tag].push(aws_tag) Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_tag] } option :cpu_credits, long: "--cpu-credits CPU_CREDITS", description: "The credit option for CPU usage of the instance. Valid values are standard and unlimited. T3 instances launch as unlimited by default. T2 instances launch as standard by default.", default: "standard", in: %w{standard unlimited} def plugin_create_instance! requested_elastic_ip = config[:associate_eip] if config[:associate_eip] # For VPC EIP assignment we need the allocation ID so fetch full EIP details elastic_ip = ec2_connection.describe_addresses.addresses.detect { |addr| addr if addr.public_ip == requested_elastic_ip } if config_value(:spot_price) server_def = spot_instances_attributes spot_request = ec2_connection.request_spot_instances(server_def) msg_pair("Spot Request ID", spot_request.spot_instance_request_id) msg_pair("Spot Request Type", spot_request.type) msg_pair("Spot Price", spot_request.spot_price) case config[:spot_wait_mode] when "prompt", "", nil wait_msg = "Do you want to wait for Spot Instance Request fulfillment? (Y/N) \n" wait_msg += "Y - Wait for Spot Instance request fulfillment\n" wait_msg += "N - Do not wait for Spot Instance request fulfillment. " wait_msg += ui.color("[WARN :: Request would be alive on AWS ec2 side but execution of Chef Bootstrap on the target instance will get skipped.]\n", :red, :bold) wait_msg += ui.color("\n[WARN :: For any of the above mentioned choices, (Y) - if the instance does not get allocated before the command itself times-out or (N) - user decides to exit, then in both cases user needs to manually bootstrap the instance in the future after it gets allocated.]\n\n", :cyan, :bold) confirm(wait_msg) when "wait" # wait for the node and run Chef bootstrap when "exit" ui.color("The 'exit' option was specified for --spot-wait-mode, exiting.", :cyan) exit else raise "Invalid value for --spot-wait-mode: '#{config[:spot_wait_mode]}', " \ "valid values: wait, exit, prompt" end print ui.color("Waiting for Spot Request fulfillment: ", :cyan) spot_response = spot_instances_wait_until_ready(spot_request.spot_instance_request_id) @server = fetch_ec2_instance(spot_response.instance_id) else begin response_obj = create_ec2_instance(server_attributes) instance_id = response_obj.instances[0].instance_id print "\n#{ui.color("Waiting for EC2 to create the instance\n", :magenta)}" # wait for instance to come up before acting against it instances_wait_until_ready(instance_id) @server = fetch_ec2_instance(instance_id) rescue => error error.message.sub("download completed, but downloaded file not found", "Verify that you have public internet access.") ui.error error.message Chef::Log.debug("#{error.backtrace.join("\n")}") exit end end msg_pair("Instance ID", server.id) msg_pair("Flavor", server.instance_type) msg_pair("Image", server.image_id) msg_pair("Region", fetch_region) msg_pair("Availability Zone", server.availability_zone) msg_pair("Security Groups", printed_security_groups) unless vpc_mode? || (server.groups && server.security_groups_ids) msg_pair("Security Group Ids", printed_security_group_ids) if vpc_mode? || server.security_groups_ids msg_pair("IAM Profile", config_value(:iam_instance_profile)) msg_pair("AWS Tags", printed_aws_tags) msg_pair("Volume Tags", printed_volume_tags) msg_pair("SSH Key", server.key_name) msg_pair("T2/T3 Unlimited", printed_t2_t3_unlimited) puts("\n") # occasionally 'ready?' isn't, so retry a couple times if needed. tries = 6 begin disable_source_dest_check if vpc_mode? && config_value(:disable_source_dest_check) create_tags(hashed_tags) unless hashed_tags.empty? create_volume_tags(hashed_volume_tags) unless hashed_volume_tags.empty? associate_address(elastic_ip) if config[:associate_eip] enable_classic_link(config[:classic_link_vpc_id], config[:classic_link_vpc_security_group_ids]) if config[:classic_link_vpc_id] rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::ServiceError, Aws::EC2::Errors::Error raise if (tries -= 1) <= 0 ui.warn("server not ready, retrying tag application (retries left: #{tries})") sleep 5 retry end attach_nics if config[:network_interfaces] # Re-fetch the latest server data after assigning vpc or network interfaces @server = fetch_ec2_instance(instance_id) if reload_server_data_required? if vpc_mode? msg_pair("Subnet ID", server.subnet_id) msg_pair("Tenancy", server.tenancy) if config[:associate_public_ip] msg_pair("Public DNS Name", server.public_dns_name) end if elastic_ip msg_pair("Public IP Address", server.public_ip_address) end else msg_pair("Public DNS Name", server.public_dns_name) msg_pair("Public IP Address", server.public_ip_address) msg_pair("Private DNS Name", server.private_dns_name) end msg_pair("Private IP Address", server.private_ip_address) if Chef::Config[:knife][:validation_key_url] download_validation_key(validation_key_path) Chef::Config[:validation_key] = validation_key_path end config[:connection_protocol] ||= connection_protocol config[:connection_port] ||= connection_port # Check if Server is Windows or Linux if is_image_windows? if winrm? print "\n#{ui.color("Waiting for winrm access to become available", :magenta)}" print(".") until tcp_test_winrm(connection_host, connection_port) do sleep 10 puts("done") end else print "\n#{ui.color("Waiting for sshd access to become available", :magenta)}" # If FreeSSHd, winsshd etc are available print(".") until tcp_test_ssh(connection_host, connection_port) do sleep @initial_sleep_delay ||= (vpc_mode? ? 40 : 10) puts("done") end end else print "\n#{ui.color("Waiting for sshd access to become available", :magenta)}" wait_for_sshd(connection_host) end fqdn = connection_host if winrm? if config_value(:kerberos_realm) # Fetch AD/WINS based fqdn if any for Kerberos-based Auth fqdn = config_value(:fqdn) || fetch_server_fqdn(server.private_ip_address) end config[:connection_password] = windows_password end @name_args = [fqdn] if config_value(:chef_node_name) config[:chef_node_name] = evaluate_node_name(config_value(:chef_node_name)) else config[:chef_node_name] = server.id end bootstrap_common_params end def plugin_finalize puts "\n" msg_pair("Instance ID", server.id) msg_pair("Flavor", server.instance_type) msg_pair("Placement Group", server.placement_group) unless server.placement_group.nil? msg_pair("Image", server.image_id) msg_pair("Region", fetch_region) msg_pair("Availability Zone", server.availability_zone) msg_pair("Security Groups", printed_security_groups) unless vpc_mode? || (server.groups.nil? && server.security_group_ids) msg_pair("Security Group Ids", printed_security_group_ids) if vpc_mode? || server.security_group_ids msg_pair("IAM Profile", config_value(:iam_instance_profile)) if config_value(:iam_instance_profile) msg_pair("Primary ENI", config_value(:primary_eni)) if config_value(:primary_eni) msg_pair("AWS Tags", printed_aws_tags) msg_pair("Chef Tags", config_value(:tags)) if config_value(:tags).any? msg_pair("SSH Key", server.key_name) msg_pair("Root Device Type", server.root_device_type) msg_pair("Root Volume Tags", printed_volume_tags) if server.root_device_type == "ebs" device_map = server.block_device_mappings.first msg_pair("Root Device Name", device_map.device_name) msg_pair("Root Volume ID", device_map.ebs.volume_id) msg_pair("Root Device Delete on Terminate", device_map.ebs.delete_on_termination) msg_pair("Standard or Provisioned IOPS", device_map.ebs.volume_type) if device_map.ebs.respond_to?("volume_type") msg_pair("IOPS rate", device_map.ebs.iops) if device_map.ebs.respond_to?("iops") print "\n#{ui.color("Block devices", :magenta)}\n" print "#{ui.color("===========================", :magenta)}\n" server.block_device_mappings.each do |device_map| msg_pair("Device Name", device_map.device_name) msg_pair("Volume ID", device_map.ebs.volume_id) msg_pair("Delete on Terminate", device_map.ebs.delete_on_termination.to_s) msg_pair("Standard or Provisioned IOPS", device_map.ebs.volume_type) if device_map.ebs.respond_to?("volume_type") msg_pair("IOPS rate", device_map.ebs.iops) if device_map.ebs.respond_to?("iops") print "\n" end print "#{ui.color("===========================", :magenta)}\n" if config[:ebs_size] volume_size = ami.block_device_mappings[0].ebs.volume_size if volume_size.to_i < config[:ebs_size].to_i volume_too_large_warning = "#{config[:ebs_size]}GB " + "EBS volume size is larger than size set in AMI of " + "#{volume_size}GB.\n" + "Use file system tools to make use of the increased volume size." msg_pair("Warning", volume_too_large_warning, :yellow) end end end if config[:ebs_optimized] msg_pair("EBS is Optimized", server.ebs_optimized.to_s) end if vpc_mode? msg_pair("Subnet ID", server.subnet_id) msg_pair("Tenancy", server.tenancy) if config[:associate_public_ip] msg_pair("Public DNS Name", server.public_dns_name) end else msg_pair("Public DNS Name", server.public_dns_name) msg_pair("Public IP Address", server.public_ip_address) msg_pair("Private DNS Name", server.private_dns_name) end msg_pair("Private IP Address", server.private_ip_address) msg_pair("Environment", config[:environment] || "_default") msg_pair("Run List", (config[:run_list] || []).join(", ")) if config[:first_boot_attributes] || config[:first_boot_attributes_from_file] msg_pair("JSON Attributes", config[:first_boot_attributes] || config[:first_boot_attributes_from_file]) end end # return the default bootstrap template based on platform # @return [String] def default_bootstrap_template is_image_windows? ? "windows-chef-client-msi" : "chef-full" end def validation_key_path @validation_key_path ||= begin if URI(Chef::Config[:knife][:validation_key_url]).scheme == "file" URI(Chef::Config[:knife][:validation_key_url]).path else validation_key_tmpfile.path end end end # @return [Tempfile] def validation_key_tmpfile @validation_key_tmpfile ||= Tempfile.new("validation_key") end def download_validation_key(tempfile) Chef::Log.debug "Downloading validation key " \ "<#{Chef::Config[:knife][:validation_key_url]}> to file " \ "<#{tempfile}>" case URI(Chef::Config[:knife][:validation_key_url]).scheme when "s3" File.open(tempfile, "w") { |f| f.write(s3_validation_key) } end end def s3_validation_key @s3_validation_key ||= begin Chef::Knife::S3Source.fetch(Chef::Config[:knife][:validation_key_url]) end end def s3_secret @s3_secret ||= begin return false unless config_value(:s3_secret) Chef::Knife::S3Source.fetch(config_value(:s3_secret)) end end def bootstrap_common_params config[:encrypted_data_bag_secret] = s3_secret || config_value(:secret) config[:encrypted_data_bag_secret_file] = config_value(:secret_file) # retrieving the secret from S3 is unique to knife-ec2, so we need to set "command line secret" to the value fetched from S3 # When linux vm is spawned, the chef's secret option proc function sets the value "command line secret" and this value is used by # chef's code to check if secret option is passed through command line or not Chef::Knife::DataBagSecretOptions.set_cl_secret(s3_secret) if config_value(:s3_secret) config[:secret] = s3_secret || config_value(:secret) # Modify global configuration state to ensure hint gets set by # knife-bootstrap Chef::Config[:knife][:hints] ||= {} Chef::Config[:knife][:hints]["ec2"] ||= {} end def fetch_server_fqdn(ip_addr) require "resolv" Resolv.getname(ip_addr) end def vpc_mode? # Amazon Virtual Private Cloud requires a subnet_id. If # present, do a few things differently !!config_value(:subnet_id) end def validate_name_args! # We don't know the name of our instance yet end def plugin_validate_options! if Chef::Config[:knife].keys.include? :aws_ssh_key_id Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_key_name] = Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_ssh_key_id] unless Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_key_name] Chef::Config[:knife].delete(:aws_ssh_key_id) ui.warn("Use of aws_ssh_key_id option in knife.rb/config.rb config is deprecated, use ssh_key_name option instead.") end validate_aws_config!(%i{image ssh_key_name aws_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key}) validate_nics! if config_value(:network_interfaces) if ami.nil? ui.error("The provided AMI value '#{config_value(:image)}' could not be found. Is this AMI availble in the provided region #{config_value(:region)}?") exit 1 end if vpc_mode? && !!config[:security_groups] ui.error("You are using a VPC, security groups specified with '-G' are not allowed, specify one or more security group ids with '-g' instead.") exit 1 end if !vpc_mode? && !!config[:private_ip_address] ui.error("You can only specify a private IP address if you are using VPC.") exit 1 end if config[:dedicated_instance] && !vpc_mode? ui.error("You can only specify a Dedicated Instance if you are using VPC.") exit 1 end if !vpc_mode? && config[:associate_public_ip] ui.error("--associate-public-ip option only applies to VPC instances, and you have not specified a subnet id.") exit 1 end if config[:associate_eip] eips = ec2_connection.describe_addresses.addresses.collect { |addr| addr if addr.domain == eip_scope }.compact unless eips.detect { |addr| addr.public_ip == config[:associate_eip] && addr.instance_id.nil? } ui.error("Elastic IP requested is not available.") exit 1 end end if config[:ebs_provisioned_iops] && (config[:ebs_volume_type] != "io1") ui.error("--provisioned-iops option is only supported for volume type of 'io1'") exit 1 end if (config[:ebs_volume_type] == "io1") && config[:ebs_provisioned_iops].nil? ui.error("--provisioned-iops option is required when using volume type of 'io1'") exit 1 end if config[:ebs_volume_type] && ! %w{gp2 io1 standard}.include?(config[:ebs_volume_type]) ui.error("--ebs-volume-type must be 'standard' or 'io1' or 'gp2'") msg opt_parser exit 1 end if config[:security_groups] && config[:security_groups].class == String ui.error("Invalid value type for knife[:security_groups] in knife configuration file (i.e knife.rb/config.rb). Type should be array. e.g - knife[:security_groups] = ['sgroup1']") exit 1 end # Validation for security_group_ids passed through knife.rb/config.rb. It will raise error if values are not provided in Array. if config_value(:security_group_ids) && config_value(:security_group_ids).class == String ui.error("Invalid value type for knife[:security_group_ids] in knife configuration file (i.e knife.rb/config.rb). Type should be array. e.g - knife[:security_group_ids] = ['sgroup1']") exit 1 end if config[:classic_link_vpc_id].nil? ^ config[:classic_link_vpc_security_group_ids].nil? ui.error("--classic-link-vpc-id and --classic-link-vpc-security-group-ids must be used together") exit 1 end if vpc_mode? && config[:classic_link_vpc_id] ui.error("You can only use ClassicLink if you are not using a VPC") exit 1 end if config_value(:ebs_encrypted) error_message = "" errors = [] # validation for flavor and ebs_encrypted if !config_value(:flavor) ui.error("--ebs-encrypted option requires valid flavor to be specified.") exit 1 elsif config_value(:ebs_encrypted) && ! %w{m3.medium m3.large m3.xlarge m3.2xlarge m4.large m4.xlarge m4.2xlarge m4.4xlarge m4.10xlarge m4.16xlarge t2.nano t2.micro t2.small t2.medium t2.large t2.xlarge t2.2xlarge d2.xlarge d2.2xlarge d2.4xlarge d2.8xlarge c4.large c4.xlarge c4.2xlarge c4.4xlarge c4.8xlarge c3.large c3.xlarge c3.2xlarge c3.4xlarge c3.8xlarge cr1.8xlarge r3.large r3.xlarge r3.2xlarge r3.4xlarge r3.8xlarge r4.large r4.xlarge r4.2xlarge r4.4xlarge r4.8xlarge r4.16xlarge x1.16xlarge x1.32xlarge i2.xlarge i2.2xlarge i2.4xlarge i2.8xlarge i3.large i3.xlarge i3.2xlarge i3.4xlarge i3.8xlarge i3.16xlarge f1.2xlarge f1.16xlarge g2.2xlarge g2.8xlarge p2.xlarge p2.8xlarge p2.16xlarge}.include?(config_value(:flavor)) ui.error("--ebs-encrypted option is not supported for #{config_value(:flavor)} flavor.") exit 1 end # validation for ebs_size and ebs_volume_type and ebs_encrypted if !config_value(:ebs_size) errors << "--ebs-encrypted option requires valid --ebs-size to be specified." elsif (config_value(:ebs_volume_type) == "gp2") && ! config_value(:ebs_size).to_i.between?(1, 16384) errors << "--ebs-size should be in between 1-16384 for 'gp2' ebs volume type." elsif (config_value(:ebs_volume_type) == "io1") && ! config_value(:ebs_size).to_i.between?(4, 16384) errors << "--ebs-size should be in between 4-16384 for 'io1' ebs volume type." elsif (config_value(:ebs_volume_type) == "standard") && ! config_value(:ebs_size).to_i.between?(1, 1024) errors << "--ebs-size should be in between 1-1024 for 'standard' ebs volume type." end if errors.each { |e| error_message = "#{error_message} #{e}" }.any? ui.error(error_message) exit 1 end end if config_value(:spot_price) && config_value(:disable_api_termination) ui.error("spot-price and disable-api-termination options cannot be passed together as 'Termination Protection' cannot be enabled for spot instances.") exit 1 end if config_value(:spot_price).nil? && config_value(:spot_wait_mode) unless config_value(:spot_wait_mode).casecmp("prompt") == 0 ui.error("spot-wait-mode option requires that a spot-price option is set.") exit 1 end end volume_tags = config_value(:volume_tags) if !volume_tags.nil? && (volume_tags.length != volume_tags.to_s.count("=")) ui.error("Volume Tags should be entered in a key = value pair") exit 1 end if winrm? && config_value(:connection_password).to_s.length > 14 ui.warn("The password provided is longer than 14 characters. Computers with Windows prior to Windows 2000 will not be able to use this account. Do you want to continue this operation? (Y/N):") password_promt = STDIN.gets.chomp.upcase if password_promt == "N" raise "Exiting as operation with password greater than 14 characters not accepted" elsif password_promt == "Y" @allow_long_password = "/yes" else raise "The input provided is incorrect." end end if config_value(:chef_tag) # If --chef-tag is provided then it will be set in chef as single value e.g. --chef-tag "myTag" # --tags has been removed from knife-ec2, now it's available in core config[:tags] += config_value(:chef_tag) ui.warn("[DEPRECATED] --chef-tag option is deprecated and will be removed in future release. Use --tags TAGS option instead.") end if config_value(:cpu_credits) && !config_value(:flavor) ui.error("Instance type should be specified and should be any of T2/T3 type.") exit 1 end end def parse_aws_tags tags = config_value(:aws_tag) if !tags.nil? && (tags.length != tags.to_s.count("=")) ui.error("AWS Tags should be entered in a key = value pair") exit 1 end tags end def eip_scope if vpc_mode? "vpc" else "standard" end end def ssl_config_user_data user_related_commands = "" user = connection_user.split("\\") if (user[0] == ".") || (user[0] == "") || (user.length == 1) user_related_commands = <<~EOH net user /add #{connection_user.delete('.\\')} #{windows_password} #{@allow_long_password}; net localgroup Administrators /add #{connection_user.delete('.\\')}; EOH end <<~EOH #{user_related_commands} If (-Not (Get-Service WinRM | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "Running"})) { winrm quickconfig -q } If (winrm e winrm/config/listener | Select-String -Pattern " Transport = HTTP\\b" -Quiet) { winrm delete winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP } $vm_name = invoke-restmethod -uri If (-Not $vm_name) { $vm_name = invoke-restmethod -uri } $name = new-object -com "X509Enrollment.CX500DistinguishedName.1" $name.Encode("CN=$vm_name", 0) $key = new-object -com "X509Enrollment.CX509PrivateKey.1" $key.ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" $key.KeySpec = 1 $key.Length = 2048 $key.SecurityDescriptor = "D:PAI(A;;0xd01f01ff;;;SY)(A;;0xd01f01ff;;;BA)(A;;0x80120089;;;NS)" $key.MachineContext = 1 $key.Create() $serverauthoid = new-object -com "X509Enrollment.CObjectId.1" $serverauthoid.InitializeFromValue("") $ekuoids = new-object -com "X509Enrollment.CObjectIds.1" $ekuoids.add($serverauthoid) $ekuext = new-object -com "X509Enrollment.CX509ExtensionEnhancedKeyUsage.1" $ekuext.InitializeEncode($ekuoids) $cert = new-object -com "X509Enrollment.CX509CertificateRequestCertificate.1" $cert.InitializeFromPrivateKey(2, $key, "") $cert.Subject = $name $cert.Issuer = $cert.Subject $cert.NotBefore = get-date $cert.NotAfter = $cert.NotBefore.AddYears(10) $cert.X509Extensions.Add($ekuext) $cert.Encode() $enrollment = new-object -com "X509Enrollment.CX509Enrollment.1" $enrollment.InitializeFromRequest($cert) $certdata = $enrollment.CreateRequest(0) $enrollment.InstallResponse(2, $certdata, 0, "") $thumbprint = (Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\\localmachine\\my | Where-Object {$_.Subject -match "$vm_name"}).Thumbprint; $create_listener_cmd = "winrm create winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS '@{Hostname=`"$vm_name`";CertificateThumbprint=`"$thumbprint`"}'" iex $create_listener_cmd netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM HTTPS" protocol=TCP dir=in Localport=5986 remoteport=any action=allow localip=any remoteip=any profile=any enable=yes EOH end def ssl_config_data_already_exist? File.read(config_value(:aws_user_data)).gsub(/\\\\/, "\\").include? ssl_config_user_data.strip end def process_user_data(script_lines) unless ssl_config_data_already_exist? ps_start_tag = "\n" ps_end_tag = "\n" ps_start_tag_index = script_lines.index(ps_start_tag) || script_lines.index(ps_start_tag.strip) ps_end_tag_index = script_lines.index(ps_end_tag) || script_lines.index(ps_end_tag.strip) case when ( ps_start_tag_index && !ps_end_tag_index ) || ( !ps_start_tag_index && ps_end_tag_index ) ui.error("Provided user_data file is invalid.") exit 1 when ps_start_tag_index && ps_end_tag_index script_lines[ps_end_tag_index] = ssl_config_user_data + ps_end_tag when !ps_start_tag_index && !ps_end_tag_index script_lines.insert(-1, "\n\n" + ps_start_tag + ssl_config_user_data + ps_end_tag) end end script_lines end # base64-encoded text def encode_data(text) require "base64" Base64.encode64(text) end def spot_instances_attributes attributes = { instance_count: 1, launch_specification: server_attributes, spot_price: config_value(:spot_price), type: config_value(:spot_request_type), } end def server_attributes attributes = { image_id: config_value(:image), instance_type: config_value(:flavor), groups: config[:security_groups], key_name: config_value(:ssh_key_name), max_count: 1, min_count: 1, placement: { availability_zone: config_value(:availability_zone), }, } network_attrs = {} if !!config_value(:primary_eni) network_attrs[:network_interface_id] = config_value(:primary_eni) elsif vpc_mode? network_attrs[:subnet_id] = config_value(:subnet_id) end if vpc_mode? network_attrs[:groups] = config_value(:security_group_ids) if !!config_value(:security_group_ids) network_attrs[:private_ip_address] = config_value(:private_ip_address) network_attrs[:associate_public_ip_address] = config_value(:associate_public_ip) end if network_attrs.length > 0 network_attrs[:device_index] = 0 attributes[:network_interfaces] = [network_attrs] else attributes[:security_group_ids] = config_value(:security_group_ids) end attributes[:placement][:group_name] = config_value(:placement_group) attributes[:placement][:tenancy] = "dedicated" if vpc_mode? && config_value(:dedicated_instance) attributes[:iam_instance_profile] = {} attributes[:iam_instance_profile][:name] = config_value(:iam_instance_profile) if config_value(:winrm_ssl) if config_value(:aws_user_data) begin user_data = File.readlines(config_value(:aws_user_data)) if config[:create_ssl_listener] user_data = process_user_data(user_data) end user_data = user_data.join attributes.merge!(user_data: encode_data(user_data)) rescue ui.warn("Cannot read #{config_value(:aws_user_data)}: #{$!.inspect}. Ignoring option.") end else if config[:create_ssl_listener] attributes[:user_data] = encode_data("\n" + ssl_config_user_data + "\n") end end else if config_value(:aws_user_data) begin user_data = File.read(config_value(:aws_user_data)) attributes.merge!(user_data: encode_data(user_data)) rescue ui.warn("Cannot read #{config_value(:aws_user_data)}: #{$!.inspect}. Ignoring option.") end end end attributes[:ebs_optimized] = !!config_value(:ebs_optimized) if ami.root_device_type == "ebs" if config_value(:ebs_encrypted) ami_map = ami.block_device_mappings[1] else ami_map = ami.block_device_mappings.first end ebs_size = begin if config[:ebs_size] Integer(config[:ebs_size]).to_s else ami_map.ebs.volume_size.to_s if ami_map.ebs.respond_to?(:volume_size) end rescue ArgumentError puts "--ebs-size must be an integer" msg opt_parser exit 1 end delete_term = if config[:ebs_no_delete_on_term] "false" else ami_map.ebs.delete_on_termination if ami_map.ebs.respond_to?(:delete_on_termination) end iops_rate = begin if config[:ebs_provisioned_iops] Integer(config[:ebs_provisioned_iops]).to_s else ami_map.ebs.iops.to_s if ami_map.ebs.respond_to?(:iops) end rescue ArgumentError puts "--provisioned-iops must be an integer" msg opt_parser exit 1 end attributes[:block_device_mappings] = [{ device_name: ami_map.device_name, ebs: { delete_on_termination: delete_term, volume_size: ebs_size, volume_type: config[:ebs_volume_type], # accepts standard, io1, gp2, sc1, st1 }, }] attributes[:block_device_mappings][0][:ebs][:iops] = iops_rate unless iops_rate.nil? || iops_rate.empty? attributes[:block_device_mappings][0][:ebs][:encrypted] = true if config_value(:ebs_encrypted) end if config[:ephemeral] && config[:ephemeral].length > 0 ephemeral_blocks = [] config[:ephemeral].each_with_index do |device_name, i| ephemeral_blocks << { virtual_name: "ephemeral#{i}", device_name: device_name, ebs: { volume_size: ebs_size } } end attributes[:block_device_mappings] += ephemeral_blocks end ## cannot pass disable_api_termination option to the API when using spot instances ## attributes[:disable_api_termination] = config_value(:disable_api_termination) if config_value(:spot_price).nil? attributes[:instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior] = config_value(:instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior) attributes[:credit_specification] = { cpu_credits: config[:cpu_credits], } attributes end def create_ec2_instance(attributes) ec2_connection.run_instances(attributes) end def spot_instances_wait_until_ready(spot_request_id) ec2_connection.wait_until( :spot_instance_request_fulfilled, spot_instance_request_ids: [spot_request_id] ).spot_instance_requests[0] rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed => error puts "failed waiting for spot request fulfill: #{error.message}" end def instances_wait_until_ready(instance_id) ec2_connection.wait_until(:instance_running, instance_ids: [instance_id]) do |w| w.max_attempts = max_attempts end rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed => error puts "failed waiting for instance running: #{error.message}" end def max_attempts delay = 15 # Default Delay for waiter attempts = 40 # Default max attempts for waiter if config_value(:aws_connection_timeout) attempts = (config_value(:aws_connection_timeout).to_f / delay).to_i end attempts end def wait_for_sshd(hostname) ssh_gateway = get_ssh_gateway_for(hostname) ssh_gateway ? wait_for_tunnelled_sshd(ssh_gateway, hostname) : wait_for_direct_sshd(hostname, connection_port) end def get_ssh_gateway_for(hostname) if config[:ssh_gateway] # The ssh_gateway specified in the knife config (if any) takes # precedence over anything in the SSH configuration Chef::Log.debug("Using ssh gateway #{config[:ssh_gateway]} from knife config") config[:ssh_gateway] else # Next, check if the SSH configuration has a ProxyCommand # directive for this host. If there is one, parse out the # host from the proxy command ssh_proxy = Net::SSH::Config.for(hostname)[:proxy] if ssh_proxy.respond_to?(:command_line_template) # ssh gateway_hostname nc %h %p proxy_pattern = /ssh\s+(\S+)\s+nc/ matchdata = proxy_pattern.match(ssh_proxy.command_line_template) if matchdata.nil? Chef::Log.debug("Unable to determine ssh gateway for '#{hostname}' from ssh config template: #{ssh_proxy.command_line_template}") nil else # Return hostname extracted from command line template Chef::Log.debug("Using ssh gateway #{matchdata[1]} from ssh config") matchdata[1] end else # Return nil if we cannot find an ssh_gateway Chef::Log.debug("No ssh gateway found, making a direct connection") nil end end end def wait_for_tunnelled_sshd(ssh_gateway, hostname) initial = true print(".") until tunnel_test_ssh(ssh_gateway, hostname) do if initial initial = false sleep (vpc_mode? ? 40 : 10) else sleep 10 end puts("done") end end def tunnel_test_ssh(ssh_gateway, hostname, &block) status = false gateway = configure_ssh_gateway(ssh_gateway) gateway.open(hostname, connection_port) do |local_tunnel_port| status = tcp_test_ssh("localhost", local_tunnel_port, &block) end status rescue SocketError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ENETUNREACH, IOError sleep 2 false rescue Errno::EPERM, Errno::ETIMEDOUT false end def configure_ssh_gateway(ssh_gateway) gw_host, gw_user = ssh_gateway.split("@").reverse gw_host, gw_port = gw_host.split(":") gateway_options = { port: gw_port || 22 } # Load the SSH config for the SSH gateway host. # Set the gateway user if it was not part of the # SSH gateway string, and use any configured # SSH keys. ssh_gateway_config = Net::SSH::Config.for(gw_host) gw_user ||= ssh_gateway_config[:user] # Always use the gateway keys from the SSH Config gateway_keys = ssh_gateway_config[:keys] # Use the keys specificed on the command line if available (overrides SSH Config) if config[:ssh_gateway_identity] gateway_keys = Array(config_value(:ssh_gateway_identity)) end unless gateway_keys.nil? gateway_options[:keys] = gateway_keys end Net::SSH::Gateway.new(gw_host, gw_user, gateway_options) end def wait_for_direct_sshd(hostname, ssh_port) initial = true print(".") until tcp_test_ssh(hostname, ssh_port) do if initial initial = false sleep (vpc_mode? ? 40 : 10) else sleep 10 end puts("done") end end # @return [Boolean] def subnet_public_ip_on_launch? return false unless server.subnet_id subnet = fetch_subnet(server.subnet_id) subnet.map_public_ip_on_launch end # Assign connection host based on attribute passed # @return [String] def connection_host @connection_host ||= server.send(connect_attribute) puts "\nSSH Target Address: #{@connection_host}(#{connect_attribute})" @connection_host end # Identify connection attribute if: # Option --server-connect-attribute is set. # For VPC mode check if public IP or elastic IP has been requested. # Otherwise assign public DNS or public IP. # @return [String] def connect_attribute @connect_attribute ||= begin if !!config[:server_connect_attribute] config[:server_connect_attribute] elsif vpc_mode? && !(subnet_public_ip_on_launch? || config[:associate_public_ip] || config[:associate_eip]) "private_ip_address" else server.public_dns_name ? "public_dns_name" : "public_ip_address" end end end def create_tags(hashed_tags) request_tags = [] hashed_tags.each_pair do |key, val| request_tags << { key: key, value: val } end if request_tags.length > 0 ec2_connection.create_tags(tags: request_tags, resources: [server.id]) end end def create_volume_tags(hashed_volume_tags) request_tags = [] hashed_volume_tags.each_pair do |key, val| request_tags << { key: key, value: val } end if request_tags.length > 0 ec2_connection.create_tags(tags: request_tags, resources: [server.volume_id]) end end def associate_address(elastic_ip) ec2_connection.associate_address({ allocation_id: elastic_ip.allocation_id, instance_id: server.id, }) end def validate_nics! params = {} if vpc_mode? network_attrs = { name: "vpc_id", value: [vpc_id] } params["filters"] = [network_attrs] end interfaces = ec2_connection.describe_network_interfaces(params) valid_nic_ids = interfaces.network_interfaces.map(&:network_interface_id) invalid_nic_ids = config_value(:network_interfaces) - valid_nic_ids return true if invalid_nic_ids.empty? ui.error "The following network interfaces are invalid: " \ "#{invalid_nic_ids.join(", ")}" exit 1 end def vpc_id @vpc_id ||= fetch_subnet(locate_config_value(:subnet_id)).vpc_id end def wait_for_nic_attachment attached_nics_count = 0 until attached_nics_count == config_value(:network_interfaces).count attachment_nics = locate_config_value(:network_interfaces).map do |nic_id| fetch_network_interfaces(nic_id).attachment.status end attached_nics_count = attachment_nics.grep("attached").count end end def attach_nics attachments = [] config[:network_interfaces].each_with_index do |nic_id, index| attachments << ec2_connection.attach_network_interface({ device_index: index + 1, instance_id: server.id, network_interface_id: nic_id, }) end wait_for_nic_attachment attachments end def enable_classic_link(vpc_id, security_group_ids) ec2_connection.attach_classic_link_vpc({ instance_id: server.id, groups: security_group_ids, vpc_id: vpc_id, }) end # disable_source_dest_check option is used to set value of source_dest_check attribute in ec2. # By default the source destination check is enabled in ec2. # This value must be disable for a NAT instance to perform NAT. def disable_source_dest_check ec2_connection.modify_instance_attribute({ source_dest_check: { value: false, }, instance_id: server.id, }) end def tcp_test_winrm(ip_addr, port) tcp_socket = TCPSocket.new(ip_addr, port) yield true rescue SocketError sleep 2 false rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT false rescue Errno::EPERM false rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED sleep 2 false rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH sleep 2 false rescue Errno::ENETUNREACH sleep 2 false ensure tcp_socket && tcp_socket.close end def tcp_test_ssh(hostname, ssh_port) tcp_socket = TCPSocket.new(hostname, ssh_port) readable = IO.select([tcp_socket], nil, nil, 5) if readable ssh_banner = tcp_socket.gets if ssh_banner.nil? || ssh_banner.empty? false else Chef::Log.debug("sshd accepting connections on #{hostname}, banner is #{ssh_banner}") yield true end else false end rescue SocketError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ENETUNREACH, Errno::ENOTCONN, IOError Chef::Log.debug("ssh failed to connect: #{hostname}") sleep 2 false rescue Errno::EPERM, Errno::ETIMEDOUT Chef::Log.debug("ssh timed out: #{hostname}") false # This happens on some mobile phone networks rescue Errno::ECONNRESET Chef::Log.debug("ssh reset its connection: #{hostname}") sleep 2 false ensure tcp_socket && tcp_socket.close end def decrypt_admin_password(encoded_password, key) require "base64" require "openssl" private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(key) encrypted_password = Base64.decode64(encoded_password) password = private_key.private_decrypt(encrypted_password) password end def check_windows_password_available(server_id) sleep 10 response = fetch_password_data(server_id) return false unless response.password_data true end def windows_password if not config_value(:connection_password) if config_value(:ssh_identity_file) if server print "\n#{ui.color("Waiting for Windows Admin password to be available: ", :magenta)}" print(".") until check_windows_password_available(server.id) { puts("done") } response = fetch_password_data(server.id) data = File.read(locate_config_value(:ssh_identity_file)) config[:connection_password] = decrypt_admin_password(response.password_data, data) else print "\n#{ui.color("Fetchig instance details: \n", :magenta)}" end else ui.error("Cannot find SSH Identity file, required to fetch dynamically generated password") exit 1 end else config_value(:connection_password) end end # Returns the name of node after evaluation of server id if %s is present. # Eg: "Test-%s" will return "Test-i-12345" in case the instance id is i-12345 def evaluate_node_name(node_name) node_name % server.id end # TODO: connection_protocol and connection_port used to choose winrm/ssh or 5985/22 based on the image chosen def connection_port port = config_value(:connection_port, knife_key_for_protocol(connection_protocol, :port)) return port if port assign_default_port end # Set default port 5986 if winrm_ssl return true otherwise set it to 5985 # Set default port 22 for ssh protocol # @return [Integer] def assign_default_port if winrm? config_value(:winrm_ssl) ? 5986 : 5985 else 22 end end # url values override CLI flags, if you provide both # we'll use the one that you gave in the URL. def connection_protocol return @connection_protocol if @connection_protocol default_protocol = is_image_windows? ? "winrm" : "ssh" from_url = host_descriptor =~ %r{^(.*)://} ? $1 : nil from_cli = config[:connection_protocol] from_knife = Chef::Config[:knife][:connection_protocol] @connection_protocol = from_url || from_cli || from_knife || default_protocol end def connection_user @connection_user ||= config_value(:connection_user, knife_key_for_protocol(connection_protocol, :user)) end def server_name return nil unless server server.public_dns_name || server.private_dns_name || server.private_ip_address end alias host_descriptor server_name # If we don't specify a security group or security group id, Fog will # pick the appropriate default one. In case of a VPC we don't know the # default security group id at this point unless we look it up, hence # 'default' is printed if no id was specified. def printed_security_groups if server.groups server.groups.join(", ") else "default" end end def printed_security_group_ids if server.security_group_ids server.security_group_ids.join(", ") else "default" end end def hashed_volume_tags hvt = {} volume_tags = config_value(:volume_tags) volume_tags.map { |t| key, val = t.split("="); hvt[key] = val } unless volume_tags.nil? hvt end def printed_volume_tags hashed_volume_tags.map { |tag, val| "#{tag}: #{val}" }.join(", ") end def hashed_tags ht = {} parse_aws_tags.map { |t| key, val = t.split("="); ht[key] = val } unless parse_aws_tags.nil? # Always set the Name tag unless ht.keys.include? "Name" if config_value(:chef_node_name) ht["Name"] = evaluate_node_name(config_value(:chef_node_name)) else ht["Name"] = server.id end end ht end def printed_aws_tags hashed_tags.map { |tag, val| "#{tag}: #{val}" }.join(", ") end def printed_t2_t3_unlimited if config[:cpu_credits] == "unlimited" "Enabled" else "Disabled" end end def reload_server_data_required? !!config[:associate_eip] || !!config[:classic_link_vpc_id] || !!config[:network_interfaces] end end end end