# frozen_string_literal: true require 'base64' require 'stringio' require 'zlib' module Sprockets # Internal: HTTP transport encoding and charset detecting related functions. # Mixed into Environment. module EncodingUtils extend self ## Binary encodings ## # Public: Use deflate to compress data. # # str - String data # # Returns a compressed String def deflate(str) deflater = Zlib::Deflate.new( Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION, -Zlib::MAX_WBITS, Zlib::MAX_MEM_LEVEL, Zlib::DEFAULT_STRATEGY ) deflater << str deflater.finish end # Internal: Unmarshal optionally deflated data. # # Checks leading marshal header to see if the bytes are uncompressed # otherwise inflate the data an unmarshal. # # str - Marshaled String # window_bits - Integer deflate window size. See ZLib::Inflate.new() # # Returns unmarshaled Object or raises an Exception. def unmarshaled_deflated(str, window_bits = -Zlib::MAX_WBITS) major, minor = str[0], str[1] if major && major.ord == Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION && minor && minor.ord <= Marshal::MINOR_VERSION marshaled = str else begin marshaled = Zlib::Inflate.new(window_bits).inflate(str) rescue Zlib::DataError marshaled = str end end Marshal.load(marshaled) end # Public: Use gzip to compress data. # # str - String data # # Returns a compressed String def gzip(str) io = StringIO.new gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(io, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION) gz.mtime = 1 gz << str gz.finish io.string end # Public: Use base64 to encode data. # # str - String data # # Returns a encoded String def base64(str) Base64.strict_encode64(str) end ## Charset encodings ## # Internal: Shorthand aliases for detecter functions. CHARSET_DETECT = {} # Internal: Mapping unicode encodings to byte order markers. BOM = { Encoding::UTF_32LE => [0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00], Encoding::UTF_32BE => [0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF], Encoding::UTF_8 => [0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF], Encoding::UTF_16LE => [0xFF, 0xFE], Encoding::UTF_16BE => [0xFE, 0xFF] } # Public: Basic string detecter. # # Attempts to parse any Unicode BOM otherwise falls back to the # environment's external encoding. # # str - ASCII-8BIT encoded String # # Returns encoded String. def detect(str) str = detect_unicode_bom(str) # Attempt Charlock detection if str.encoding == Encoding::BINARY charlock_detect(str) end # Fallback to environment's external encoding if str.encoding == Encoding::BINARY str.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external) end str end CHARSET_DETECT[:default] = method(:detect) # Internal: Use Charlock Holmes to detect encoding. # # To enable this code path, require 'charlock_holmes' # # Returns encoded String. def charlock_detect(str) if defined? CharlockHolmes::EncodingDetector if detected = CharlockHolmes::EncodingDetector.detect(str) str.force_encoding(detected[:encoding]) if detected[:encoding] end end str end # Public: Detect Unicode string. # # Attempts to parse Unicode BOM and falls back to UTF-8. # # str - ASCII-8BIT encoded String # # Returns encoded String. def detect_unicode(str) str = detect_unicode_bom(str) # Fallback to UTF-8 if str.encoding == Encoding::BINARY str.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end str end CHARSET_DETECT[:unicode] = method(:detect_unicode) # Public: Detect and strip BOM from possible unicode string. # # str - ASCII-8BIT encoded String # # Returns UTF 8/16/32 encoded String without BOM or the original String if # no BOM was present. def detect_unicode_bom(str) bom_bytes = str.byteslice(0, 4).bytes.to_a BOM.each do |encoding, bytes| if bom_bytes[0, bytes.size] == bytes str = str.dup str.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) str.slice!(0, bytes.size) str.force_encoding(encoding) return str end end return str end # Public: Detect and strip @charset from CSS style sheet. # # str - String. # # Returns a encoded String. def detect_css(str) str = detect_unicode_bom(str) if name = scan_css_charset(str) encoding = Encoding.find(name) str = str.dup str.force_encoding(encoding) len = "@charset \"#{name}\";".encode(encoding).size str.slice!(0, len) str end # Fallback to UTF-8 if str.encoding == Encoding::BINARY str.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end str end CHARSET_DETECT[:css] = method(:detect_css) # Internal: @charset bytes CHARSET_START = [0x40, 0x63, 0x68, 0x61, 0x72, 0x73, 0x65, 0x74, 0x20, 0x22] CHARSET_SIZE = CHARSET_START.size # Internal: Scan binary CSS string for @charset encoding name. # # str - ASCII-8BIT encoded String # # Returns encoding String name or nil. def scan_css_charset(str) buf = [] i = 0 str.each_byte.each do |byte| # Halt on line breaks break if byte == 0x0A || byte == 0x0D # Only ascii bytes next unless 0x0 < byte && byte <= 0xFF if i < CHARSET_SIZE elsif i == CHARSET_SIZE if buf == CHARSET_START buf = [] else break end elsif byte == 0x22 return buf.pack('C*') end buf << byte i += 1 end nil end # Public: Detect charset from HTML document. # # Attempts to parse any Unicode BOM otherwise attempt Charlock detection # and finally falls back to the environment's external encoding. # # str - String. # # Returns a encoded String. def detect_html(str) str = detect_unicode_bom(str) # Attempt Charlock detection if str.encoding == Encoding::BINARY charlock_detect(str) end # Fallback to environment's external encoding if str.encoding == Encoding::BINARY str.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external) end str end CHARSET_DETECT[:html] = method(:detect_html) end end