# rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength,Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/LineLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/ParameterLists # rubocop:disable Style/PredicateName,Style/Next # rubocop:disable Lint/Void module TimezoneFinder class Helpers # tests if a point pX(x,y) is Left|On|Right of an infinite line from p1 to p2 # Return: 2 for pX left of the line from! p1 to! p2 # 1 for pX on the line [is not needed] # 0 for pX right of the line # this approach is only valid because we already know that y lies within ]y1;y2] def self.position_to_line(x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2) if x1 < x2 # p2 is further right than p1 if x > x2 # pX is further right than p2, if y1 > y2 return 2 else return 0 end end if x < x1 # pX is further left than p1 if y1 > y2 # so it has to be right of the line p1-p2 return 0 else return 2 end end x1gtx2 = false else # p1 is further right than p2 if x > x1 # pX is further right than p1, if y1 > y2 # so it has to be left of the line p1-p2 return 2 else return 0 end end if x < x2 # pX is further left than p2, if y1 > y2 # so it has to be right of the line p1-p2 return 0 else return 2 end end # TODO: is not return also accepted if x1 == x2 && x == x1 # could also be equal return 1 end # x1 greater than x2 x1gtx2 = true end # x is between [x1;x2] # compute the x-intersection of the point with the line p1-p2 # delta_y cannot be 0 here because of the condition 'y lies within ]y1;y2]' # NOTE: bracket placement is important here (we are dealing with 64-bit ints!). first divide then multiply! delta_x = ((y - y1) * ((x2 - x1).fdiv(y2 - y1))) + x1 - x if delta_x > 0 if x1gtx2 if y1 > y2 return 0 else return 2 end else if y1 > y2 return 0 else return 2 end end elsif delta_x == 0 return 1 else if x1gtx2 if y1 > y2 return 2 else return 0 end else if y1 > y2 return 2 else return 0 end end end end def self.inside_polygon(x, y, coords) wn = 0 i = 0 y1 = coords[1][0] # TODO: why start with both y1=y2= y[0]? coords[1].each do |y2| if y1 < y if y2 >= y x1 = coords[0][i - 1] x2 = coords[0][i] # print(long2coord(x), long2coord(y), long2coord(x1), long2coord(x2), long2coord(y1), long2coord(y2), # position_to_line(x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2)) if position_to_line(x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2) == 2 # point is left of line # return true when its on the line?! this is very unlikely to happen! # and would need to be checked every time! wn += 1 end end else if y2 < y x1 = coords[0][i - 1] x2 = coords[0][i] if position_to_line(x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2) == 0 # point is right of line wn -= 1 end end end y1 = y2 i += 1 end y1 = coords[1][-1] y2 = coords[1][0] if y1 < y if y2 >= y x1 = coords[0][-1] x2 = coords[0][0] if position_to_line(x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2) == 2 # point is left of line wn += 1 end end else if y2 < y x1 = coords[0][-1] x2 = coords[0][0] if position_to_line(x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2) == 0 # point is right of line wn -= 1 end end end wn != 0 end def self.all_the_same(pointer, length, id_list) # List mustn't be empty or Null # There is at least one element = id_list[pointer] pointer += 1 while pointer < length return -1 if element != id_list[pointer] pointer += 1 end element end def self.cartesian2rad(x, y, z) [Math.atan2(y, x), Math.asin(z)] end def self.radians(x) x * Math::PI / 180.0 end def self.degrees(x) x * 180.0 / Math::PI end def self.cartesian2coords(x, y, z) [degrees(Math.atan2(y, x)), degrees(Math.asin(z))] end def self.x_rotate(rad, point) # Attention: this rotation uses radians! # x stays the same sin_rad = Math.sin(rad) cos_rad = Math.cos(rad) [point[0], point[1] * cos_rad + point[2] * sin_rad, point[2] * cos_rad - point[1] * sin_rad] end def self.y_rotate(degree, point) # y stays the same degree = radians(-degree) sin_rad = Math.sin(degree) cos_rad = Math.cos(degree) [point[0] * cos_rad - point[2] * sin_rad, point[1], point[0] * sin_rad + point[2] * cos_rad] end def self.coords2cartesian(lng, lat) lng = radians(lng) lat = radians(lat) [Math.cos(lng) * Math.cos(lat), Math.sin(lng) * Math.cos(lat), Math.sin(lat)] end # uses the simplified haversine formula for this special case # :param lng_rad: the longitude of the point in radians # :param lat_rad: the latitude of the point # :param lng_rad_p1: the latitude of the point1 on the equator (lat=0) # :return: distance between the point and p1 (lng_rad_p1,0) in radians def self.distance_to_point_on_equator(lng_rad, lat_rad, lng_rad_p1) 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt((Math.sin(lat_rad) / 2)**2 + Math.cos(lat_rad) * Math.sin((lng_rad - lng_rad_p1) / 2.0)**2)) end # :param lng_p1: the longitude of point 1 in radians # :param lat_p1: the latitude of point 1 in radians # :param lng_p2: the longitude of point 1 in radians # :param lat_p2: the latitude of point 1 in radians # :return: distance between p1 and p2 in radians def self.haversine(lng_p1, lat_p1, lng_p2, lat_p2) 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.sin((lat_p1 - lat_p2) / 2.0)**2 + Math.cos(lat_p2) * Math.cos(lat_p1) * Math.sin((lng_p1 - lng_p2) / 2.0)**2)) end # :param lng: lng of px in degree # :param lat: lat of px in degree # :param p0_lng: lng of p0 in degree # :param p0_lat: lat of p0 in degree # :param pm1_lng: lng of pm1 in degree # :param pm1_lat: lat of pm1 in degree # :param p1_lng: lng of p1 in degree # :param p1_lat: lat of p1 in degree # :return: shortest distance between pX and the polygon section (pm1---p0---p1) in radians def self.compute_min_distance(lng, lat, p0_lng, p0_lat, pm1_lng, pm1_lat, p1_lng, p1_lat) # rotate coordinate system (= all the points) so that p0 would have lat=lng=0 (=origin) # z rotation is simply substracting the lng # convert the points to the cartesian coorinate system px_cartesian = coords2cartesian(lng - p0_lng, lat) p1_cartesian = coords2cartesian(p1_lng - p0_lng, p1_lat) pm1_cartesian = coords2cartesian(pm1_lng - p0_lng, pm1_lat) px_cartesian = y_rotate(p0_lat, px_cartesian) p1_cartesian = y_rotate(p0_lat, p1_cartesian) pm1_cartesian = y_rotate(p0_lat, pm1_cartesian) # for both p1 and pm1 separately do: # rotate coordinate system so that this point also has lat=0 (p0 does not change!) rotation_rad = Math.atan2(p1_cartesian[2], p1_cartesian[1]) p1_cartesian = x_rotate(rotation_rad, p1_cartesian) lng_p1_rad = Math.atan2(p1_cartesian[1], p1_cartesian[0]) px_retrans_rad = cartesian2rad(*x_rotate(rotation_rad, px_cartesian)) # if lng of px is between 0 (<-point1) and lng of point 2: # the distance between point x and the 'equator' is the shortest # if the point is not between p0 and p1 the distance to the closest of the two points should be used # so clamp/clip the lng of px to the interval of [0; lng p1] and compute the distance with it temp_distance = distance_to_point_on_equator(px_retrans_rad[0], px_retrans_rad[1], [[px_retrans_rad[0], lng_p1_rad].min, 0].max) # ATTENTION: vars are being reused. p1 is actually pm1 here! rotation_rad = Math.atan2(pm1_cartesian[2], pm1_cartesian[1]) p1_cartesian = x_rotate(rotation_rad, pm1_cartesian) lng_p1_rad = Math.atan2(p1_cartesian[1], p1_cartesian[0]) px_retrans_rad = cartesian2rad(*x_rotate(rotation_rad, px_cartesian)) [ temp_distance, distance_to_point_on_equator(px_retrans_rad[0], px_retrans_rad[1], [[px_retrans_rad[0], lng_p1_rad].min, 0].max) ].min end def self.int2coord(int32) int32.fdiv(10**7) end def self.coord2int(double) (double * 10**7).to_i end def self.distance_to_polygon(lng, lat, nr_points, points, trans_points) # transform all points (long long) to coords (0...nr_points).each do |i| trans_points[0][i] = int2coord(points[0][i]) trans_points[1][i] = int2coord(points[1][i]) end # check points -2, -1, 0 first pm1_lng = trans_points[0][0] pm1_lat = trans_points[1][0] p1_lng = trans_points[0][-2] p1_lat = trans_points[1][-2] min_distance = compute_min_distance(lng, lat, trans_points[0][-1], trans_points[1][-1], pm1_lng, pm1_lat, p1_lng, p1_lat) index_p0 = 1 index_p1 = 2 (0...(((nr_points / 2.0) - 1).ceil.to_i)).each do |_i| p1_lng = trans_points[0][index_p1] p1_lat = trans_points[1][index_p1] distance = compute_min_distance(lng, lat, trans_points[0][index_p0], trans_points[1][index_p0], pm1_lng, pm1_lat, p1_lng, p1_lat) min_distance = distance if distance < min_distance index_p0 += 2 index_p1 += 2 pm1_lng = p1_lng pm1_lat = p1_lat end min_distance end # Ruby original # like numpy.fromfile def self.fromfile(file, unsigned, byte_width, count) if unsigned case byte_width when 2 unpack_format = 'S>*' end else case byte_width when 4 unpack_format = 'l>*' when 8 unpack_format = 'q>*' end end unless unpack_format fail "#{unsigned ? 'unsigned' : 'signed'} #{byte_width}-byte width is not supported in fromfile" end file.read(count * byte_width).unpack(unpack_format) end end end