require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe "Enum" do it "should provide :to_sym method returning name as symbols" do :green).to_sym.should == :green end it "should store extra columns as a hash without the :enum_class that is passed from other classes" do :green, factor: 1.5, enum_class: == { factor: 1.5 } end context "External enums" do before do define_model_class 'Color', 'ArEnums::Base' do enumeration do red rgb: 0xF00 green rgb: 0x0F0 blue rgb: 0x00F end end define_model_class 'State', 'ArEnums::Base' do enumeration do on id: 80 off id: 90 end end end it "should provide :all method to access the enums" do Color.all[0].should be_enum_with(name: 'red', rgb: 0xF00) Color.all[1].should be_enum_with(name: 'green', rgb: 0x0F0) State.all[0].should be_enum_with(name: 'on', id: 80) State.all[1].should be_enum_with(name: 'off', id: 90) end it "should provide [] method to access the enums" do Color[:red].should be_enum_with(name: 'red') Color['green'].should be_enum_with(name: 'green') Color[2].should be_enum_with(name: 'green') end end context "finders" do it "find_all_by_id" do Color.find_all_by_id([1, 2, 3, 4]).should == Color.all Color.find_all_by_id([1, 3]).should == [:red, :blue] Color.find_all_by_id([]).should == [] end end it "in? should check if == to any" do define_model_class 'Color', 'ArEnums::Base' do enumeration do red rgb: 0xF00 green rgb: 0x0F0 blue rgb: 0x00F end end Color[:red].should be_in :red, :blue Color[:red].should be_in :green, :red, :blue Color[:red].should be_in Color[:red] Color[:red].should_not be_in :blue end it "should work with sets" do[Color[:red]]).intersection([Color[:red].dup])).should have(1).item end it "should be sortable" do [Color[:green], Color[:red]].sort.should == [Color[:red], Color[:green]] end end