class SparkleFormation # Helper utilities module Utils # Type check helpers module TypeCheckers # Validate given value is type defined within valid types # # @param val [Object] value # @param types [Class, Array] valid types # @return [NilClass] # @raises [TypeError] def __t_check(val, types) types = [types] unless types.is_a?(Array) if(types.none?{|t| val.is_a?(t)}) ignore_paths = Gem::Specification.find_by_name('sparkle_formation').full_require_paths file_name, line_no = ::Kernel.caller.detect do |l| ignore_paths.none?{|i_path| l.include?(i_path) } end.split(':')[0, 2] file_name = file_name.to_s.sub(::Dir.pwd, '.') ::Kernel.raise "Received invalid value type `#{val.class}`! " \ "(Allowed types: `#{types.join('`, `')}`) -> #{file_name} @ line #{line_no}" end end # Validate given value is String or Symbol type # # @return [NilClass] # @raises [TypeError] def __t_stringish(val) __t_check(val, [String, Symbol]) end # Validate given value is a Hash type # # @return [NilClass] # @raises [TypeError] def __t_hashish(val) __t_check(val, Hash) end end # Animal stylings on strins module AnimalStrings # Camel case string # @param string [String] # @return [String] def camel(string) string.to_s.split('_').map{|k| "#{k.slice(0, 1).upcase}#{k.slice(1, k.length)}"}.join end # Snake case (underscore) string # # @param string [String] # @return [String] def snake(string) string.to_s.gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').downcase.to_sym end end end # Registry helper class Registry class << self # Initialize registry # # @return [self] def init! @register = self end # Register block # # @param name [String, Symbol] name of item # @yield block to register def register(name, &block) @register[name] = block end # Insert registry item into context # # @param name [String, Symbol] name of item # @param location [AttributeStruct] context to apply block # @param args [Object] argument list for block def insert(name, location, *args) if(block = @register[name]) location.instance_exec(*args, &block) else raise"Requested item not found in registry (#{name})") end end end end # Cache helper class Cache class << self # Get value # # @param k [Object] # @return [Object] def [](k) init! Thread.current[:sparkle_cache][k] end # Set value # # @param k [Object] key # @param v [Object] value # @return [Object] v def []=(k, v) init! Thread.current[:sparkle_cache][k] = v end # Initialize cache within thread # # @return [self] def init! unless(Thread.current[:sparkle_cache]) Thread.current[:sparkle_cache] = {} end self end end end end SfnCache = SparkleFormation::Cache SfnRegistry = SparkleFormation::Registry.init!