#image-group-content-block.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'image_group_content_block') %p A content block responsible for the tiled layout of up to 6 images. %p A red border has been added to the following examples in order to give clearer distinction between images. - (1..6).each do |i| %p should support #{pluralize(i, 'image')}: .style-guide__example-block .image-group-content-block .grid.grid--flush.grid--center - i.times do .grid__cell.grid__cell--50-at-medium = link_to '#', class: 'image-group-content-block__link' do = image_tag 'workarea/core/placeholder.png', class: 'image-group-content-block__image', style: 'width: 960px; height: 360px; border: 1px solid red'